ST: TOS: The Lost Years is by J.M. Dillard. I began Thursday August 16, 2018.
I completed it on January 21, 2019.
Zukal, high priest of Vulcan, was dying.
"All creatures must prey on others, and compete among themselves; this is the way of survival, the way of life." ST: The Lost Years P. 9
The Enterprise was retuning home--Sulu would receive a promotion--then captaincy. Kirk sponsored Spock's promotion. Spock got asked to teach at the Academy as well. Kirk didn't know why he hadn't received orders yet. He was promised the Victorious. But then they were rescinded. Kirk is being asked to join a Starfleet Diplomatic last resort team.
"Starfleet is expanding to rapidly. There's been too much emphasis on soliciting new members and not enough attention paid to those experiencing internal difficulties. Starfleet doesn't want to talk about Federation members who are disgruntled and want out--but that's what I'm talking about. A very special diplomatic task force....a diplomatic last resort." ST: The Lost Years P. 81
Spock resigned from StarFleet and accepted a teaching position on Vulcan. McCoy was talking to Nogura about how he didn't believe they made a right decision in promoting Kirk.
"Telepathic ability is latent in most humans since the evolutionary trend favored the development of oral speech." ST: The Lost Years P. 134
"Adventures often involve responsibility and, sometimes, death." ST: The Lost Years P. 151
Spock gave Uhura a Vulcan harp.
"What was, was. There is no point in agitating oneself over what one can control." ST: The Lost Years P. 201
Uhura awoke drugged in a prison.
"We all experience a hundred premonitions a day, but most of them never come true. The one time one does, it's simply chance." ST: The Lost Years P. 205
Seker, Spock's oldest friend refused to take leave from Spock. He simply said he was busy and to come back that night. Taking leave was a time honored tradition between two Vulcans that wrapped up any loose ends in their acquaintance. McCoy's girlfriend Gynndellin saw his and Spock's death in a terot reading. She was immensely concerned. Spock said Keridwen was "an esper-blind" someone who could telepathically shut people out. McCoy awoke and found himself taken prisoner on a scout ship, by a Romulan spy, Zakal.
"Religion was a tool created by the state to control the simple minded. Only fools believed in anything higher than themselves. Religion was to be tolerated but never taken to seriously." ST: The Lost Years PP. 256-257
Uhura and Serek were captured by the Djani and given food. Uhura was thankful she was captured with a Vulcan Ambassador. The Djani were talking about putting them to death. Serek misunderstood them and they were spared. McCoy was taken hostage by Sekar on a scout ship.
Zakel of Shanai Kahr- had powers to kill his enemies with thought, this started the Vulcan/Romulan divide. McCoy awoke to find he was abandoned on the scout. A Tellerite took the scout from McCoy abandoning him
On Arcturan each building was veiled by its own force field. McCoy met three women who helped him get a massage to Starfleet. McCoy got help from Ziza and Rrk to get a comm signal. Ziza transformed into Zakel and cut the communication .
"Dijanai are extremely religious--which makes them very difficult to deal with-and apparently they believe the only way to bargain is in person their religion scorns technology; like our Amish, they believe their God wants them to keep it simple." ST Lost Years P .314
"Unrestrained mercy leads to weakness and allows evil to flourish." ST Lost Years P. 334
Kirk was meeting with a Dijanai, beamed out to a Romulan outpost and communication was lost. Spock, Kerdiwin, and T'Sai were rescuing McCoy.
Kirk was kidnapped by the same people that kidnapped Uhura. Nogura was in contact with Jim. They were rescuing Uhura and Serek.
Jim was going to try to finish negotiations.
Jim found Kels quarters and was going to talk to him. Kel put Kirk in contact with The Djanni Circle of Elders, to discuss peace between the Federation and the Djanni. McCoy and Zekar were imprisoned by the Romulans. The dying T'sal gave her katra to Dwen to help her get on the Romulan ship and acheive the mission.
"Once your mind is joined to that of the Ancient One, the Other, the possibility exists that you will never be able to separate them from each other...and your minds will be locked together so long as your bodies live. Mind-meld has never been attempted with one who is an esper-blind, because of the danger involved. I cannot be sure of the outcome." ST The Lost Years p. 401
Dwen died on the Klingon Bird of Prey. McCoy felt guilty. Spock left McCoy.