Friday, October 30, 2020

A Wind in the Door

This story is the second in the series of A Wrinkle in Time. It is by Madeleine L'Engle. I began it October 22, 2019. I completed it on November 14, 2019. This story had 102 pages.

There were dragons in the garden.
Charles Wallace could read his sister even more than he could read his mother.

Charles Wallace told his kindergarten class about mitochondria and farandolea and how they formed a psycho kinetic bond millions of years ago, and he got yelled at by his teacher for showing off.

Meg went to see Mr. Jenkins, who was the elementary school teacher about Charles Wallace. Meg said to Mr. Jenkins if their wasn't a law about sending your children to school Charles Wallace would probably be home schooled.

"Why do people always mistrust people that are different? Am I really that different?"

A Wind in the Door P. 217

"A life form which can't adapt doesn't last very long."

A Wind in the Door P. 227

Charles Wallace had a dragon feather and was showing his family when they were talking about what was practical and impractical. Mr. and Mrs. Murry have instruments that emit "a cosmic scream" in the galaxy. This sound is too high a frequency for the human ear to register.

"E=mc², Einstein's law has never been disproved. But it's coming into question."

A Wind in the Door P. 233

Mrs. Murry was reading Charles Wallace an article called "The Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of Small Molecules by theoretical chemist Peter Libmann and Meg thought that this why Charles Wallace couldn't get along in school. Meg went out if the dragons were real.
Louise the snake saved Meg from a false Mr. Jenkins. Calvin saved Meg from her hallucination. A group of dragons is called a Drive.
Charles Wallace came to Meg as well and they saw the drive of dragons. They all met this dragon. It was huge. It had a wing span of ten feet. They met a man who claimed to be a teacher. He said the beast won't hurt you. The teacher introduced them to Proginoskes, the dragon. It communicated telepathically. The cheribrum thought that humans painted them to resemble baby pigs. 

"Age for a cherubim is immaterial. It's only for time bound creatures that age exists. I am, in cherubim terms, still a child, and that is all you need to know."

A Wind in the Door P. 253

The teacher went by the name Blajeny.

"The teacher is write. It's a question of learning to adapt, and nobody can do that for me, I'll learn, eventually, how to be conspicuous. I assure you I haven't mentioned mitochondria and farandolea lately."

A Wind in the Door P. 254

They were all being called to help.

"My children, my school building is the entire cosmos. Before your time with me is over, I may have to take you to great distances and to very strange places."

A Wind in the Door P. 257

"A cherubim is not higher order than earthlings, just different."

A Wind in the Door P. 257

Their snake Loise is a teacher as well that is why she is so fond of Sandy and Denny. One day they will be teachers as well.

"Wait until tomorrow to find out what tomorrow holds."

A Wind in the Door P. 261

"Too many of my colleagues have forgotten that they are supposed to practice the art of healing. If I don't have the gift of healing in my hands than all my expensive training isn't worth much."

Dr. Louise Colubra

A Wind in the Door P. 263

"It's a lot simpler to adapt to low gravity, or no atmosphere, or even  sandstorms then it is to hostile inhabitants."

A Wind in the Door P. 265

"People are always hostile to anyone whose different."

A Wind in the Door P. 266

Meg hurried out in the morning to make sure Proginoskes was real.

The Mr. Jenkins Meg saw vanish in thin air was an Echthroi.

"I'm real and most Earthlings can see very little reality."

A Wind in the Door P. 266

"Meg stood besides him, looking at the brilliance of the stars. Then came a sound, a sound which was above sound, a violent, silent electrical report which made her press her hands in pain against her ears. Across the sky, where the sky were clustered as thickly as in the Milky Way, a crack shivered, slivered became a line of nothingness."

A Wind in the Door P. 277

"Unreason has crept up on us so insidiously that we've hardly been aware of it."

A Wind in the Door P. 279

"There are still stars which move in ordered and beautiful rhythm. There are still people people in this world who keep promises. Even little one, like you cooking your stew over your bunsen burner. You may be in the middle of an experiment, but you still remember to feed your family. That's enough to keep my heart optimistic, no matter how pessimistic my mind. And you and I have good enough minds to know how very limited and finite they really are. The naked intellect is an extraordinary inaccurate instrument."

A Wind in the Door P. 281

Kythe is a cherubim with clairvoyant abilities.Charles Wallace test scores were exceptionally well that the school was considering getting him a special tutor.

"You might say that mental telepathy is the very beginning of learning to kythe. But the cherubic language is entirely kything--with you, with stars, with galaxies, with the salt in the ocean, the leaves of all the trees."

A Wind in the Door P. 290

"Your brain stores all the sensory impressions it receives, but your conscious mind doesn't have the key to the storehouse. All I want you to do is to open yourself up to me so that I can open the door to your minds storehouse."

A Wind in the Door P. 290

"We don't know everything at once. We just do one thing at a time as it is given to us to do."

A Wind in the Door P. 293

Love is what makes a person know who they are.

"None of us like to see himself as he appears to others. I understand your point of view better than I did before. You were quite right to come to me about your little brother. He is indeed special and I have come to the conclusion that I have made a mistake not realizing this and treating this accordingly." 

A Wind in the Door P. 300 Mr. Jenkins

Louise the Larger helped identify the real Mr. Jenkins

"Success lies in the happiness of peer groups."

A Wind in the Door P. 305

"She saw with a flash of intuition that her kything was like a small child trying to pick out the melody on the piano with one finger, as against the harmony of a full orchestra like the cherubic language."

A Wind in the Door P. 308

"Love isn't how you feel. It's what you do. I've never had a feeling in my life. As a matter of fact, it matters only with Earth people."

A Wind in the Door P. 310 Proginoskes

Mr. Jenkins after being named saw Proginoskes and fainted

"You do not have to if you don't want to. You have simply been forced with several things outside your current spheres of experience. That does not mean they-we-do not exist."

A Wind in the Door P. 313

"Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are way to limited. Use your intuition. Think of the size of your galaxy. Now think of your sun. It's a star and it's a great deal smaller than the entire galaxy, isn't it?"


A Wind in the Door P. 320

"Nobody should be exactly like anybody else? Is anybody?"

A Wind in the Door P. 322

"It is the nature of love to create. It is the nature of hate to destroy."

A Wind in the Door P. 323

There was a new creature in there class a mouse, who was just born yesterday. Sporos was his name.

"Do you mean on Earth, host you never communicate with eachother and with other planets? You mean your planet revolves all isolated in space? Aren't you terribly lonely? Isn't he?"


A Wind in the Door P. 331

"There are evil forces at work in the world. They are throughout the universe."

A Wind in the Door P. 332

"It is not always the great or the important that the balance of the universe depends."

