Monday, July 29, 2013

Outpost of Jupiter

Lester del Rey

"The impossible only takes a little longer to come true."

This story mixed facts with fiction about Jupiter.  Jupiter is eleven times the diameter of the Earth. It is nearly five million miles from the sun. It is eleven times the diameter of the Earth. Its gravity is 400 times less. The crust is 600 miles of an unknown substance. The pressure is ten times greater than the ocean. Its normal temperature is twenty degrees below zero. Its atmosphere Methane and has ammonia crystal  clouds. This book has 191 pages. I read this story from Monday July 15 to Thursday July 25.

It has four moons that were discovered in 1610 by Galileo.  The moons are called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto.  They all are about the size of Mars. Calisto is made of an unknown frozen liquid. It is half the weight of our moon. All the moons are airless and frozen which makes the study of them nearly impossible.

Ganymede is the most promising to be able to study. It is 3,300 miles in diameter and its gravity is similar to our moon. Procylon,  was going a million miles an hour to Titan. The main crew was Captain Rokoff, Cheif Engineer Haikato, and Cheif Navigator Andrews. The other main characters were Red, Bob and his father. Penny was a rambunctious girl. Reds parent's died.

The Procyon was hit by many asteroids. They actually caused the ship to lose some air and took out one of the bio-domes. They were able to fix the shields, however the amount of damage was unknown.  The captain had entertained the idea that this was not astroids but an actual space pirates attack. Bob, however believed a ship hit the dome and took it.

Jupiter's big red spot is bigger than the entire crust on Earth. It had disappeared several times and shrank. Since the Procyon c9uld on the oceans surface it had no trouble landing on Ganymede. There were over 3000 people on Ganymede.  They were on a search of new plant life and animals. They could have another city in approximately ten years.

Bobs father was sick and could be cured due the gravity on Ganymede and a plant found there. He was being grounded because of his condition.

Bob majored in applied linguistics which studied the differences of language and found there were not many. Bob was taking a few semester's off in caring for his father, and he feared that he would be so behind due to this. Mankind had recently created a new language to communicate with machines. This speech had a basis in mathematics. People yet had no basis to compare non Earth languages. Red was sorry Bob had to stay and he would miss his schooling, but he would make a good colonist of him yet. Bob attempted to create a language to communicate with aliens called the Jovians, in the sphere that was detached from the ship, his attempt failed.

Bob was bored while his father worked so he was taken to see the mayor to find out what he could do. He was used as a clerk. When Bob got paid, he bought a suit to go out on the planet in.

Bob's friend Penny was the daughter of a friend. She said the people who broke the bubble on the ship came to the outpost as well.

Living on Jupiter cause abnormally slow aging. The regeneration wasn't only with age, but with health as well. The mayor wanted a list of all the individuals Bob, his father and Red have talked to without a suit.

Penny found diamonds wnd Red and Bob were curious about where she found them so they followed her the next time she disappeared. They found the ship that took the bubble off Bob's ship. Penny traveled there many times. She befriended it, because it was giving her presents.

Bob caught the disease on the planet, it was like the flu. Because of this Earth declared Earth a quarantine planet. However the diease proved to be non contagious. Sanchez was Bobs assistant in the hospital. The antidote from Earth would arrive to late to help a lot of the population. There was a interplanetary plague like this ever sinse the Martian fever.

Penny got lost, leading to Kirby yelling at her, he asked her to stop acting like a baby. So she took them to see the globe.  She was a baby when the sphere first called to her. The aliens in the sphere were dying. They had the same disease as the people of the town had. Kirby wanted to open it by blowing it up. This started a frenzy in the town. Three month's later a ship arrived with a cure. The Jovains were cured so they left. They found that people who survived the plague had a longer life expectancy.