Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A year in the life of the Earth was a documentary by Morgan Freeman. It started in the life at the poles. It shows us the great circle of life.

It shows us how every animal survives more similarly, than different. That is except for us.
Earth is so beautiful, and should always be celebrated by us all. Nature should be improved upon and not destroyed. It's the great unending cycle of water an animal life, which for generations have made this earth a magnificent site of life.

This shows us the wondrous aspects of nature. Through it all life does and shall always survive. It is our inborn knowledge that life always finds a way. All animals communicate, perhaps we cannot understand this way of communication, but they do nevertheless.

The earth is a magnificent place to live. It has the only known life. However there has to be more life, because there are so many stars in the universe, perhaps the omniverse.

The beauty of earth is so incomprehensible, it has to be cherished and not destroyed.

Children are the hope of the future. Sometimes the struggles of life are what make it worthwhile to exist. Survival is entirely of the fittest. The fittest of all the species of earth shall survive.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good Will Hunting

Where there's a will there's a will. Everyone is right, from their own standpoint, which is why tolerance is so relevant. We all have our own point of view. It’s precise and optimal to think before we act. You are always present in the here and now so we could conceive as well as recive information.

Tolerance is always of relevance. It is an issue that pre-dates everything. Even animals are conscious of this issue.

Through the entire problem in the world, we have to practice toleration. Even if confusion sets in we always need to tolerate it somehow.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This movie was great. It was with Brad Pitt. He was a man with an age deformity. When he was born he was all wrinkled and old, and as he aged he got younger. It reminded me of the Titanic a little.

Benjamin was very optimistic throughout his life, which probably led him to his great life. He found a few loves. He married one. He was on a tugboat also. Also he was a soldier in WWII.

Throughout it all he had his optimistic hope which helped him greatly. His mother died when she gave birth to him. His father left him on some steps to a retirement home, tracked him down a few years later and was scarcely in his life, but made an attempt to be in his life.

The story reminded me of my life. The fact that Benjamin was so optimistic throughout his life kept him going. Through all obstacles he had he just kept going. He never let anything get him down. He always was having fun in his life with whatever he had. He persevered confidently throughout life backwards in age only.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Black Hole

Mathematical and space travel are put together in this magical Disney way that is uniquely fu and humanitarian. A black hole is the most destructive force in the universe. This is a well known fact. However this dramatic movie is all based around that fact.

Theoretical research plays an important role, but is brought up from a child’s perspective. Disappearance through space and time are widely noted throughout this movie proving a black hole could take on the earth as well as the universe as a whole.

Through its theatrical, suspenseful and scientifically sound story line. It proves that everything as well as everyone is necessary in life, although the circumstances may vary intensely.

“There are old pilots and there are and bold pilots, but there are few old and bold pilots.” Love leads us to greatness, as well as confusion. However the greater the love, the greater: the respect as well as the triumph.

Suspicion leads to greatness as well as well as mystery also. Perfection is getting more difficult to receive because of the obstacles. We shall get through everything and win life’s greatest prize of more life. These obstacles lead us all to greatness even though temporally it isn’t clear. But if you view them in an optimistic light, you will see the magnificence of them.

This movie could be the end of everything that we know, but it is not. Discovery and familiarity play a deep role in the story. Mysteriously the crew of the spacecraft makes friends in space. However they discover that the returns they receive although friendly are full of drama as well. This shows friendship is a lasting attribute as in all space and time.

The end always justifies the means. Temporally meaning you should always keep the hope alive, however interpretational that may sound. Rationality is all hope need to exist as well as can always destroy it. That is if not balanced so delicately with hope or love.

If anything that is what black holes may actually teach us? The closer we get to perfection, the more knowledge is not balanced by an emotional state. The scarier the reality unravels as it stays in constant motion. That is only if we are confused and we are not prepared for this state of fear and panic.

“A wolf remains a wolf even though it has not eaten your sheep.” True direction is always relevant although uneasy times can be of danger as well as of greatness. This, if anything makes the mysteriousness of black holes even greater, leading to the unconquered realm of curiosity.