A Wind in the Door P. 333

They're going to Yadah, Sporo's place of birth.

"We have to live together--in harmony-- or we will not live at all."

A Wind in the Door P. 337

"This was a dance, a dance ordered and graceful, and yet given an impression of complete and utter freedom, of ineffable joy. As the dance progressed, the movement accelerated, and the pattern became cleaner, closer wind and fire moving together, as the wind and fire united."

A Wind in the Door P. 340

"Time isn't any more important than size. All that is required of you to be here in the Now, in the moment which has been given to us." 


A Wind in the Door P. 341

Meg used math as a way to stay grounded in her work. Kything is easier when you know your authentic self.

"A grown fura is far less limited than a human being is by time and place, because a furae can be with others at any time in any place; distance doesn't separate them."


A Wind in the Door P. 344

"Meg felt a swirling of kything all around her; as though the words and images were drops of water which go and make up the ocean, drops of water which are not separate from the other as human beings are separate. Within the flowing of the deep tides images flashed by; many little creatures like Siporos, scampering about carefree, merry, great kelp-fern-trees, the Deepened Ones, about which they flitted and fluttered."

A Wind in the Door P. 347

"One who is Xed cannot think. The pain still burned like ice, but Meg could think through it. She still was."

A Wind in the Door P. 349

"I am a cherubim. All I need to know is that all the galaxies, all the stars all creatures, cherubic, human, farandoloni, all, all, are Known by name."

A Wind in the Door P. 358

Kything was so rich that silence speaks more powerful than words.
Calvin cleaned a house and took a tea set as payment.

"Most major scientific discoveries have been made by crackpots--or at least; people who were thought to be crackpots."


A Wind in the Door P. 263

"Distance doesn't seem to be any more important than size, or time. As for caring--well that's outside the realm of possible fact."

A Wind in the Door P. 364

"The first of the bean plants, the one in the O'Keefe's kitchen was puny and too pale a green. The second plant in the window the one given regular care but no special time or attention grew normally. The third plant Calvin loved, grew strong and green and unusually large and healthy."

A Wind in the Door P. 365

"When Sporos Deepens it means that he comes of age. I mean he grows up. The temptation for farandolea or for man is to stay an immature pleasure-seeker. When we seek our own pleasure as the ultimate good we place ourselves as the center of the universe, but nothing created is the center."

A Wind in the Door P. 366-367

They met a farae, these creatures who were deepened, sang the song of the angelic universe, their song orders the rhythm of creation.

"I have heard that the number of cells in the brain and the number of stars in the in the universe is said to be exactly equal."

Mr. Jenkins 

A Wind in the Door P. 370

"Then, through the raging of the dance came a strong, pure strain of melody, quiet certain noble. The circle and scampered about aimlessly; then, led by Sporos they raced to another fara and began circling it."

A Wind in the Door P. 371

"As you know your Earth is ill, by fish dying in rivers, birds dying in the forests, people dying in choked cities. You know by war and hate and chaos. Senex knows his mitochondrion is ill when the farandolea will not Deepen and many farae are dying. Listen. Kythe."

A Wind in the Door P. 372

"The Echthroi are always behind wars."


A Wind in the Door P. 374

"Don't you understand that we're all part of one another, and the Echthroi are trying to splinter us, in just the same way that they are trying to destroy all creation?"


A Wind in the Door P. 375

"Don't you understand are your saviors? When everything is nothing there will be no more wars, no illness, no death. There will be no more poverty, no more pain, no more slums, no more starvation. "

Mirror Mr. Jenkins

A Wind in the Door P. 376

"Nature abhors a vacuum."


A Wind in the Door P. 377

"It is only when you are fully rooted that we are able to move."


A Wind in the Door P. 379

"It is true small offspring. Now that I am rooted no longer limited by motion. Now I may move anywhere in the universe. I sing with the stars, I dance with the galaxies. I share in the joy--and in the grief. We farae must have our part in the rhythm of the mitochondria, or we cannot be. If we cannot be than we are not."


A Wind in the Door P. 379

"Reality is meaningless. Nothing is the center. Come. Join the others in your race. Only a few more farae to surround and you will have Yaddah for your own."

Dark Mr. Jenkins

A Wind in the Door P. 380

Meg gave some of her life energy to save a farae and helped it deepen, the real Mr. Jenkins helped her regain her composure 

"Nonsense. Of course the Echthroi. I took the Echthroi into Mr. Jenkins and they are right. It is not the Echthroi who are empty, it was I. They have filled me with the pleasure of the abyss of nothingness. Come let me X you, come to me, come..." 

Dark Mr. Jenkins

A Wind in the Door P. 385

"I name you, Echthroi. I name you Meg. I name you Calvin. I name you Proginoskes.
I fill you with Naming.
Be butterfly and behemoth, be galaxy and grasshopper, 
star and sparrow, 
you matter, 
you are,
Be catapiller and comet, 
be porcupine and planet,
sea sand and solar system, 
sing with us,
dance with us,
rejoice with us,
for the glory of creation,
sea gulls and saraphim,
angle worms and angle hosts, 
chrysanthemums and cherubim
(O cherubim)
Sing for the glory
of the living and the loving 

the flaming of creation
sing with us
dance with us
be with us 

They were not her words only.
They were the words of Senex,
of the Deepening Sporos,
of all the singing farae, 
the laughter of the greening farandolea, 
Yadah itself,
all the mitochondria,
all the human hosts,
the earth,
the sun,
the dance of the stars whose birthing she has seen,
the galaxies,
the cherubim and seraphim,
wind and fire,
the words of the Glory."

A Wind in the Door Pp. 391-392

Mr. Jenkins was going to upgrade the elementary school to keep an eye on children such as Charles Wallace.

Monday, October 26, 2020

A Wrinkle In Time

Madeleine L'Engle
196 pp.

I began this story on October 1, 2019, and finished it on Monday October 21, 2019. It was the first of a three part series. A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in The Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet all dealt with Meg and Charles-Wallace Murry and the O'Keefe's as well.

"There's nothing the matter with his mind. He just does things in his own time and way." 

A Wrinkle In Time P. 10

Everyone does some things differently. That's what makes our communities and countries and even our families so strong. This can be said about many individuals. They don't go with the flow, the make their own waves so to speak. Are you a leader or a follower? How brave are you?

"Your development has to go at it's own pace. It just doesn't happen to be the usual pace."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 11

There is no predetermined time when one shall develop into something else. Life is a process, we have to all stay true to ourselves as well as stay true to the process of life.

"You don't have to understand things for them to be."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 24

Charles Wallace and Meg met Calvin O'Keefe. These are the three main characters.

