This novel had 168 pages. I began reading it on November 4, 2012. I completed reading it on November 14, 2012.
Spock killed Kirk. What brought this on was Kirks intent to erase the Halkins from existence. The mirror Kirk had stated to him that killing.was wrong and encouraged him against this course of action.
Spock, was said by Kirk to have tried to breach both universes. Marlena, Spock inherited woman from Kirk, wanted a mind-meld. Serek came to Enterprise. Spock gave him a tour. Serek said only a few words.
Serek forced Spock to listen. Spock wanted to attack Coridon, Serek thought it will be a waste of time and resources. Spock said it will send a message of strength to Romulan and Klingon governments. The Vulcan council believe The Romulan Empire will fall. Vulcan might be eradicated in three generations. A constituted republic would replace it.
It would become a coalition of planets again. Spock just nominated Serek as his chief council. Serek accepted this appointment. Elaan, the Dolman of Eas, was aggressive towards Spock. Thoughts of Spock having special abilities were scaring the crew
Uhura was getting ready to murder Spock.
Spock took an away team down to a Vulcan monastary, it was deserted. They killed Deckers who Spock chose at the last minute to go. Deckers father was ready to have a civil war, to avenge his son, but Hoshi objected.
The Enterprise picked up a message saying to meet at the Terra Nova system to hijjak the Enterprise. When Enterprise got there, it surrendered.
Spock, however, overpowered Decker, with the help of his first officer Takesha and relieved Decker of command. He died rather than be betrayed. Spock was planning to kill Hoshi as soon as they got to Earth. Spock told Sevik about the device to kill everyone on the ship. Everyone was killed in Hoshis board room by Saavik.
Spock was the emperor. He felt he was a stranger in the castle even though he was born on Earth. Serek was his first visiter. Spock was planning to anhilate the Empire and replace it with a governing body. The one power Spock kept for himself was that his word was law. Spock returned to the Enterprise
For the first time, since he became Emperor, he wasn't protected by the Titenus field.
The Enterprise took him to Rigiler 1 to see Dr. Marcus. Marcus was working on Project Genisis, which Spock cut funding for. Genisis creates M class planets that could support life. He wanted Marcus to make other worlds habitable without the full magnitude of Genisis. A Romulan is found on Vulcan and he is killed swiftly. Two Vulcan females are in love and go against the law and give in to their desires. Klingons were going to strike the empire. No one knew why Spock was setting the Empire up for anhilation.
Admirals within the Empire were planning on assassinating Spock. They were planning on giving the throne to Ranjit Sinjh. They were also planning to wipe out the Senate as well. Curzon Dax was one of the people actively against the Klingon in. Dax disrespected the Klingons as they were congratulating themselves over a tiny victory.
The Klingons were working on a ship that could fire cloaked. Marlena was drowning in an artic sea. It was all a dream. She had the same nightmare for more than a decade.
Talking hadn't dissolved its power. Spock didn't want a child with anyone. Spock feared his child would die in the transition between the Empire going to a Republic.
Spock overcame the sensation of causing a massive civil war.between the.Cardassians, Klingons and Romulans. The assassin was put in head of the guards protecting Spock because the head stepped down. Spock set up this meeting to attempt to make a truce between the empires
Gorkon, the head of the Klingons, was there to form an alliance to wipe out the Romulans and Cardassians. Spock was letting his empire fall because he believed the Klingon empire will fall after.
Memory Omega was an all inclusive project of all the land and people of the empire. Marcus didn't believe Omega could be completed in two years as Spock requested. Spock killed Kirk as a favor to her, to prevent his action to David, her son. Spock wanted Saavik to return to Vulcan and rezine from Starfleet.
Valaris, who Spock was married to, was helping Spock to extinguish the empire and give birth to a new government. Valaris, lost control the weapon and injured herself. Spock destroyed it. Spock and Marlana were put to death. The Klingons were attacking. Spock was asked to kneel in front of the Klingon and Cardassian leader, but refused to and put him to death.
They killed Serek as well and cut his head off as well. They organized the slaves by profession. Sevik lied about her identity and was going to start a freedom movement which Spock had put together, but kept secret.