Pride has positives and negatives. However; those judgments’ are always circumstantial. Eccentricity has its limits as well as suspicions. The greatness of the unknown is the cause of the black hole both in ourselves; and in spacial harmonics. Thus leading to the miscommunication of the world which cause conflict on a vast scale.

Both order and protocols are humorous forms of seriousness in striving for the truth. But their necessity is inter-dir What if you knew something, however no one ever listened to you, except one person. You have so much to deal with every day that it is extremely difficult to keep secrets.

However hard you try the secret has exploded in your face. No matter who you turn to it seems that everyone wants to control something different about you until you let someone know what happened to you, that you needed some help, however you were to scared to ask for it. So you try to take everything on yourself and over organize yourself because of the secret you keep in your consciousness.

The only thing is the longer it stays bottled up, the worse it gets as problems tend to do. Until you uncover it and let it go free. This may help it more than anything else. Inner examination more than anything which leads us to the greatest unknown of it all which is how life is possible. Mysteries lead to more mysteries however the quest for knowledge is the most mysterious of all.

Possibilities of impossibilities are the greatest achievement of all. However knowledge throughout life is the greatest truth of all. All we need to abide by is our knowledge as well as our emotional level as well as our needs.

Wondrous theories will come as well as go throughout all causes over and above all effects. Throughout history our gifts in addition to our instincts for life have balanced. With the fact of what reality had entailed for us to go through.

Humanities essence has stayed together as well as we should through all of time. This should be in combination of communication as well as action.

This possibly will lead to greatness as well as tragedy. It remains a question as well as a belief through all time. In essence it is the human mission to find this out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bedtime Stories

This was a fun story, with a humorously serious twist. It started with a bed and breakfast, where the owner let his children work in it.

He had an imaginative son, as well as a book smart daughter. The son was very imaginative and hopeful always pushing the limits. Once the son grew up he worked as a custodian in the hotel. The new owner got sick.

Then the son thought he would be a shoe in for the job as owner of the hotel franchise, but the story take an unexpected twist. The son has to prove himself to the new owner and in a miraculous attempt does. He even affects the world because the hotel chain grew that much.
The story showed me through hard work you get somewhere. However with a little imagination and hard work you could get to the top.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Knight's Tale

Heath Ledger plays a squire, who becomes a Night Thatcher. Awesomely played, and casted, it was just a great movie and well put together. Humorous and adventurous as well as the dramatics in this are just some of the attributes that make it so great. Championships are the main attribute of this movie. No matter what, a matter of nobility, will always play an issue of devoting friendships in this movie. The important value is courage of the cast is throughout the movie, as well as friendship. With the character Chaucer and the great value of trust, a peasant knight and nobility come together.

Communication is all relative and time is necessary also as life however is the greatest value next to love which comes next. If they are explained love has greater power though no matter what.As the viewers know entertainment sometimes gets in the way and drives everything array causing the important values to be dominated by the population.

Equality also plays a role in this movie, however, it is not shown as much but shown none the less between the peasants and nobility.In the film mercy is shown, however not as much. But there is a brief discussion that highlights how it can be seen as a weakness by a man and courage by a woman.It is hard to create a proper value system throughout any movie today, as well as media.Music plays an important role as well as the value of love and peace. But it is cool how the director keeps the viewer interested.Respect and religion are confusing by Chaucer's portrayal in the movie by his writing of Cauntenberry Tales in determining what is more important.Humor and panic, dance and drama are portrayed throughout the movie.

This is such a great movie because sometimes the movie, is so overwhelming sometimes as there is evidence of writing portrayed as much as love in this movie. Seemingly, both are lost arts today as it is demonstrated here.Demands are also portrayed throughout this as well obedience to love. Even though I saw this movie in college it still is entertaining. Today, I am watching it with a friend, who is experiencing what I learned: the stars of our future can be changed.

