Wednesday, October 21, 2020


I began reading Artemis by Andy Weir on Wednesday August 6, 2020 and I finished reading this book on Monday September 7, 2020. It was copywritten in 2017.
It had 303 pages.

"Artemis is the first city on the moon, it is made of five huge spheres called bubbles. They're half underground."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 5

Bob Lewis is the guild leader. The Sun doesn't define their time on the moon.

"We don't have streets in Artemis. We have hallways. It cost alot of money to make real estate on the Moon and they sure as hell aren't going to waste it on roads. You can have an electric cart or scooter if you want but the hallways are designed for foot traffic. It's one-sixth Earth's gravity. Walking doesn't take much energy."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 6-7

"We've got plenty of silicon on the moon so glass is locally made."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 12

"I grew up watching StarTrek. Now I get to live it." 


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Star Trek? Seriously that's like a hundred years old."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Quality is quality. Age is irrelevant. No one bitches about Shakespeare fans."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Most people don't know it, but there's a ridiculous amount of oxygen on the moon. You just need a shitload of energy to get it."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 24

"If you commit serious crimes we exhile you to Earth."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 27

Artemis doesn't have fire departments.

"Reacting silicon with oxygen creates a lot of heat."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 30

"Factories can be rebuilt. People can't."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 32

"Fidelis Ngugi simply put the reason Artemis exist. When she was Kenya's Minister of Finance she created the country's entire space industry from scratch. Kenya had one - and only one - natural resource to offer space companies: it's equator. Spacecrafts could take full advantage of Earth's rotation to save fuel. But Ngugi realized they could offer something more: policy. Western nations drowned commercial space competition in red tape. Ngugi said, how about we don't?"

Artemis Andy Weir p. 37

"When your in a vaccum, getting rid of heat is a problem. There is no air to carry it away. And when you have electric power, every Joule of energy ultimately becomes heat. It may be from electrical resistance, friction in miving parts or chemical reactions in the battery that release the energy in the first place. But ultimately it all ends up as heat." 

Artemis Andy Weir p.53

Web searches are faster on Earth, simply because that is where the databases are. The closer you are too them, the faster your searches will be.

"Space agencies around the world were the first to rent properties on Artemis. In the old days, Armstrong Ground was the best real estate in town. Since then, four more bubbles spang up, and the space agencies remained." 

Artemis Andy Weir p. 56

"The moon always points the same  face towards Earth. So even though we're in orbit from our view, Earth doesn't move. Well technically, it wobbles a bit because of lunar liberation...Earth is fixed in the sky. It rotates in place and goes throgh phases, but it doesn't move."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 57

"When you weld aluminium, you need to flood it with a non-reactive gas to keep the surface from oxidizing. On Earth they use Argon because its massively abundant. But we don't have Noble gases on the moon, so we have to ship them in from Earth. And Neon weighs half as much as Argon, so that's what we use."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 65

"The aluminium isn't magnetic, suction cups and propellers won't work in a vaccum, and a rocket engine would be stupidly expensive."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 72

"Water is one of the best absorbers of all chemisty. And melting the ice takes even more energy."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 85

"In the old days, astronauts needed expendable filters to collect CO². Modern suits sort the CO² molucules out through some complicated use of membranes and vaccums outside."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 99

If Artemis ever exploded, their was Bern which protects the city from an explosive event.

Jazz Bishera just disabled four harvesters by cutting their antennae.

"Shadows on the moon are stark and black. No air means no light diffusion. Sunlight refected off nearby rocks, dirt and hills and so on."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 121

Jazz was being asked by Rudy about the explosives. She stuck to her story.

Jazz changed her name to Harprett Singh, because she was afraid people were coming after her.

Harpreet decided to keep her mouth shut and that was the only way she'd stay alive.

"Food makes you comfortable. It's how you recenter."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 152

"Dust takes a long time to settle in Artemis. Atmosphere plus low gravity equals particles taking forever to fall."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 161

The code to the lockbox was 1701 after the Starship Enterprise Registry number.

"You don't notice neon when you breathe it. It just feels like normal air. And the human body has no way to detect a lack of oxygen. You just plug along until you pass out."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 177

Artemis didn't have an official police station.

"Every city needs an underbelly. It's best to let petty criminals do their thing and focus on the bigger issues."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 178

"If you commit a crime, Artemis deports you to the victims country. Let their nation exact revenge on you. It's only fair."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 180

OLTS stanf for Optical loss test set. This tells you how much light you lose during a transmission.

"Superconductors have zero resistance to electrical currents. Why can't their be a material with zero resistance to light?"

Artemis Andy Weir p. 188

ZAFO-zero attenuated fiber optics

Jasmine saw Svoboda and came up with a way to revolutionize telecommunication on Earth. Although when she went to Nougi to tell her, Nougi pulled a gun on her.

"Glass is just silicon and oxygen, both of which are created by aluminum smelting."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 195

"Building a civilization is ugly. But the alternative is no civilization at all."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 199

"The moon is a nice place to pass out. You hit the ground very gently."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 200

"The sky is not the limit."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 207

Jasmine's sister is helping her take down Sanchez Aluminum

"New York, Chicago, Tokyo, Moscow, Rome, Mexico City--they all went through hell to control their mob infestation. And those are the success stories. Big chunks of South America are still under cartel control. Let's not do that, let's take care of this cancer before it spreads."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 217

"There's no weather on the moon, but there is static electricity. Fine lunar dust gets everywhere and sticks to everything with the slightest charge."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 231

"Copper has a higher melting point than the operating point of the bath but a lower melting point than steel."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 249-250

Loretta was in the reactor that was set to blow. The reactor exploded. Sanchez, Bashira, and Dale made it out safely. Bashira was trying to fix the air filtration system in Artemis.

Bashera had faught Alvarez and handcuffed him to Rudy's desk.

"Ive been winging it, you know as a father. I had nothing to work from. No blueprint. And I chose a hard life for us. An immigrant life in a frontier town."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 294

"I've learned by the teachings of Muhammed, I try to be honest and true in all my decisions. But like many I am flawed, I sin. If your peace of mind comes at the price of a small tarnish on my soul, then so be it. I can only hope I've built up enough good grace with Allah that he will forgive me."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 295

"An economy is a living thing. It's born full of vitality and dies once it is rigid and worn out. Then through necessity people, groups and the cycle begins anew, but with more economy, baby economies, like Artemis is right now."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 300-301