ST: DSN: Siege started I began reading this on January 2, 2013. It has 272 pages. It is by Peter David.
A changeling was on a murdering rampage aboard DSN. He almost got away on ship, but they traitored his ship in.. He transformed into a suitcase before discovered. Miles was going to perform some magic tricks at Molly's birthday, however she wanted a pony.
Keiko didn't like being on DSN that much, she missed the Enterprise. She was a botanist, not a teacher. There were enough quarters on DS9 to accommodate at least 3 times as many people. Nothing was wrong. Odo surprised Obrien after he was done. Obrien showed Odo the magic trick.
The wormhole was creating to many neutrinos when used thus making it unstable. The Wormhole destroyed a Borg Cube. The wormhole incident really upset Jake. Jake wondered how long DS9 could last against the Borg. Every time the wormhole opened Odo hoped his relatives would come through. A Klingon ship wanted to go through the wormhole Sisko sent the feed of what happened to the Borg cube, so they didn't go through.
They asked for refuge at Deep Space Nine. Mas Marko was the father. Rasa was his son. Aria was his daughter. Del and Lobb were his other sons. The station got another visitor. Glav, a Ferengi, just arrived at DS9. He just wished to tell Quark about his success from the con Quark pulled on him.
Cisco was talking to a Cardassian, Grotto, in his office, simply because they wanted to maintain present on the station. Bashir came in and talked to Cisco about the boy, who might have Eddington disease, and made sure he knew how to track it and care for it. Marko Edemian rang a bell in the Prominode and that made everyone keep their distance.
Sisko didn't want any trouble from them. K'olkr what the believed in was the way of acceptance. The kid looked weak. Bashir saved Rosa with his offer to accompany him with his duties. Marko was encouraged by the success of his son. Glav had come to the station to rub Quarks face with his success.
Odo told Cisco the Ferengi wanted to buy the station. Obrien was practicing magic tricks for his daughters birthday. Lobb was murdered in his quarters. Azria blamed herself for her brothers death. The two remaining children had a sickness. According to their religion Bashir was not allowed to treat them. Quark to Glav to ops. Kira was having them removed because they were an annoyance. Sisko made an announcement about the investigation going on.
Miles gave Keiko a phaser for protection. Jake was walking Dena, a girl from school home. Grotto wanted Quark to be a spy for the Cardassians on DS9. They sent Lobb into space. Meta and Dena were new friends. Dina's mom was being harassed by a Cardassian. The Cardassian raped her. The Cardassian thought he broke her arm.
She was a shapeshifter. She enveloped Gritto, the attacker. But then had mercy. Jake Sisko went by Meta's quarters to check on her, saw blood coming out of the door and called for security. Odo went through the door which was locked in his gelatinous form
They knew it was a shape shifter. Sisko told Dukot about Grottos demise. Bashir was talking to Azira about her son saying what if their son would remain dead and not go to their god and Marko lifted him almost killing him. The Cardassians were threatening to blow the station up if they didn't get their way to find the killer. The killer might be an offshoot of Odo's genealogy, and he might not be, Odo didn't know anything of his kind, it wasn't good that the only relative he found was a serial killer.
Kelsi was the stations multi-faceted woman, she was in charge of many things, she was the premier traffic manager. She was the next victim. Sisko made a station wide announcement about the changeling murdering people.
They asked if they should take Odo. He said then the mystery would las longer, since Odo is the Chief of Security. Obrien asked to escort his wife home, Sisko asked if he was that insecure on the Enterprise and he responded no. Every where there is risk. Sisko made him a deal, he would escort Molly, Keiko, as well as Jake back to their quarters. Basher and his nurse made a code word, to make sure of their identity.
Two security men found something suspicious Odo and Sisko beamed over. They found the murderer, Odo changed into his gelatinous form. The criminal went into the Holosuite unbeknownst with Quark and Gaz. Bashir was looking for Quark. Jake was bored in his quarters and went to search for Nog, who hadn't been to school for days. Odo turned into a rat to go into the crawlspace after the criminal and found Nog. Bashir entered the holosuite just in time to save Quark and Gaz from the criminal.
Odo transformed into a hawk to save Quark and Gaz. The shape shifter was in the form of Meta. He grabbed Jake. Odo changed into a mirror. Sisko shot and it reflected off Odo and hit the criminal changeling. Bashir blackmailed Quark by saying he would tell Kira and Dax about the holosuite program and he wanted the program erased as well. Bashir said he could scan everyone as they beamed down to Bajor, but he only had Starfleet's medical record and the station had so many other species.
Mas Marko was called to Sisko by Nog. Azira lost her son. Quark told her he went up to a Holosuite. Sisko didn't call for Marko. Marko called a warship to pressure Sisco to give up the guilty changeling. Rasa was unable to hold liquids and so he was dying in a holodeck program which was going to happen in a few months.
But the program didn't work as of yet Bashir hadn't got the permission to heal Rasa. When Bashir got back to the infirmary he found his nurse dead. Odo surprisingly wanted to come to Molly's birthday. The changeling was posing as the medical unit when it killed the nurse.
Gul Dukot came calling in. Dax offered to say she commuted the murders. Odo was crossed, he wanted to consider the individual a member of his race to finally find something about himself, but didn't want to be related to the mass murderer. Kira was talking to Odo, than Sisko called, and Odo got an idea.
Azira took her son to Bashir and he was healing him. Sisko and Obrien were very tired of the situation. Sisko had a new thing to deal with, the Cardassians were getting down his throat. Quark sold the bar to Rom, and was getting off the station. Glav was behind the shapeshifter, he brought him to the station.
Glav thought he killed Quark, but it was Odo. The Changeling killed Glav, said he was only killing people for fun. Odo and the other changeling were fighting and transforming. Both went in the walls. The changeling was hit by phaser fire and seeped through the crack under the door.
Odo lost the changeling. Odo and a security team were after him. He was getting away in a runabout. Odo jumped and got to it. Odo was left on the outside of the runabout. The runabout made the Cardassians fire at it. The Eddington were firing at the Cardassians because it was their war. The Cardassians saw that Odo was on the outside of the runabout.
DS9 had a tractor beam on the runabout. It was destroyed in the crossfire. The shapeshifter wasn't killed within the wormhole. He was ripped apart but still conscious. He was in help having to live with what he did forever. Odo was transported back to Deep Space Nine. The changeling had stabilized the wormhole. Marko excommunicated his wife for allowing Bashir to heal their son and divorced her. She was going to live on Bajor. Odo was Molly's horse for her party.