Trust the order of relationships, for that in essence is all we are. This movie portrays this exceptionally well. I love my life both on paper as in other ways but that is not enough, I now as well as you however. For me it is so be extremely careful, with what you do. I have my powers to I know however they may not be enough correct. Belief is important, yours as well as mine I know now that attention is now something I do get because I value myself.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Varsity Blues

A coach that pushes his team to the peak of their performance actually could have pushed one player to a unforeseen tragedy. This could have been prevented if some of the pressure was taken off. A tragedy that winds up costing the coach, a whole lot more than a few games, but possibly his career, defiantly the respect of some if not all of his town.

The injury of the star quarter back causes the structure of the team, let alone the whole town to go haywire. Of course leading sexual drama involved as most sporting movies, between the head quarter backs replacement and the head cheerleader who was with the previous quarterback. This shows the struggle between shallowness and deep human attributes within societal structures.

Drugs play a role in all aspects of life. It is extremely difficult to stay in total control of yourself under the societal pressure that we all our under.

When a teacher is seen working as a dance in an X rated bar, this raises the little payment of teachers in some school where education is not valued as much as sporting events. Unfortunately this still exists in some towns; in most towns something is favored above education by the community, not only the school.

We all have to recognize that we all despise order but reject it in our own
ways. We cab not control everything we believe that we can control, because you can't control the whole causes, effect and life in more ways then you know. This is totally fearful but totally exciting also.

Organization may lead to victory; however you have to accept disorganization sometimes does as well. They both have an equal chance in life. We have to believe this because we are organized and do not believe anything until it's proven wrong and unfortunately one side has to surrender. Chance is c
Be kind, no one’s watching.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Freedom Writers

In Queens NY, there is many diverse cultures. A teacher, Erin, wanted to teach High School English to a class of ill mannered misfits who rebelled against all structure for they feared trusting anyone. They were in a place that they always had to fight to make their way because no one else would. They could not count on anyone but themselves.

This teacher, Erin was so magnanimous; she received their trust and guided them through their life by having them create journals of their lives. She was so enthralled, that she was inspired to teach more and change other things as well. Through getting two other jobs to buy her students books, the teacher managed to make a difference for the students.

The students read The Diary of Anne Frank, which inspired a real debate comparing the present day to the end of WWII. This led them to having a dinner which she paid for with her own money with holocaust survivors.

Her students wanted to meet the person who wrote this great book. They asked her if she would make the appropriate connections. They even raised the money through putting together a carnival.

After meeting and speaking with the author, Erin decided to have her students type their journals on computers which she acquired. They did this, making their journal public now.

The movie showed me that all you need is the will to survive to get through any barriers life puts in front of you. This story is excellent because it was authentic as well as truthful in its message.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Evil can take on forms that symbolize repressed memories. Life is a process but you need to finish what you start at all times. Your subconscious tells you more then you want to know but maybe also more than you want to admit. Fear of change leads to all sorts of difficulties and tragedies both consciences

Being left out creates all sorts of tragedies which are important to deal with as soon as possible. Fear grows unimaginable without being dealt with.

However horrible, life is knowing the truth will always clear things up. The fight or flight response helps the truth be discovered. Justification can lead to all truths if you follow your instincts. This may be tremendously hard, however it is always worth following your instinct.

Dreams foretell the future in some way, we just have to interpret them correctly, but there are a lot of differential possibilities. Growth makes life easier, as well as more difficult. All symbols have meanings. You need to take them all in for if you want to help the truth be known.

Mall Cop

The mind is the only weapon you need in life. There may be additions to it which seem necessary at the moment, however there only important because we put so much value on them to be. You only need what you are given. Whatever or however you believe is your business alone. That is as long as it doesn’t hurt or create havoc for others.

Why is attraction so hard to maintain? There are so many preconceptions within life. Why do we put out so many preconceptions if we only turn around and complain about others. That makes no sense, does it?

The truth will always let you be as happy as you want to be. The only concept
you need to grasp is that you have to stick with it.

Facts can make you wondrously beautiful, but without heart they cannot be as effective for anyone. Life is tough no matter what you do, so take it easy, don't sweat the stuff that you as individual do not see as important.

Others may think you are crazy, so you may be, but that does not lower your value. It raises the presence of value that you have on all communities that you are in.

