Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Love Revolution That Begins With You

Matt Kahn 

 "A modern day spiritual journey is a transition from fearing it all to feeing it all." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn

"By loving what arises, the pitfalls of energetic sensitivities blossom into the grace of spirit in action." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "In every breath you take love is always here. Throughout any personal encounter love is always here. No matter what comes together or what is pulled apart, love is always here. In your greatest moment of achievement or even your darkest hour of uncertainty, love is always here. Whether in the aftermath of tragedy or in the presence of your highest triumph, love is always here. When life is flowing, inspired and harmonious, and even if it's frustrating, annoying and painful or inconvenient, love is always here. When you feel alone or unsupported, love is always here. No matter what you understand and despite what you have yet to figure out, love is always here. Despite your thoughts regardless of what you choose or how you feel, love is always here. No matter what has been done to you or whatever you believe you have done to others, love is always here." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn 

"With love as your guide, the uniqueness of all can be equally appreciated, without the pain of conflict dividing you from another." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn

"Beyond beliefs in superstition every moment is created by the Universe to ensure your highest growth." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn 

"When your heart is open, you are able to notice that anything you are feeing is part of a healing taking place within you." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "A sensation only feels like a barrier for as long as you refuse to feel it." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While many people acknowledge love as a noble value and even recognize it as the highest vibration in existence very few are aware of how to love without being inspired by actions of another." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "No matter how often you judge any reaction your highest purpose is for every emotion to be recognized as an opportunity to return to love for the healing and awakening and transformation of all." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When you remember a wise and loving Universe has orchestrated your life to inspire your highest potential in physical form, you are able to more freely offer yourself the support you need during moments when it matters the most." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "By embracing your feelings with heart-centered attention, you are equally helping to dissolve patterns of judgement throughout the patterns of unconscious." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whether loving the one in pain, honoring the one who is scared, or acknowledging the one who refuses to face discomfort, loving what arises helps you unearth a greater cosmic picture even in the most or uneventful moments of life. Sometimes it may be difficult to believe, but everything in reality only seems the way it is so that you can recognize it as an invitation to harmonize with the light of the devine will." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whether it seems easy, or impossible to approach, always trust in the power of love to make things right on your behalf." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With the utmost respect for every tragedy and insufferable environment all of us have been given the power to survive; may every step forward guide you out of the ashes of a painful past to make peace with love even if you are wiling to forgive those who have hurt you. Whether hurt, heartbroken or hopeful it is not uncommon for loving yourself to seem like such a new experience that your subconscious mind has no reference point for it." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Every time you send love to your heart, it gets subconsciously voted as a vote of familiarity. Even just one 'I love you' acts aa a precedence setting moment once you are able to honor yourself unlike any other time in the past." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Simply by repeating the phrase 'I love you,' you become the source of your own fulfillment, while rewriting your subconscious mind with consistency, patience, and ease." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Simply by treasuring your heat more often you provide your body the much needed permission to receive the highest vibration in existence that only love can deliver." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With love as your remover of obstacles, delivering frequencies of light in every aspect of your being you are assisting in the awakening of the world, simply by shining more brightly." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Every relationship, interaction and encounter are brought together or even pull apart as catalysts of devine will in action." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "By making peace with uncomfortable feelings, you don't have to try so hard feeing a particular way, when in reality your hoping to avoid more pain and despair." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Each moment of vulnerability inspires a greater degree of honesty as your initial key to freedom." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As the truth sets you free, one moment of honesty at a time, the spaciousness or relief you are able to feel in you body prepares you to be receptive to love in a brand new way." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While it is both the universe dressed up as the character you've taken yourself to be, as well as the child in your heart awaiting your support and acceptance, it is the role-playing of the devine will that inspires love to come alive throughout the beauty of the physical form." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "For some reason it felt more important to help others feel better and contemplate the mysteries of the universe, than anything else the world had to offer." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As love was offered, the more I recognized who I really am--an innocent expression of devine will and not a person in search of it." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "We are One in our essence but remain different as individuals. Between these two extremes your journey is revealed." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With love as your guide every stage of your journey including the dissolving of ego and the resurrection of soul can unfold with clarity, compassion, peace and ease." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As the maturity maturity of your youth unfolds, it becomes easier to see how you cannot define the progression of your journey by how many mystical experiences or awakenings you've had since many more are sure to come." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The true benchmark of spiritual maturity is how often your words and actions are aligned with love." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Empowerment is not about waiting for people to say the right words at all. It is realizing how you are the one who needs to say the things that you've waited your entire life to hear." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "What if you were able to take a permanent vacation from the intensity of self-doubt by allowing your heart to make each decision." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The wisest approach must always be rooted in love." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Honesty is your innate ability to stand completely exposed, allowing the world to do what it may, and say what it will so that you will know who you are beyond the realm of ideas." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whenever you or anyone else is feeling a healing taking place, you are able to harmonize with the all of the Universe to consciously advance the evolution of humanity--one heart centered interaction at a time." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Radical honesty has nothing to do with confrontation, accusation or blame. It is a distinctive level of discernment in noticing the difference between projecting accusation and openly sharing what is felt in your experience." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Every single goal explored on a spiritual path effortlessly occurs as your nervous system is unraveled one "I love you" at a time." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "You always deserve more to love not less." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "No matter how anyone responds to your kindness, just by repeating out loud the words you didn't hear often nor never heard at all, you guarantee yourself to be the one who exits each scene of life more healed, aligned, expanded than the moment before." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Despite how anyone around you chooses to be, the differences of perceiving a life of synchronicity verses a world of endless stress solely depends on how you speak, breathe, move--from one moment to the next." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Everyone has a unique personality, which carries a one of a kind vibrational frequency that no one else in history an deliver to this planet." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Like a color of a rainbow that no one else can illuminate through the beauty of your being to live a special remembrance of truth as a gift to provide for all." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "If reality is like an ocean with the waves representing various personalities that crash and collide from one interaction to the next, you realize that both the ocean and the waves are equally part of one eternal truth." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "A victimized ego cannot grasp that everything in reality is there to help it transform." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Beauty is found everywhere. In all creatures and life forces on heaven and Earth beautiful things unite and flourish." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When your personality is inflamed, a willingness to love quickly becomes an impulse to blame in response to the way you or someone else is feeling." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As the master of my destiny and creator of my reality, I accept that all contracts, agreements, and every formal truth that I AM They were agreed upon by an inflamed personality structure that I thought I was, but I now realize is not the highest truth of my being." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "I accept that neither the Universe nor my highest truth would ever or could ever hold me accountable to agreements made when innocently lost in exaggerated states of unconsciousness. I accept that I wasn't wrong to take such vows or make such agreements that were already in place. As I take the time to nullify them, I free myself and the world in the process." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "In knowing what I know I hereby nullify all contracts and agreements, known and unknown, seen and unseen, forgotten throughout all cellular memory and my subconscious mind. I also release, relinquish and surrender all former vows I have made as a monk or nun. This includes the vow of poverty, the vow of chastity, the vow of renunciation, agreements of victimhood, dependency, and martyrdom, as well as anything else believed, imagined, agreed to, or assumed by ego." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "What would it be like if you could go about your life, whether their is turmoil or harmony, without being limited by your experience of others." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Through each and every response your childlike nature invites you to cherish the majestic wonder of your heart, just as a parent embraces their own child." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Moments of sadness can only be transformed through love." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "If there comes a time where you sense journey with another has come to an end it can only be the wisdom of the Universe guiding you forward into greater chapters of growth and expansion." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With love as your guide, you can be inspired to communicate in a way that brings your most treasured gifts to the surface, no longer waiting for others to be on the same spiritual page in order to show how much you care." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Each of us is a carrier of a unique vibrational frequency that only we can bring to the world." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "No matter what the circumstance, love can withstand any type of judgment or ridicule and turn it into something more redeeming as a gift for every heart." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As the wise parent-like mind and the innocent childlike mind are reunited, love emerges to the forefront of your daily encounters to speak on your behalf." P. 143 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "A true enlightened master in a modern-day era knows how to communicate the love of their true selves by translating into a language that anyone can interpret." P. 144 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "One of the most impressive demonstrations of awakened consciousness is the ability to listen." P. 144 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whether lost in the beauty of a love or exchanging smiles with a neighbor, the gift of attention remains an extraordinary treasure you are capable of offering just by observing the beauty around you." P. 144 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Have you ever acknowledged the power contained in your loving grace? Have you seen how quickly and effortlessly everything falls into place when you accept that everything is here to be blessed by the grace of your attention?" P. 145 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "How profoundly would your life change if you no longer had to answer your own concerns or solve