"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." This is stated by Mahatma Gandhi.
Voyages through space and time. Voyages through peoples lives. Voyages through what makes the ships run. Here is a rundown of the crew within this story. The captain of the USS Quirinal is Regina Farkes and the pilot was Japel Omar. Ezri Dax is captain of the Aventine. Chakotay is captain of Voyager. Phinnagan Bryce is pilot of Voyager. Hugh Cambridge is the councillor on Voyager. Tom and Harry recalled some of their adventures in the Delta Quadrant. Janeway is dead. Fleet Admiral William Bastelle opened a rift to fluidic space almost destroying Voyager. Chakotay brought Neelix aboard. Torres was the fleets chief engineer. Tuvok was working with Starfleet intelligence on the Romulan problem. He then was serving under Will Riker.
Admiral Paris was a Borg once.
The Borg invaded Alpha Quadrant. The Neysar have developed the ability to catch consciousness. Seven saw Counselor Cambridge because she heard voices. She broke up with Chokatay. They were planning on meeting the Children of the Storm.
Aventines Ullman had been briefly possessed by the Children of the Storm in order to make this possible. However, little is known about the Children of the Storm . They are bodyless, they traveled in thought bubbles which were there vessels proppelled by thought. The Federation is scared because they have detroyed thousands of Borg telepathically without even firing a weapon.
Voyager encountered the Urnatal, travellers, a long way from home. Afsarah was cought as a youth defacing art. Fife had brought T'Mar a variety of food. Phinn imagined he was in a hydroponic bay.
Farkes was intercepting the Children of the Storm. They were planning on making a slipstream jump away. O'donnel is the best genetic botonist. Their was only enough food for the crew to eat rations. Phinn believed The Benamite, which was their fuel could be recrystallized. However the technology did not exist as of yet.
Farkes had 347 contacts with the Children of the Storm. They were approaching their vessel. Their ships are semi-fluid liquid metal hydroge. Ti'Ana was now channeling the Children in sickbay. She said to the captain, that she was told not to return to their space.
Neelix met the Dr. and talked to him about New Talex. The doctor was giving medical supplies to Neelix. The Children controlled a hologram much like the doctor. Torres was wondering if she could co-ordinate engineering for Voyager and Achelis on Achelis. Achelis had five huge replicators which could produce parts of ships as well as anything else.
The Children were accusing the Federation of taking lives. The "Children" were communicating through Ti'ana and said they will kill. Ensign Yuka could not tell if she was dreaming or not and let the "Children" in the ship.
Harry asked for a transfer to Esquilence. Harry is the chief of security.
The "Children" can read and control non-telepathic crew members. Admiral Paris had died. Kim read Mirel a bedtime story, while Tom was in command of Voyager. Huge spheres have shown up on Voyager which produce the Children. Narv was decreasing the atmosphere in one section to cause the Children to leave. Because of this the mom sphere began to shrink. Psilakis targeted the Sphere with phasers and blew it up.
The Children were now after another ship. Quirnal left. It would repair then return. It still had Children on it. Phinn, the engineer, was working on the Slipstream drive. Farkes wanted him to wear her hazardous material suit to fix the Slipstream drive. In exchange, he gave Farkes his transporter so she had more of a chance to live.
When Voyager came out of Slipstream they arrived at a debris field and thought it was the other ships.
They were looking for a buoy from the ships. Admiral Eden was thinking about StarFleets orders and the lives lost. Seven called Torres to help her get a singularity to track the ships Slipstream trail. Torres reminded her they almost lost the Warp Core. Seven said if the Warp core didn't eject Tom and Torres wouldn't have got together. Seven picked up a distress call, they found a distress blinking blue light
Quirnal survivors formed a camp on a M class planet. The Children enter peoples minds when they are asleep. The ship has ten spheres captured. The spheres contains hundreds of distinguish life forms. They are pure thought, once they think it they are there. Different colors represent different functions. When merging they sacrifice themselves.
The Children have increased the growth of plants
The crew was planting seeds to distract and communicate
Fleet Commander Eden was helping give out food to the crew of Quirinal
Torres pulled her aside and told her if the Achilles were to be fixed it would take tremendous amount of energy
Seven, Harry and Petel were assigned to figure out how to communicate with the sphere
The Children may be part virus that is why they are so resilient
They now, were looking for the parents. Parents may have died. They wanted to use the spheres as a battering tool for safe passage. It destroyed the Borg because they destroyed the planet of their friends, single cell life forms that thrived on those worlds.
Larson went in to try and communicate, but couldn't. They are dying. Two people died because they ate non-replicated food of which the Children contaminanted.
Demeter was going to send a robot to plant seeds on a planet to distract the Children and escape
Quirnel was going to look for the Children's mother. Torres is keeping something she is ordered to keep from Tom.
Demeter fired seedlings into space for the Children to follow, however this did not go as planned
Voyager is looking the Children's mother and Demeter
Tiana talked with Eden, she told her that the Children had such hatred of being separated from their Mom
Peace is born of mutual understanding.
Url was going to take control away from Odonnel by Fifes order if she refused to act in the best interest of her crew and kill the Children if necessary.
7 and Cambridge were witnessing the birth if the Children.
Tom left Blanna and Mirel with Cambridge because Voyager was going on a dangerous mission.
The planet where Mother was was an entire huge organism. Every few minutes it gives birth. A child begins as a single thought. They mourn what the Borg have done. The Children will help find the ship that is missing.
The Children are attracted to growing plants. They were going to try and put a.plant directly in a sphere. Voyager found Demeter. A sphere is showing human life signs. Voyager rescued Farkes from a sphere. The Children, through Guynn, asked Chakotay why he broke they just made.
The fleet had made a friend of the Children. The new planet the Children inhabit is called Persephone. Odonnal wife Alana died a few years ago in a miscarriage but still got advice from us. Farkes woke.
Gainley was injured so drastically she was in recuperation for the rest of the mission and probably when they returned. When Tom beamed over to the Galen he was met by the doc who told Tom Mirel was not doing her studies. Seven kissed Cambridge.