I started this book on Thursday September 24, 2015. I completed it on January 20, 2016, It had 274 pages.
"When you destroy something you never learn its worth."
Wislok and his, son Hasmek. Energy is always converted into anther form of energy.
Kirk was on a sub, Cataluna. Kirk cought 2 ray like fish. They picked Serek up and were off to Earth. Kirk and Spock beamed down to Starfleet Campus. Rigelians have group marriages. The Enterprise was escorting the Heart Clan. Denker was the most important.
Spock mind melded with Teska at her request. Wislok killed Pardok with a scalpal. They beamed down to Rigel. Teska screamed because Denker died in front of her as she went to play on Rigel. Teska went on trail for Denkers murder. She used the Mind Meld as defence. Spock helped her with that.
Denkers murder was being investigated. Weapons are discouraged from use on Rigel V. Spock awoke in a coffin and remembered that he was their before but couldn't remember when. The Enterprise was checking out an astroide field. Spock recovered.
Chekov and Kirk led in a shuttlecraft. They got the Romulan beacon and destroyed it.
The beacon had no explosives just a paper with a ransom demand for Hasmeks life, that they should leave an unmanned shuttlecraft.
Spock asked Hemoper why he lied on the witness stand. He said he had to. Spock pointed out Rigel IV could be expelled from the Federation because of its practice of children marrying adults. Serek authorized Kirk to leave a shuttlecraft in the asteroid belt with the computer erased. They were going to use Tribbles to sabotage the shuttlecraft.
Kirk found an Orion dome outside Federation space, they were going down for some entertainment. They beamed down to an empty Plaza. They stumbled into a nice old folks home. The crew found Hasmek and Pardwk there.
Teska wanted to stay on Rigel so she was hiding from Spock. Teska was on the run and found by a group of Rigelians. Teska commandeered and flew a ship thanks to her mind melds with Spock. Kirk led an unsuccessful hunt for Spock and Teska.
Yeremiah Hardt