This novel was written by Linda Windsor in 2010. I began reading it on Saturday March 7, 2020. I finished it on Saturday May 16, 2020. The novel had 351 pages.
"Nature's magic (protoscience) was the knowledge and properties of the God's wonderful creation, a knowledge practiced by many Christian heroines and accompanied by God. But sometimes it was used for evil, and accompanied by dark magic."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 10
This quote illustrates the differences between the magic seen in the cosmos as oppose to what we, humans, create. It is mostly used to achieve the same ends.
"Bear in mind that druid in that time was a word for all professionals--doctors, judges, poets, teachers, and proto-scientists as well as priest. Druid meant "teacher, rabbi, magi, or master," not the dark, hooded stereotype assumed by many today."
Linda Windsor
Healer pp. 10-11
This quote shows the meaning of the word druid through time. It has many attributes which are relevant to todays living.
"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things that are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 11
"And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and learning they might not understand." Luke 8:10
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 11
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: And every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is in the world. 1 John 4: 1-3
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 11
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abidth in me, the same bringth forth much fault: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 11
"The likes of love and hate knew no spam of time or reason."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 26
"Heavenly father, this is more than I could bear. I have seen my husband off to his death, and now must send my child away to an unknown fate. Where are you?"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 26
"Death was the fate of anyone left in a madman's path."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 27
"Witchcraft was but its destructive force, the use of knowledge for the harm of self-glorification, rather than giving the Creator credit for creation's properties."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 31
"In the old person's demented thought, he'd brought justice to those who had betrayed him and stopped an enchantress forever. Sometimes as on this particular day, it pushed him beyond reason, for it was a reminder that their was one thing left undone. The heiress of Gowryns still lived Glenarden at least in his mind."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 37
"Faith is colder than witches milk."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 43
"Love is magic."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 44
"Time alone, without demand, was to be savored even in this ungodly cold and desolate place. All he had to do was keep the memories at bay."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 46
"Nature did not always reveal it's secrets."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 54
"What swords of the Christian could not conquer, love did."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 56
"Father, he and I are in Your capable hands. If he is my enemy, let me conquer him with your love."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 60
"The pull of Ronin's disappearance blanketed the very air and chocked any semblance of laughter. The eyes of men and women alike blinked away mists of grief as the story circulated the room in hushed tones."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 64
"Caden had yet to see a druid who could control the weather, the tales of the old be dashed. Predict it, yes. He'd seen a pious priest plying God with prayer for favorable weather and studying the Heavens for His signs. The same signs that had spoken to the farmers and the fishermen since time began. No magic. Just absolute observation."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 66
"If God instructs His people to cleanse added man, surely the living needed for cleansing even more for their battle against the raging disease."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 70
"The voice had as much healing qualities as the hands."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 74
"How tragic to process cherished youth and wish it away for death."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 76
"His body was strong, but as long as the darkness imprisoned the spirit of the child he'd been, the man could not survive."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 76
"Nonetheless images began to drift into his consciousness, like floating leaves in the breeze. One moment she sang to him like a sweet siren, bent on drawing him from the pits of Hades. The next there was the wolf licking his face, as though tasting a perspective meal."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 82
"For I assure you we do not make war without a good cause."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 94
"Caden hadn't seen it until now, but then Merlin Emrys hadn't intended to be seen beforehand. He was known as the master of disguise. Some claimed he actually shifted shape. Such was the difference between the minds of the educated noble class and the common folk, many of whom still on to their pagan gods and superstitions."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 95
"Though I remind you that the loss of any life is no trivial matter, milord."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 96
"The pursuit of knowledge in truth is an admirable quest. Our creator is so great that at our best effort, we shall never know all there is to know of His creation."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 96
"For Christ himself was no dictator. Though he showed us the only way to the Father, he gave the freedom to choose to follow that way. His is a rule of love."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 98
"Where was this freedom of choice to forgive or not to forgive, which Merlin claimed so boldly to defend."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 99
"You must give those nightmares to God or you will not heal."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 106
"I pray for my enemies daily as Christ encourages his followers to do. I pray for peace between the clans, that I might live a normal life beyond this cave. And I've prayed for you even more, that God, would take away your childhood terror and shame."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 107
"Why give me such a gift, if I must keep it hidden?"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 122
"Accepting Christ as their Druid, or teacher, they gave up their royal trappings for sackcloths and the humble service of teaching the Word to the common man per his example."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 130
Brenna wanted to marry Rory and start a family.
"Feelings and heart are temporal, and often fickle. How does it measure with the eternal Word?"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 134
"Life is a gift to precious to wish away."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 142
"It's us that makes things complicated."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 143
"Not all dreams come true. Only those you see through the eyes of your soul."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 148
Brenna dragged Rory's food to take away his cravings but wouldn't do it again because she knew he would stay.
"Your Cymi forefathers worshipped creation. They saw the living God in the sea, the trees, thunder...all of nature."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 157
"Our God is so grand and far-reaching that are human minds cannot embrace all there is to know of him."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 157
"Jesus came to show us all, even the most learned of us all, that we can...we must...and it is through Jesus that we can do this. God loves everyone from kings to paupers, from the learned to the feeble--minded. God longs for you and me--priest, chief, warrior, women, and servant to walk and to talk and to commune with him. The God who made all wants to be our armchara. Our soulmate. He wants to be our father who loves each of us, even when we have not been lovable...or good...or just. He is a father who allowed his son to be sacrificed for all our sins."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 158
"Christ chose to be sacrificed--the last and only sacrifice that man would ever need to make--because He loved us and he knew that we never could follow the laws of God perfectly enough to have eternal life."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 159
Martin, Brenna's priest and friend recognized Rory as Ronin.