"The heart has its own reasons, where of nothing knows nothing."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 35

Calvin, Meg, and Charles Wallace just met Mrs. Whatsit and was sewing Holloween costumes, she told them to leave, Charles Wallace said he'd explain later as soon as he understood.

"I think with our human limitations, we're not always able to understand the explanations."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 45

Calvin came over for stew, then Meg walked him home.

Charles Wallace appeared and took them their voyage with Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which

"It was not simple darkness, or absence of light. Darkness has a tangible quality, it can be moved through and felt; in darkness you can bark your shins; the world of things still exists around you. She was lost in a horrifying void."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 55

"The only way to cope with something deadly is to treat it a little lightly."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 58

"Nothing is hopeless; we must hope for everything."


A Wrinkle In Time P. 59

"The more a man knows the less he talks."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 59

They all just tesseracted to Messier 101, Uriel third planet of Malak 

"To stake one's life for the truth."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 60

Mrs. Whatsit turned into a minotaur with wings.

As they flew they saw a beautiful garden, and many creatures the same as Mrs. Whatsit turned into, they were singing, Charles Wallace could only make out some of what they were singing. They each took flowers from the gardens and used them to breathe when the altitude was to thin.

"What could there be about a shadow that was so terrible that she knew that there had never been or ever would be again anything that would chill her with a fear that was beyond shuddering, beyond crying or screaming, beyond the possibility of comfort."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 60

"Experiance is the mother of knowledge."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 72

You need knowledge in order to have gained experience. The more knowledgeable you are the more experienced you may be.

They went to a two dimensional planet. They met the Happy Medium. When the children asked her to show them their home, the medium said "Why must I show them that when they're so many pleasant things to see."

Mrs. Which responded "There will no longer be so many pleasant things to look at if responsible people do not do something about the unpleasant ones."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 74

They saw a darkness that was trying to consume Earth.

Jesus, Shakespeare, Leonardo Divinci, Michelangelo, Bach, Louie Pasteur, Madame Curie, Albert Einstein, Albert Schweitzer, Muhammad Gandhi, Buddha, Beethoven, St. Francis, Euclid, and Copernicus faught the darkness.

Meg saw Calvin's mother hitting his brothers, she wanted to protect him as she did Charles Wallace

"This time the nothingness was interrupted by a feeling of clammy coldness such as she never had felt before. The coldness had deepened and swirled all around her and through her, and was filled with a new and strange of darkness that was a completely tangible thing, a thing that wanted to eat and digest her like some enormous beast of prey."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 93

"I do not know everything; still many things I understand."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 95

"Only a fool is not afraid."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 96

True bravery is shown when you least expect it. It is strength, courage and disapline which lead to bravery. To different people bravery varies, some may lead adventurous lives which bravery is a must, while others may lead more subtle lives where they don't require bravery as much.

The town they went to all the children were playing ball and skipping rope outside in rhythm. The houses and the paths were identical and even the flowers.
Charles Wallace gave a boy his ball back and his mother glowered at him. They met a paper boy who told them about Central Intelligence. They found the Central Intelligence and were going in. In the Central Intelligence Agency they saw a man who was reporting one of his letters were jamming. To which Charles Wallace said "Strawberry or raspberry jam."

"We have to make decisions, based on fear."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 112

They had met this man who said they had been waiting for them. The man had asked Charles Wallace to stare in his eyes.

Charles Wallace has a neurologically brain to cope with special ideals.

"I would not have your decisions come from the weakness of an empty stomach."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 120

They lost Charles Wallace and were eating with a clone

They didn't know what happened to Charles Wallace. 

"You see on this planet everything is in perfect order because everybody has learned to relax, to give in, to submit. All you have to do is look quietly and steadily into the eyes of are good friend here, for he is our friend, dear sister, and he will take you in as he has taken me." 

A Wrinkle In Time P. 127

"Maybe if you aren't unhappy sometimes, you don't know how to be happy."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 133

Charles Wallace, the imposter, proved himself yet again by laughing at Meg when she got hurt. Meg has to sacrifice herself to save both Charles Wallace and her father. Their father couldn't see. So, Mrs. Who's glasses gave him back his sight.

"Meg could feel a rhythmical pulsing. It was a pulsing not only about her but in her as well, as though the rhythm of her heart and lungs was no longer her own but was being worked by some outside source."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 146

Meg realized it was a brain.

"Like and equal are two entirely different things."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 149

"The first sign of her returning to conciousness was cold. Than sound. She was aware of voices that seemed to be traveling through her across an artic waste. She realized the voices belonged to her father and Calvin. She did not hear Charles Wallace. She tried  to open her eyes, but the lids would not move. She tried to sit up, but she could not stir. She struggled to turn over, to move her hands, her feet, but nothing happened. She knew that she had a body, but it was lifeless as marble."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 152

"ITs completely unused to being refused. That's the only reason I could help from being absorbed, too. No mind has to hold out against IT for so many thousands of centuries that certain certain centers have become soft and atrophied through lack of use. If you hadn't come to me when you did I'm not sure how much longer I would have lasted. I was at the point of given in"

A Wrinkle In Time P. 153

"Nothing seemed important but complete rest, and of course IT offered me complete rest. I had almost come to the conclusion that I was wrong to fight, that IT was right after all and everything I believed in most passionately was a madman's dream. But then you and Meg came to me, broke through my prison, and hope and faith returned."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 153

Meg was trapped in a marble statue. They saw a beast with tentacle fingers which each had a head. The beast was taking Meg.
Meg was out of the comatose state and asked about Charles Wallace, father, and Calvin. Her keeper said they were looking for Charles Wallace. The keepers don't understand the concept of dark and light.

"How can you explain sight on a world where no one has ever seen and where their is no need for eyes?"

A Wrinkle In Time P. 169

"It was a music even more tangible than form or sight. It had essence and structure. And for a moment only the melody was real."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 171

"It was she who was limited by her senses."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 171

"We look not at things which are seen, but at things which are not seen. For things which are seen are temporal. But things which are unseen are eternal."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 172

Aunt Beast took Meg back to her father and Calvin and as they were having lunch their meal got interupted with Angel's. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which materialized between Meg, Calvin, and her father. Meg's going to save Charles Wallace.

"You mean you're comparing our lives to a sonnet? A strict form, but freedom within it?"

A Wrinkle In Time P. 184

"You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. What you say is completely up to you."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 184

Mrs Whatsit gave her the gift of love.

Mrs Who gave the spectacles with a little enchantment: "The foolishness of man; and the weakness of God is stronger than man. For ye see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many might, not many noble, are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound which are mighty. And base things of the world, and things which are despised, has God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are naught...May the right prevail."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 186-187

"Love. That was what she had that IT did not have. She had Mrs  Whatsits love, and her father's and her mother's, and the real Charles Wallace's and the twins, and Aunt Beast's."