anyone else's problems? What if you simply listened and gave loving attention to whatever comes your way?" P. 145 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "If consumed in ego, it's easy to feel as of no one is listening to you no matter how much attention has been given." P. 145 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When two beings view conversations as a way of gifting their own heart with undivided attention, by practicing to become a better listener to others, their is no need for conflict to erupt." P. 146 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The catalyst of rejection is life's way of reminding you how people are not always created to treat you better than you treat yourself." P. 147 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When others have the right to speak, you inspire everyone around you to shine their light." P. 147 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When your attention expands, you are liberated from the core of human conflict." P. 148 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When you are driven by agenda to be viewed in a certain way, you are unable to hold a space for anyone's heart to be healed." P. 149 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "How others view you is never about you at all." P. 149 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "By elevating your vibration, you send a message to the other person's subconscious mind to acknowledge the energetic differences between you." P. 150 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Conscious communication levels the playing field of your interactions by reminding you of the ways in which listening to others offers you the chance to be a better listener to yourself." P. 151 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The cornerstone of conscious communication is a willingness to be honest. The importance of honesty cuts to the core of how much you have placed all your faith in the greater cosmic picture of the Universe." P. 159 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "One moment of honesty at a time, you allow the precision of life to swiftly deliver you into the paradise of your highest destiny. In order for such destiny to unfold in the most elegant and miraculous way, it's important to allow the wisdom of your heart to become your inner compass. When you are willing to speak to your highest truth in the presence of another with the utmost love and compassion, it demonstrates how much you trust your devine guidance to reveal the exact words you need to hear." P. 155 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Frequently matching establishes an agreement that whenever one person feels unheard or disconnected, it invites both hearts to work together to find a common vibration." P. 156 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Through slower breaths, engaged listening, repeating your personal love statement, completing your innocence, and being more honest with yourself than ever before, you become the first person you are sure to heal as a way of inviting your light to shine." P. 157 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "No matter how misunderstood you seem to feel you can infuse any experience with heart-centered consciousness simply by choosing a more inspired way to respond." P. 158 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whether as a catalyst for awakening or as a way of discovering the passion, happiness, inspiration and excitement dwelling within you, each spiritual aspiration is fulfilled by cultivating greater integrity with your heart, which begins by slowing down the pace of your life." P. 159 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "It can be quite exciting to discover the magic and miracles that surface when living with integrity, from the heart." P. 162 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "In every chapter of your life there is no mistake or wrongdoing to confess. There are merely opportunities to notice suffering, stress, judgements, aggression, or pain as signs to balance your assertiveness with heart-centered care." P. 163 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "One "I love you" at a time, you invite greater support from the Universe so you van celebrate each moment with everything to welcome you and nothing more to prove." P. 163 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "In order for the most profound transformation to unfold, a voice must be given to your pain to express honesty towards the perpetrators from the past." P. 165 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While each memory celebrates a moment in time that you were always powerful enough to survive, the most profound of spiritual redemption is breaking the cycle of cruelty by no longer passing along the hurtful words that were spoken to you." P. 165 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Loving what arises is not only rooted in saying the words you always wanted to hear, but also in eliminating from your vocabulary the words that were painfully remembered from the past. When you are willing to spare yourself and others from the phrases that caused such pain and despair you are beginning to view life through the eyes of the Universe where the vulnerability of all can be embraced as One." P. 166 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When rooted in heart-centered consciousness, your innocence interprets the world as a reflection of your patience; kindness and care no matter how unconscious anyone seems to behave." P. 166 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While we are one in essence, we are unique as individuals." P. 167 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Just by bringing a more engaged attention to the circumstances in view, you are becoming an open window of divinity that invites the winds of change to heal everything in sight." P. 171 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The more often you view your life through the eyes of divinity the more beautiful you tend to feel. This may help you see the truth of beauty as a spiritual acknowledgment of cosmic innocence in physical form." P. 172 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Whenever life is honored with significance, every person, place and thing can be celebrated for the vital and equal role it plays throughout the devine plan." P. 172 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "From a spiritual standpoint, love is an instinctive act of acknowledging something as devine in nature, no matter how it may appear to you." P. 173 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "The more often your body is cherished and adored the faster it transforms." P. 174 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Since your body is the Universe, you can greet each part with "Hello Beautiful" as a way of sending infinite blessings and healing waves to every corner of the cosmos." P. 174 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Start your own love revolution. Discover the courage passion and desire to reveal your devive qualities, incredible talents and remarkable abilities for the benifit of all--at the rate in