Being on the new frontier is always exciting. However wars are tragic. In StarTrek: New Frontier: The Two Front War by John J. Ordover and Peter David which is 152 pages long was began on Sunday January 9, 2014. I finished the book on Thursday July 8, 2014.
The Excalibur was fighting an unknown vassal. This was its maiden voyage. The ship took on Refugees and was fighting with their oppressors. The Alien sector is at the mercy of scavengers. They needed someone from the cargo ship, which was besides the Excalibur to vouch for their good name and show they truly were on a mission of good will, to the other vessel.
The Excalibur encountered an alien vessel and communicated they would contact them in three minutes, however the Alien Vessel didn't respond. The channel opened and they said they were communicating with there lead ship. The Aliens were peaceful and never had war.
They were a scavenger race.
Part 2
Si Cwan
Zoran was going to lie to Excalubur about their status, but was advised against it by Rojam. The Excalibur destroyed the Marquand and the passengers were all going to the emergency pods. They were going to flush the enemy out. They believed they were on board. Kebron always thinks there is a problem, he says it saves time and energy and lives. They were being fired on by a Starfleet vessel. The runabout spiraled out of control.
Ci Swan had a huge gash on her head. The Marqui ship was hit by phaser fire and destroyed. Si Cwan was dead. She was the only one on board. The others were on a station.
Burgoyne was duel gendered. Burgoyne was attracted to Seler. They met Tholians. The Tholians were going to kill them when they got them. Cwan was almost hit by a plasma burst gun, his jacket was though. Dackow was chasing Cwan. Ci Swan followed Keborn after her altercation with Dackow.
Zoran wanted ten minutes to hunt Ci Swan, then he gave Dakow permission to blow it up. Dr. Selar asked Soleta to come to sickbay, but neither her nor the captain knew why. The away team found a party that greeted them. This place reminded them to a Borg cube, however it was less organized.
This place was like a warehouse of all assimilated technology throughout the galaxy.
Soleta and Selar were in sickbay. Then relocated to the doctors baron quarters. Dr. Soleta asked Selor to grant her Succor. Soleta released Selor from her promise. Selors mom discovered a crashed Romulan vassal and wound up bearing his child. Her father became a smuggler.
Soleta was a product of rape. Soletas mother's dying wish was that she return to Starfleet. Soleta met Voltok during the meld, but never met him in real life.
Zorbon found a bomb but refused to disarm it, because he swore he would not get involved in the war. Cwan released him from that promise and Zorbon defused the bomb. Zorbon couldn't defuse it and the ship blew up. Hufmin asked Calhun for there technology in exchange of the Refugees Calhun brought. Laheera killed Hufmin because of that. They will kill the refugees once an hour until they cooperate. Calhoon ended by promising to blow up the planet once they were done killing the refugees.