A Wrinkle In Time P. 192

Once back to Earth Meg, her father, and mother and the twins were hugging and the three witches tried to tell them something but vanished in a gust of wind before they had a chance.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


I began reading Artemis by Andy Weir on Wednesday August 6, 2020 and I finished reading this book on Monday September 7, 2020. It was copywritten in 2017.
It had 303 pages.

"Artemis is the first city on the moon, it is made of five huge spheres called bubbles. They're half underground."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 5

Bob Lewis is the guild leader. The Sun doesn't define their time on the moon.

"We don't have streets in Artemis. We have hallways. It cost alot of money to make real estate on the Moon and they sure as hell aren't going to waste it on roads. You can have an electric cart or scooter if you want but the hallways are designed for foot traffic. It's one-sixth Earth's gravity. Walking doesn't take much energy."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 6-7

"We've got plenty of silicon on the moon so glass is locally made."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 12

"I grew up watching StarTrek. Now I get to live it." 


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Star Trek? Seriously that's like a hundred years old."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Quality is quality. Age is irrelevant. No one bitches about Shakespeare fans."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 16

"Most people don't know it, but there's a ridiculous amount of oxygen on the moon. You just need a shitload of energy to get it."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 24

"If you commit serious crimes we exhile you to Earth."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 27

Artemis doesn't have fire departments.

"Reacting silicon with oxygen creates a lot of heat."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 30

"Factories can be rebuilt. People can't."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 32

"Fidelis Ngugi simply put the reason Artemis exist. When she was Kenya's Minister of Finance she created the country's entire space industry from scratch. Kenya had one - and only one - natural resource to offer space companies: it's equator. Spacecrafts could take full advantage of Earth's rotation to save fuel. But Ngugi realized they could offer something more: policy. Western nations drowned commercial space competition in red tape. Ngugi said, how about we don't?"

Artemis Andy Weir p. 37

"When your in a vaccum, getting rid of heat is a problem. There is no air to carry it away. And when you have electric power, every Joule of energy ultimately becomes heat. It may be from electrical resistance, friction in miving parts or chemical reactions in the battery that release the energy in the first place. But ultimately it all ends up as heat." 

Artemis Andy Weir p.53

Web searches are faster on Earth, simply because that is where the databases are. The closer you are too them, the faster your searches will be.

"Space agencies around the world were the first to rent properties on Artemis. In the old days, Armstrong Ground was the best real estate in town. Since then, four more bubbles spang up, and the space agencies remained." 

Artemis Andy Weir p. 56

"The moon always points the same  face towards Earth. So even though we're in orbit from our view, Earth doesn't move. Well technically, it wobbles a bit because of lunar liberation...Earth is fixed in the sky. It rotates in place and goes throgh phases, but it doesn't move."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 57

"When you weld aluminium, you need to flood it with a non-reactive gas to keep the surface from oxidizing. On Earth they use Argon because its massively abundant. But we don't have Noble gases on the moon, so we have to ship them in from Earth. And Neon weighs half as much as Argon, so that's what we use."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 65

"The aluminium isn't magnetic, suction cups and propellers won't work in a vaccum, and a rocket engine would be stupidly expensive."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 72

"Water is one of the best absorbers of all chemisty. And melting the ice takes even more energy."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 85

"In the old days, astronauts needed expendable filters to collect CO². Modern suits sort the CO² molucules out through some complicated use of membranes and vaccums outside."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 99

If Artemis ever exploded, their was Bern which protects the city from an explosive event.

Jazz Bishera just disabled four harvesters by cutting their antennae.

"Shadows on the moon are stark and black. No air means no light diffusion. Sunlight refected off nearby rocks, dirt and hills and so on."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 121

Jazz was being asked by Rudy about the explosives. She stuck to her story.

Jazz changed her name to Harprett Singh, because she was afraid people were coming after her.

Harpreet decided to keep her mouth shut and that was the only way she'd stay alive.

"Food makes you comfortable. It's how you recenter."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 152

"Dust takes a long time to settle in Artemis. Atmosphere plus low gravity equals particles taking forever to fall."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 161

The code to the lockbox was 1701 after the Starship Enterprise Registry number.

"You don't notice neon when you breathe it. It just feels like normal air. And the human body has no way to detect a lack of oxygen. You just plug along until you pass out."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 177

Artemis didn't have an official police station.

"Every city needs an underbelly. It's best to let petty criminals do their thing and focus on the bigger issues."


Artemis Andy Weir p. 178

"If you commit a crime, Artemis deports you to the victims country. Let their nation exact revenge on you. It's only fair."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 180

OLTS stanf for Optical loss test set. This tells you how much light you lose during a transmission.

"Superconductors have zero resistance to electrical currents. Why can't their be a material with zero resistance to light?"

Artemis Andy Weir p. 188

ZAFO-zero attenuated fiber optics

Jasmine saw Svoboda and came up with a way to revolutionize telecommunication on Earth. Although when she went to Nougi to tell her, Nougi pulled a gun on her.

"Glass is just silicon and oxygen, both of which are created by aluminum smelting."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 195

"Building a civilization is ugly. But the alternative is no civilization at all."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 199

"The moon is a nice place to pass out. You hit the ground very gently."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 200

"The sky is not the limit."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 207

Jasmine's sister is helping her take down Sanchez Aluminum

"New York, Chicago, Tokyo, Moscow, Rome, Mexico City--they all went through hell to control their mob infestation. And those are the success stories. Big chunks of South America are still under cartel control. Let's not do that, let's take care of this cancer before it spreads."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 217

"There's no weather on the moon, but there is static electricity. Fine lunar dust gets everywhere and sticks to everything with the slightest charge."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 231

"Copper has a higher melting point than the operating point of the bath but a lower melting point than steel."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 249-250

Loretta was in the reactor that was set to blow. The reactor exploded. Sanchez, Bashira, and Dale made it out safely. Bashira was trying to fix the air filtration system in Artemis.

Bashera had faught Alvarez and handcuffed him to Rudy's desk.

"Ive been winging it, you know as a father. I had nothing to work from. No blueprint. And I chose a hard life for us. An immigrant life in a frontier town."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 294

"I've learned by the teachings of Muhammed, I try to be honest and true in all my decisions. But like many I am flawed, I sin. If your peace of mind comes at the price of a small tarnish on my soul, then so be it. I can only hope I've built up enough good grace with Allah that he will forgive me."