which loving yourself becomes your most deliberate spiritual practice." P. 176 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "There are two crucial ways to help you feel safely rooted in your body no matter what you encounter throughout your life. The first is always be honest with yourself by admitting how you feel. When lost in ego, it can seem difficult to come to terms with your feelings easy to point the finger of blame at circumstances that seem to get in your way. As you wake up you recognize each perceived obsticle, setback and distraction as a clearly orchestrated catalyst of transformation created to ensure your highest evolution." P. 176 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Through the eyes of the Universe, confusion is not the oppisite of clarity but a gateway into the greatest wisdom ever known. Confusion occurs when all of your preconceived ideas, definitions and reference points get displaced." P. 179 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With love as your guide you can embrace confusion, not as something to undersand but as a space void of understanding whatsoever." P. 180 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "When you are honest about your pain and willing to befriend your confusion under any circumstance, you have given the universe permission to guide you into the ever-revealing nature of truth. It is peaceful, clarifying and harmonious where love is the answer to any question imagined." P. 182 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "During this pivotol time in history, more and more people are experiencing spontaneous awakenings." P. 185 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Loving whatever arises offers a far greater and more direct way to enter the doorway of eternal freedom." P. 185 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "With love as your guide you are destined to be as integrated, compassionate and wise as you are liberated, healed, reborn and free." P. 187 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "No matter your experience, percetion, the beliefs you carry, or the identity that is no longer here, each auspicious moment of expansion allows life to be seen through the eyes of the Universe to remember you how equally everything matters." P. 187 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As triggered emotions are more welcome with more openness and receptiveness, they are released to assist you in retuning to source! By loving every emotional outburst or at least loving the one experiencing it, your clearing space within your field to assist the Kundalini energy in ushering a new heart." P. 190 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Sometimes as the kundalini energy rises, there can be a "traffic jam" when the cellular memories don't have enough momentum to leave as quickly as there being released. This can manifest as physical illness, exhaustion, apathy, anger, or depression. In the new spiritual paradigm, illness is often recognized as an important sign of transformation already in progress." P. 191 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While the energetic aspects of awakening are not the sole explanation of illness, this is an opportunity to notice imbalances as a chance to be nutritionally congruent and attentive to the needs of your body." P. 191 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Throughout the process of awakening, it is common to have powerful openings that reveal miraculous truths about reality." Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Although we are all unique and deserved to be honored for the exquisite talents each of us can express, at our core we are One, as the supreme reality of Spirit in form." P. 193 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "To cooperate with love is to dissolve light into your being." P. 194 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Even if you have realized love to be who you are and have seen how the giver and receiver are actually one and the same, this doesn't stop the unfolding of love as an endless revolution of truth." P. 194 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "While the term awakening points to the concept of an individual journey of expanding conciousness, the term to describe planetary awakening is ascension. As you assist in the evolution of our planet through a journey of spiritual growth, you will likely experience periods of profound expansion and contradiction, shifting between the extraordinary highs and infinite lows, until all polarities balance out." P. 199 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "You are destined to remember the heavens that are already here that love has no end." P. 199 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "As your life is healed of the past and infused with renewed faith, joy, and enthusiasm, your heart can be recognized as the center of the Universe. With each "I love you" offered in response to anything you think, say, witness or feel the innocence of all is uplifted by the grace of your radient eternal presence." P. 200 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "Each moment represents a timeless meeting where the light of your divinity encounters its innocent nature as a celebration of eternal love. As you bring your kindness and care to your personal interactions, you are able to recognize the vulnerability within you as a collective outcry of an entire planet." P. 201 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "I acknowledge through each feeling, thought, belief and action that while my experience may be rooted in an individual perspective, I accept that in reality I'm having an individual experience of what is unfolding throughout the totality of all. I acknowledge that what appears to be an individual journey is an entire planet being collectively healed and loved as I am. I may perceive myself as a unique individual having a unique personal experience, but I am the all that is within it. While appearing human in form, I am experiencing the spiritual rebirth of an entire planet, which in my experience is depicted as the evolution of a person. Even though each person demonstrates the ascension of an entire planet, I accept that there are other dimensions where the evolution of One is being slightly or even drastically different ways. This means I am just not awakening in one way--I am awakening in all ways. If I wish to explore the other parallel dimensions, where there is one embodying the ascension of a planet in infinite ways, I don't have to travel into outer space to discover those versions; they are already here, decorated uniquely as other people. I acknowledge everyone I see as the Eternal One I Am. Even if it feels as if I am only one among many, I accept this is merely one perspective within the vastness of the infinite views. No matter how anything seems to be, I can rejoice that I am transforming this perspective for all." Pp. 201-203 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn "You are the source of life's eternal witnessing and the orchestrator ensuing that love has the final word." P. 204 Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn yeremiah@aol.com Yeremiah Hardt