"Man sees but one step at a time, God sees it all, beyond the darkness."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 167
"Sometimes the best council is a quiet one."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 174
"Let us face the future when it comes."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 181
Foal got shot when he went into town with Ronin.
Ronin was trying to get his life back and then bring Brenna as his new wife. Foal was killed by Cadens men because he recognized the ring and thought she bewitched him however she was so angry she dove into the water and swam away.
"Somewhere between This World and the Other World lies a place where the spirits may continue to journey forward or go back."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 201
"A gift for a season lives forever in your mind. As for you and your child, you will be safe for I have plans that you should prosper...and make my people prosper..."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 202
Caden killed Brenna. Ronin couldn't believe it. Brenna awoke from the dead.
"For nature against itself."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 216
Ronin was fighting his brother about taking Foal's coat down from his room. He didn't want Brenna to awaken from her injuries to find the wolf skin hanging as a trophy. This showed tremendous growth in Ronin's character in how he cared for his wife.
"Love. Pure love. It poured from those words into her ears, filling her, forcing out her dread. Even her pain she realized as she pried open her eyes. At last it was bearable, not waiting with swords and hammers to beat her back into unconsciousness."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 221
Brenna was attending the Passover ceremony and waving to all the people and Dara was giving her their names.
"Listen to you, now, growling on such a day as this, Brenna admonished the dog in a whisper. I hold no grudge for you. Have you a name?"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 223
"Tortured souls fought death and demons that were said to wait for the unsaved dyings last breath."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 235
"God loves us when we are not so lovable."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 236
Brenna saw Tarlach as her mother did, under her disguise.
"A feeling of raw vengeance assailed her, poisoning whatever it touched. But just as her heart would burst from the beating, a pair of hands clamped on her shoulder, drawing her out of the living nightmare and once more into the light."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 240
"And the hatred dissapeared, destroyed by a surge of something stronger yet. Love. The press of her husband's body against hers reminded her of all that was warm and wonderful in the present. And all that would be. It was for that which she reached with her flagging soul."
Linda Windsor
Healer pp. 240-241
"Forgiveness. It was the only balm that would would work. Even as the answer came to her, Brenna sensed that dark spirits, clinging with menacing claws to this broken man-child, were digging in even deeper."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 241
"Father God, You have brought me safe thus far. I count on Your promise never to leave or forsake me...or mine. In the name of our Savior and Druid Teacher, Jesus Christ, amen."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 245
"But this is the child the church has ordained for the peace of your people. A generation late, but the key nonetheless. They must become one with blood and faith."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 254
"He would never know dream from reality."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 257
"When you expect God to do one thing, He may surprise you by doing something else...usually something better than you wished for in the beginning."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 258
"The future belongs to God not her."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 259
"God does not give His chosen these visions or words on their demand, but in his time and manner. That is what separates prophets of God from those who use their gifts for personal gain. A soothsayer often has an answer and, oftentimes, it's wrong."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 259
"Brenna is a healer, both of physical and spiritual body. She is trained after the ministry of Jesus and His disciples in Scripture and medicine...although she does not have as much learning as Merlin Emyrs wanted due to having to hide her for so many years. But God gives us all we need, even if it's not all we would have."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 261
"The heavens declare the glory of the God; and the fidrmament shweth his handiqnwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night night shewth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where there voice is not heard."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 262
"God speaks through us though the heavens and stars."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 262
"That is why the Druids knew who Jesus was, of his birth and death, before His disciples brought the news of his sacrifice and resurrection to the British shores. The heavens were like a scroll of all the world ordaining Jesus King of Kings, Messiah, Son of God. It was surer than Merlin Emrys' recital of Arthur's genealogy at his coronation."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 262
"You can trust God always, but you cannot always trust your feelings."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 264
"Now seeing ordinary people. even animals, through his wife's eyes,was seeing beyond the physical to an extraordinary, she made his whole world new,"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 267-268
"There were some things even the gifted cannot heal."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 270
"Doing right is never wrong."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 273
Brenna was going horseback riding.
Merlin just appeared at a bat and rescued Brenna and Ronnin from a knife fight.
"For as many wonders of God's creation that meet the eye, they're are even more that do not."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 292
"A knowledge of nature's magic abused by a black soul. Faith I can feel the darkness. Take this from me, father. And from our king."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 294-295
"It is his path to perpetrator of this deed. This is more than a clan war, Brenna. If we cannot find and stop those who abuse such sacred knowledge of creation for their own gain and glory, the church itself is at risk. We all, Christian and Pagan alike, shall be washed in the same black water regardless of our fruit."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 295
"We must all act according to our gifts."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 303
"We are all called to be God's servants, to do whatever our task as if for Him, and in that she excels within her hospitality."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 303
Tarlach almost died, but since he wanted to see Brenna's son, he went back to the castle.
"Prey. There were some things no amounts of nature's magic could heal. Herbs, stones, hands....they had there limits."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 320
"Druids and priests were exempt from harm, even on the battlefield. At least by law."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 334
"When the Hebrew warriors returned from battle, they cleansed themselves physically and emotionally by spending a week away from they're loved ones until the battle rage was replaced with God's peace."
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 335
Brenna just saved Cadens soul from demonic forces
"It is your choice to make. Will you submit to God's will, or insist on your own? Will you remember your blessings or your rage? Will you feed the beast within you as you feed Caden's or starve it with gratitude for the miracles that have taken place in the last hours?"
Linda Windsor
Healer p. 344