Artemis Andy Weir p. 295

"An economy is a living thing. It's born full of vitality and dies once it is rigid and worn out. Then through necessity people, groups and the cycle begins anew, but with more economy, baby economies, like Artemis is right now."

Artemis Andy Weir pp. 300-301

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Librarians and The Pot of Gold

The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox Copyright 2018 I began this book September 9, 2020. I finished it on Saturday October 17, 2020. It had 331 pages. Lady Sebella had a dagger which was past down through generation which held vast power and magic which could transform the world. She held a leprechaun who brought her gold, for an infant girl that Sebella stole from her mother. She traded the girl for the gold. A Librarian saved the baby. The Librarians who Pennywise Unleased The Librarians who saved the child were Eramus, Deidre and Padriac. "The righteous are never truly alone." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 17 Dedrie rang a bell which drove Sebella into a fit. Dedrie freed the leprechaun to help with the fight against Sebella. They dosed Sebella in Holy Water and then beheaded her. The Phantom of the Opera is real. "Gaston Leroux, who wrote the original book was a celebrared investigative journalist back in the day, and his so-called novel was actually based on eyewitness testimony and written records he unearthed while looking into certain real-life-events that took place at the Paris Opera...and beneath it." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 27 "Paris Opera volumous archives contains hundred of thousands of books, musical scores, libretti, set and costume designs, correspondence, posters, programs, scale models, and even some three thousand pieces of antique costume jewelry. Housed in a domed pavilion on the west side of the theater, the library paled in comparison to the Library, but was still pretty impressive in its own right. Towering oak shelves lined the walls, with the rarer volumes protected by wire screens. Framed paintings of dancers and divas decorated any wall space." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 30 Cassandra had her brain tumor removed which enhanced her abilities. This gave her more of the ability to see charts and diagrams, that only she could see. "For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34 Stone and Ezekiel met the Phantom playing music on a piano in the catacombs of the Grand Paris Opera House Stone and Ezekiel fell through a shaft and then were blinded by light, which had the effects of funhouse mirrors by reflecting back and forth to infinate times they were trapped in an endless desert. "He (Eric) was misunderstood, scored, maligned! Driven to madness by an uncaring world that could not see his brilliant mind and wounded heart--behind his ucursed ugliness. He should be revered as a genius, not reviled as a monster." The Librarians and The Pot of GoldThe Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox Copyright 2018 I began this book September 9, 2020. I finished it on Saturday October 17, 2020. It had 331 pages. Lady Sebella had a dagger which was past down through generation which held vast power and magic which could transform the world. She held a leprechaun who brought her gold, for an infant girl that Sebella stole from her mother. She traded the girl for the gold. A Librarian saved the baby. The Librarians who saved the child were Eramus, Deidre and Padriac. "The righteous are never truly alone." the day, and his so-called novel was actually based on eyewitness testimony and written records he unearthed while looking into certain real-life-events that took place at the Paris Opera...and beneath it." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 27 "Paris Opera volumous archives contains hundred of thousands of books, musical scores, libretti, set and costume designs, correspondence, posters, programs, scale models, and even some three thousand pieces of antique costume jewelry. Housed in a domed pavilion on the west side of the theater, the library paled in comparison to the Library, but was still pretty impressive in its own right. Towering oak shelves lined the walls, with the rarer volumes protected by wire screens. Framed paintings of dancers and divas decorated any wall space." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 30 Cassandra had her brain tumor removed which enhanced her abilities. This gave her more of the ability to see charts and diagrams, that only she could see. "For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34"For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34 Stone and Ezekiel met the Phantom playing music on a piano in the catacombs of the Grand Paris Opera House Stone and Ezekiel fell through a shaft and then were blinded by light, which had the effects of funhouse mirrors by reflecting back and forth to infinate times they were trapped in an endless desert. "He (Eric) was misunderstood, scored, maligned! Driven to madness by an uncaring world that could not see his brilliant mind and wounded heart--behind his ucursed ugliness. He should be revered as a genius, not reviled as a monster." The Librarians and The Pot of GoldThe Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox Copyright 2018 I began this book September 9, 2020. I finished it on Saturday October 17, 2020. It had 331 pages. Lady Sebella had a dagger which was past down through generation which held vast power and magic which could transform the world. She held a leprechaun who brought her gold, for an infant girl that Sebella stole from her mother. She traded the girl for the gold. A Librarian saved the baby. The Librarians who saved the child were Eramus, Deidre and Padriac. "The righteous are never truly alone." the day, and his so-called novel was actually based on eyewitness testimony and written records he unearthed while looking into certain real-life-events that took place at the Paris Opera...and beneath it." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 27 "Paris Opera volumous archives contains hundred of thousands of books, musical scores, libretti, set and costume designs, correspondence, posters, programs, scale models, and even some three thousand pieces of antique costume jewelry. Housed in a domed pavilion on the west side of the theater, the library paled in comparison to the Library, but was still pretty impressive in its own right. Towering oak shelves lined the walls, with the rarer volumes protected by wire screens. Framed paintings of dancers and divas decorated any wall space." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 30 Cassandra had her brain tumor removed which enhanced her abilities. This gave her more of the ability to see charts and diagrams, that only she could see. "For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34 Stone and Ezekiel met the Phantom playing music on a piano in the catacombs of the Grand Paris Opera House Stone and Ezekiel fell through a shaft and then were blinded by light, which had the effects of funhouse mirrors by reflecting back and forth to infinate times they were trapped in an endless desert. "He (Eric) was misunderstood, scored, maligned! Driven to madness by an uncaring world that could not see his brilliant mind and wounded heart--behind his ucursed ugliness. He should be revered as a genius, not reviled as a monster." The Librarians and The Pot of GoldThe Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox Copyright 2018 I began this book September 9, 2020. I finished it on Saturday October 17, 2020. It had 331 pages. Lady Sebella had a dagger which was past down through generation which held vast power and magic which could transform the world. She held a leprechaun who brought her gold, for an infant girl that Sebella stole from her mother. She traded the girl for the gold. A Librarian saved the baby. The Librarians who saved the child were Eramus, Deidre and Padriac. "The righteous are never truly alone." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 17 Dedrie rang a bell which drove Sebella into a fit. Dedrie freed the leprechaun to help with the fight against Sebella. They dosed Sebella in Holy Water and then beheaded her. The Phantom of the Opera is real. "Gaston Leroux, who wrote the original book was a celebrared investigative journalist back in the day, and his so-called novel was actually based on eyewitness testimony and written records he unearthed while looking into certain real-life-events that took place at the Paris Opera...and beneath it." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 27 "Paris Opera volumous archives contains hundred of thousands of books, musical scores, libretti, set and costume designs, correspondence, posters, programs, scale models, and even some three thousand pieces of antique costume jewelry. Housed in a domed pavilion on the west side of the theater, the library paled in comparison to the Library, but was still pretty impressive in its own right. Towering oak shelves lined the walls, with the rarer volumes protected by wire screens. Framed paintings of dancers and divas decorated any wall space." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 30 Cassandra had her brain tumor removed which enhanced her abilities. This gave her more of the ability to see charts and diagrams, that only she could see. "For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34 Stone and Ezekiel met the Phantom playing music on a piano in the catacombs of the Grand Paris Opera House Stone and Ezekiel fell through a shaft and then were blinded by light, which had the effects of funhouse mirrors by reflecting back and forth to infinate times they were trapped in an endless desert. "He (Eric) was misunderstood, scored, maligned! Driven to madness by an uncaring world that could not see his brilliant mind and wounded heart--behind his ucursed ugliness. He should be revered as a genius, not reviled as a monster." The LibraThe Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox Copyright 2018 I began this book September 9, 2020. I finished it on Saturday October 17, 2020. It had 331 pages. Lady Sebella had a dagger which was past down through generation which held vast power and magic which could transform the world. She held a leprechaun who brought her gold, for an infant girl that Sebella stole from her mother. She traded the girl for the gold. A Librarian saved the baby. The Librarians who saved the child were Eramus, Deidre and Padriac. "The righteous are never truly alone." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 17 Dedrie rang a bell which drove Sebella into a fit. Dedrie freed the leprechaun to help with the fight against Sebella. They dosed Sebella in Holy Water and then beheaded her. The Phantom of the Opera is real. "Gaston Leroux, who wrote the original book was a celebrared investigative journalist back in the day, and his so-called novel was actually based on eyewitness testimony and written records he unearthed while looking into certain real-life-events that took place at the Paris Opera...and beneath it." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 27 "Paris Opera volumous archives contains hundred of thousands of books, musical scores, libretti, set and costume designs, correspondence, posters, programs, scale models, and even some three thousand pieces of antique costume jewelry. Housed in a domed pavilion on the west side of the theater, the library paled in comparison to the Library, but was still pretty impressive in its own right. Towering oak shelves lined the walls, with the rarer volumes protected by wire screens. Framed paintings of dancers and divas decorated any wall space." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 30 Cassandra had her brain tumor removed which enhanced her abilities. This gave her more of the ability to see charts and diagrams, that only she could see. "For Cassandra the world was an endless series of real-life-story problems that she had a definate knack for solving. If anyone could zero in on a tell tale clue, it could be her." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 34 Stone and Ezekiel met the Phantom playing music on a piano in the catacombs of the Grand Paris Opera House Stone and Ezekiel fell through a shaft and then were blinded by light, which had the effects of funhouse mirrors by reflecting back and forth to infinate times they were trapped in an endless desert. "He (Eric) was misunderstood, scored, maligned! Driven to madness by an uncaring world that could not see his brilliant mind and wounded heart--behind his ucursed ugliness. He should be revered as a genius, not reviled as a monster." The Librarians and The Pot of Goldrians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 45 As the Phantom playing on his organ grew in intensity, so to did the temperature in the catacombs. Cassandra and Baird asked Claudel the librarian of the opera house if he had a chandelier and just as they looked up saw it swinging. Cassandra realized that the opera house had to much vibrational energy, which would cause the building to collapse. Baird pulled the fire alarm to no avail. The chandelier fell and Baird mannaged to save Cassandra and Claudel. Stone and Ezekiel were drastically digging to find an escape from the desert. They found a box which contained a grasshopper and a scorpion carved of jade resting on top of a velvet cushion. Stone had took a copy of the Phantom of the Opera from their Library. "If there's one thing I learned on this job, it's that there's more truth in the old stories than anyone could ever guess." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 55 Stone and Ezekiel climbed out of the chamber when they put the amulets in their respective places, but they came face to face with the Phantom. Stone and Ezekiel got to the Phantom but before they could do anything the Phantom threatened to unhinge the chandelier above them with the touch of a piano key. Bard and Cassandra were in their way through the Opera House when they were stopped by a security guard. Since they didn't have time Baird just punched him out. Cassandra and Baird managed to diffuse the bomb before it went off and shattered on the play audience. Ezekiel saved Stone from the Phantom by obtaining a sheet of music and threatening to rip it. When they unmasked the Phantom they found him as an audonis of a man. Carson was called away to be an inpartial arbitrator in some disputes mer-people were having. As the Librarians were about to play trivial pursuit The Clipping book sent them on their next investigation in Ireland. They found a tomb of two mammoth stones, that time covered with erosion. The structure a table of some mythical beings. This was the portal in which they used. As always Cassandra missed a step through the portal, maybe because the rotation of the Earth or crossing between untold miles was a tad disorienting. The stone they were sent to investigate had been moved by someone. Ezekiel put together a digital app for his phone to detect lay lines and map them which amazed the group. They found an Ogham, Ireland first written alphabet. It was the first attempt to write ancient Erin or primitive Irish "The origin of the ogham are lost to history and the subject of ongoing debate. Some say it was derived by the druids, others by early Christian missionaries looking for a way to translate native tongues into written word. Legend on the other hand, holds the ogham was gifted to Irish people by the Tuatha De Danann themselves." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 88 "Here lieth the bones of the foul serpant which once infested our shores. Let no hands disturb these unholy remains, on peril of your soul." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "Ogham is an extremely odd and obsolete alphabet; people who can translate it in the field are even rarer today than people who know how to use apostrophes and semicolons properly." Jenkin The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "The Serpant of the Brotherhood had been the Librarians nemesis for longer than even he (Jenkins) had walked the Earth; unlike the Library, which was dedicated to keep magic it's that there's more truth in the old stories than anyone could ever guess." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 55 Stone and Ezekiel climbed out of the chamber when they put the amulets in their respective places, but they came face to face with the Phantom. Stone and Ezekiel got to the Phantom but before they could do anything the Phantom threatened to unhinge the chandelier above them with the touch of a piano key. Bard and Cassandra were in their way through the Opera House when they were stopped by a security guard. Since they didn't have time Baird just punched him out. Cassandra and Baird managed to diffuse the bomb before it went off and shattered on the play audience. Ezekiel saved Stone from the Phantom by obtaining a sheet of music and threatening to rip it. When they unmasked the Phantom they found him as an audonis of a man. Carson was called away to be an inpartial arbitrator in some disputes mer-people were having. As the Librarians were about to play trivial pursuit The Clipping book sent them on their next investigation in Ireland. They found a tomb of two mammoth stones, that time covered with erosion. The structure a table of some mythical beings. This was the portal in which they used. As always Cassandra missed a step through the portal, maybe because the rotation of the Earth or crossing between untold miles was a tad disorienting. The stone they were sent to investigate had been moved by someone. Ezekiel put together a digital app for his phone to detect lay lines and map them which amazed the group. They found an Ogham, Ireland first written alphabet. It was the first attempt to write ancient Erin or primitive Irish "The origin of the ogham are lost to history and the subject of ongoing debate. Some say it was derived by the druids, others by early Christian missionaries looking for a way to translate native tongues into written word. Legend on the other hand, holds the ogham was gifted to Irish people by the Tuatha De Danann themselves." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 88 "Here lieth the bones of the foul serpant which once infested our shores. Let no hands disturb these unholy remains, on peril of your soul." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "Ogham is an extremely odd and obsolete alphabet; people who can translate it in the field are even rarer today than people who know how to use apostrophes and semicolons properly." Jenkin The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "The Serpant of the Brotherhood had been the Librarians nemesis for longer than even he (Jenkins) had walked the Earth; unlike the Library, which was dedicated to keep magic safely contained, the Brotherhood saw magic as a power to impose their will on the world and to shape the coarit's that there's more truth in the old stories than anyone could ever guess." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 55 Stone and Ezekiel climbed out of the chamber when they put the amulets in their respective places, but they came face to face with the Phantom. Stone and Ezekiel got to the Phantom but before they could do anything the Phantom threatened to unhinge the chandelier above them with the touch of a piano key. Bard and Cassandra were in their way through the Opera House when they were stopped by a security guard. Since they didn't have time Baird just punched him out. Cassandra and Baird managed to diffuse the bomb before it went off and shattered on the play audience. Ezekiel saved Stone from the Phantom by obtaining a sheet of music and threatening to rip it. When they unmasked the Phantom they found him as an audonis of a man. Carson was called away to be an inpartial arbitrator in some disputes mer-people were having. As the Librarians were about to play trivial pursuit The Clipping book sent them on their next investigation in Ireland. They found a tomb of two mammoth stones, that time covered with erosion. The structure a table of some mythical beings. This was the portal in which they used. As always Cassandra missed a step through the portal, maybe because the rotation of the Earth or crossing between untold miles was a tad disorienting. The stone they were sent to investigate had been moved by someone. Ezekiel put together a digital app for his phone to detect lay lines and map them which amazed the group. They found an Ogham, Ireland first written alphabet. It was the first attempt to write ancient Erin or primitive Irish "The origin of the ogham are lost to history and the subject of ongoing debate. Some say it was derived by the druids, others by early Christian missionaries looking for a way to translate native tongues into written word. Legend on the other hand, holds the ogham was gifted to Irish people by the Tuatha De Danann themselves." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 88 "Here lieth the bones of the foul serpant which once infested our shores. Let no hands disturb these unholy remains, on peril of your soul." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "Ogham is an extremely odd and obsolete alphabet; people who can translate it in the field are even rarer today than people who know how to use apostrophes and semicolons properly." Jenkin The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 93 "The Serpant of the Brotherhood had been the Librarians nemesis for longer than even he (Jenkins) had walked the Earth; unlike the Library, which was dedicated to keep magic safely contained, the Brotherhood saw magic as a power to impose their will on the world and to shape the coarse of history as they saw fit. Moreover they were utterly worthless when it came to achieving their ends, as too many past Librarians had discovered to their sorrow."se of history as they saw fit. Moreover they were utterly worthless when it came to achieving their ends, as too many past Librarians had discovered to their sorrow."safely contained, the Brotherhood saw magic as a power to impose their will on the world and to shape the coarse of history as they saw fit. Moreover they were utterly worthless when it came to achieving their ends, as too many past Librarians had discovered to their sorrow." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 94-95 Someone was at the door, which waa very surprising. "The existence of the Librarians was largely a secret, known only to wizards, dragons, djinn, secret societies, clandestine government organizations, and, okay a few ordinary people whom the Librarians from the fire over the years. The Library's phone number was unlisted, nor could it be found on Twitter or Facebook." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 101 "The Library is a repository for countless dangerous books and relics as well as more powerful irreplaceable items, then the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, the Louvre, the Tower of London and Ebay combined." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 102 Bridgett O'Neil rang the door to the Library, she had no where else to go. Bridgett had heard a banchee for a couple nights. 3 different women; a maiden, a mother and a crone. "Banchees are Irish Spirits keening foretells the coming of death. Although somewhat ghostly in nature, they are actually a variety of fairy. Indeed the word "banshee" derived from the Gaelic bean-sidhe, which roughly translated means "woman of the fairy." Traditionally they cry for members of venerable Irish families, including I'm afraid the O'Neals." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 108-109 "There's always hope, even if its a slim one." Cassandra The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 111 Jenkins and Cassandra are off to Portland, Oregon, to visit a Leprechaun colony while the others research more on the Banschees. "It's not just a matter of simple optics; dawn and noon and that coupled with the fundemental principles of applied astrological symbolism, is essential to produce the desired effect due to--" Carol The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 120 "Just as the original Serpant dared humanity to taste the fruit of knowledge, shall we lead the world into a new age of magic and miracle." Carol The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 123 Jenkins and Cassandra had gotten four leaf clovers which Jenkins had grown to blend in with the Fair Folk. "Mills End Park was officially the smallest park in the world a circle of shrubbery, two foot in diameter, in the middle of a concrete traffic medium on a public street. This was the largest leprechaun colony west of Ireland and had been formally recognized as such since Saint Patrick's Day 1948." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 130 "The whimsical is merely the gateway to our ultimate destruction: a faerie that is home to a sizable contigient of expatriate of leprechauns who emigrated to the Pacific Northwest decades ago, at least as time is reckoned on the mortal plane. Time tends to pass at a slower rate where the fare folk are concerned so I suggest we do not linger here any longer than neccessary." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 130 "We are beneath the city (of Portland) but just one step removed from the more prosaic version of reality." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 133 Cassandra saw Bridgett. "So where do leprechauns get their gold in the first place? Nobody really knows. There are lots of conflicting stories and legends. Some say the gold was stolen from Viking hoards buried beneath the Earth. Others say they earn the money as cobblers, making and repairing shoes for other fairies, who wear theirs out by dancing, or they earn it as fiddlers, playing for the revels of fairy kings and queens. And some say the gold comes from long forgotten mines and treasure troves dating all the way back to the misty days of legend, when ancient Gods and Godesses ruled over Ireland." Bridget The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 144 "There really should be some sort of formula for converting faerie time to mortal time." Cassandra The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 149 "Saint Pat's day is a big deal here in Chicago, parades, parties--they even dye the river green for the occasion." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox pp. 164-165 They saw the Banshee in Pot O Gold's bar in Chicago The woman was crying as Eve Baird joined in "The woman's mouth opened, her bottom jaw falling farther than humanly possible, revealing a bottomless chasm from which a hellish high-pitched, high-decibal keening that instantly drowned all other sounds as its pitch and volume rocketed upward to a deafening rate." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 171 When Eve Baird went for her she vanished into thin air. Jenkins and Cassandra were trapped at the Mills End for fear of the Serpant of The Brotherhood had awoke, when Bridget appeared and offerered to take them out. "Cassandra took a deep breath, not letting the seemingly infinate number of clovers intimidate her. Her senses mingled and merged as she put her magical brain to work. The gentle rustling of shamrocks turned into a symphony of simmering and equations that tinkled like calculus and tasted like geometry." Cassandra The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 188 Max confronted the Librarians in the Pat O'Gold bar and as he was about to retreat his assistant gave them away by mistakenly showing them a mark. Grady, the Leprechaun saved Stone and the others by magically switching his fiddle with Max's weapon. "The Yucatan Death Touch was a technique forbidden in honorable fighting systems. Honor is subjective. In any event, you understand why this is pointless, if invigorating, donnybook is over." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 205 Bridgett saved Ezekiel and Stone but then she fainted. "Your classic changling, from myth and history is a changling swapped for a mortal child in infancy, although, admittedly magic is sometimes employed to make the substitute appear identical to the original child, the better to pull off the switch." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 210 "Snakes may shed their skin, but people hardly change." Max The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 221 "If there was one thing she had learned as a Guardian, it was that some operations required Librarians, not soldiers." Eve Baird The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 223 The new surgery Cassandra had recently had made her more telepathic. She called Eve Baird and Ezekial Jones to assist them when they were about to be discovered by The Serpent of the Brotherhoods goons. "It wasn't easy. You have to find a way to alchemically fuse the raw magic within an object symbolically suited to acheive the desired effect, which means taking into account both mind and matter along with deleting the uncertainty principle by...." Carol The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 237 "A fighters true strength comes from his heart and soul." Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 237 Stone and Cassandra had just escaped the Eden's Manor by diving in the mote to their freedom. Carol and Max avoided the blast by the helicopter. Ezekiel and Baird escaped a vault and then got a magic door back to the Library. They all escaped from Eden Manor. Cassandra managed to get hold of the Leprechaun at FinnMcools until the banshee showed up and distracted her. The leprechaun saved both Bridget's. The Banshee disappeared as Stone and Ezekiel tried to catch her. Cassandra lost the leprechaun she chased outside, amidst a sea of others dressed in the same attire, because it was Saint Patrick's Day and everyone was dressed as a leprechaun. The Librarians were following the Banshee to the leprechaun. "Some ties could stretch across centuries." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 259 "Flight was a fugitives sole recourse." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 262 The Librarians almost got Grady as the Banshee was chasing him, but he hoped in a limo with the Serpant of the Brotherhood by mistake. "We could of used her (Eve Bard) back in Camolt. Things might have turned out differently with a Colonel Baird to keep The Round Table in line." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 267 "Rainbows don't have an end, they're simply sunlight refracted through water droplets in the sky. It's an optical phenomenon that occurs when the sun shines through a departing weather pattern at just the right angle. As it happens, Ireland gets more rainbows than any other countries because it gets lots of intermittent showers due to the low pressure system in the North Atlantic, and because it's distance from the equator means that it gets more sunlight in from no more than fifty-three degrees above the horizon, significantly increasing the chance of rainbows. But rainbows don't really touch down on the ground anywhere. There's no such thing as an end of a rainbow." Cassandra The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 267 The Serpant of the Brotherhood was taking O'Grady back to Ireland to find his pot of gold "The world was a big place, and even bigger than most people realized when you counted all the lost kingdoms and secret tombs." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 272 "I arise today through the strength of heaven...through the firmness of a rock." The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 274 "You can still see the remnants of the old cathedrals and refractories and such. And look at that High Cross over there, still standing after centuries." He gestured at a Celtic monument and whistled. "Just imagine how this place must have looked in the dark ages, when it still was a monastic community attracting devout scholars and scribes from all over. It has been said that the Irish Monks helped save the Western civilization by preserving and copying countless books and manuscripts that might otherwise have been lost after the fall of Rome..." Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 278-279 Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity, Three Leafs, but one flower. "It occured to me earlier that there may be another way to interpret that bit about the end of the rainbow. A rainbow is red to violet, right? So you can argue that, the very end of a rainbow is violet... or maybe ultraviolet?" Cassandra The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 284 "Traditionally, the four leaves of the clover stand for Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck." Jake Stone The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 286 The Librarians opened the tomb only to find an empty pot there. "It was never about the gold. It's about the Pot." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 287 "The problem with immortality was that one's memory tended to get overstuffed, making it harder to retrieve any relative arcania without an excess of rumaging around first." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox pp. 287-288 "When the Tuatha De Dannon came to Ireland in the misty days of yore, they brought with them four powerful magical objects from the mystic islands from which they hailed: a stone, a spear, a sword....and a cauldran." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 288 "In fact, the Dagda--whose visage is emblazoned on the Pot--was among the mighty leaders of the Tuatha De Danann. He was a god of fertility, magix and druidry. It's said that his bountiful pot, which was forged by one of the oldest and wisest druids, could feed multitudes withoout running dry, so that none ever went away from it unsatisfied." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 288 "According to some old tales, those sacrificed to the Cauldron would rise again unstoppable undead creatures, under the sway of whomever controlled the Pot." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 289 "Like the Dagda himself, the Cauldron embodies both abundance and destruction the eternal cycle of birth, death, and resurrection. In the wrong hands this power could be put to terrible ends." Jenkins The Librarians and The Pot of Gold By Greg Cox p. 289 O'Grady was Bridgett relative. He gave her up to keep her safe. He always kept an eye on her though. Max killed Coral the Pot's blood sacrifice. Maximillian Lambert brought Lady Sebella back from the dead. Sebella was torturing Eve Baird. Then Jenkins showed up and rang Saint Patrick's Bell which drove Sebella away, in a frenzied manner. Jenkins was ringing the bell to entice the Banshee as well. The Banshee wanted the Cauldron. Baird had the Cauldron and the Banshee was chasing her. Ezekiel freed Grady from the silver chains the Serpant of the Brotherhood put around his hands and feet. Coral who had just died had come back and saved Jake Stone by scaring Max. However, this turned out to be Grady in disguise. Baird gave the Banshee the Cauldron and now there was a coach of death coming for O'Grady. Yeremiah Hardt