Monday, June 29, 2009

Mall Cop

The mind is the only weapon you need in life. There may be additions to it which seem necessary at the moment, however there only important because we put so much value on them to be. You only need what you are given. Whatever or however you believe is your business alone. That is as long as it doesn’t hurt or create havoc for others.

Why is attraction so hard to maintain? There are so many preconceptions within life. Why do we put out so many preconceptions if we only turn around and complain about others. That makes no sense, does it?

The truth will always let you be as happy as you want to be. The only concept
you need to grasp is that you have to stick with it.

Facts can make you wondrously beautiful, but without heart they cannot be as effective for anyone. Life is tough no matter what you do, so take it easy, don't sweat the stuff that you as individual do not see as important.

Others may think you are crazy, so you may be, but that does not lower your value. It raises the presence of value that you have on all communities that you are in.

Rules and order can get anyone past challenges, however if there combined with heart, there is no stopping that spirit. Stunts and trickery can only defeat a little knowledge; however the fullness of knowledge can never defeat the whole of heart plus knowledge. Courage can be dashed into to rescue in all situations but without conviction and strength behind it, couragous actions amount to very little.