Rules and order can get anyone past challenges, however if there combined with heart, there is no stopping that spirit. Stunts and trickery can only defeat a little knowledge; however the fullness of knowledge can never defeat the whole of heart plus knowledge. Courage can be dashed into to rescue in all situations but without conviction and strength behind it, couragous actions amount to very little.

Friday, June 26, 2009

John Q

The medical field could be as vicious as any other field. This movie really says
that plus many other facts.

Denzel Washington stars in thrilling, suspenseful, dramatic story about a father’s lethal struggle to get his son to have a life saving operation. He and his wife are regular citizens with a son who needs an expensive operation. The father is eventually driven insane and holds a hospital at gunpoint to re take the control to the patients.

A child dies from lack of attention in the hospital. John's wife witnessed this and was very saddened by this because her husband’s quest, even though extremely honorable, has dramatic effect that cost the life of someone’s girl. This shows so much intense emotions.

This uncovers a lot of unethical qualities. Ethics change constantly. Everything has to change with it. It even deals with truth in a straightforward way. They talk about telling John that his son is on the list to go to heart surgery.

He is a very spiritual man, his wife says he is sweet and gentle and then they tell the lie that the son is on the list of the heart recipients.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


W ran for president thinking it was God’s will. However he didn’t follow Gods will all the way. He was a war monger who drives on war. W never took responsibility for anything, and somebody was always to blame. He was lead by false information. It’s very hard to be a puppet master for a wicked puppet master like W.

Old money has a hard time effecting their young’s decisions if the old money does not have the drive the stand up to their young. W always needed more time on questions, I think he drank himself to disability. Perhaps he was always disabled for the simple fact that he always liked sports. Perhaps the reason he was a war monger was because he viewed it as a big game. The fact that he was very religious, using that as a shield against responsibility may also been related to the mental deficiencies he suffered from.

Good Will Hunting

Play times never is over until you say it is. For you got potential that no one else has.

To fulfill your dreams is priceless. You may not know your dreams till you take a chance to make the most difference. Making the most difference in existence is the unity of all life’s dreams. You always have choices based off choices, which have to be the best in the moment.

Every choice has an effect on your future. Some choices have unpredictable results, but if you’re always siding with the truth you are free, but sometime the truth makes you so vulnerable.

Even if you have uncovered tragedies in your life the truth is the most powerful ally you can have. The truth helps you with every problem you encounter in life.

Truth is foreseen in different ways as many things, religiously, politically, in all aspects of life. Symbolism is everywhere which makes the life worth living, whichever life is chosen, whichever dream is chosen by you to follow.


Twilight is a vampire series, which is a combination of several series. The combination is so well done it has its own flare. It combines Interview with a Vampire, The Skulls, Once Bitten, Frankenstein, and probably a whole slew of others. The series has sparked a show.

It is about someone who loves a vampire. The vampire has the same feeling for her. But he does not want to make her immortal like he is. That is one major tragedy, right. It shows that vampire don’t like the sun however they only die in intense light and heat, this is logical, if you think about it. Another aspect which this shows is that all vampires do not want to be monsters. Some actually prefer living in non-violent ways with us.

The basic plot is two vampires that assimilate into society in secret as doctors and raise other younger vampire, people who were that they killed and turned into vampires when they were younger. It’s a brilliant concept. However some still fear them, however there are some in awe of them and want to live among them, this is how I think it compares with the X-Men Series. It combines most of the vampire legends, and brings some new ones out in the open.

It even reminds me of the Disney series Aladdin. Trust is a major issue in the move. That doesn’t get completely answered though, as there always has to be examples set before we will give our trust. This kind of situation really does exist. The answer however almost always differs.

Another thing that this series shows is that beauty always exists. We have extremely difficult time seeing it all the time.

Edward is the main vampire in the movie. He became one at the age of eighteen. He is a gorgeous guy with a personality to match. He falls for this girl, Bella, who is a doll. However Edward really loves Bella, and has the highest respect for her, so he doesn’t want to lose control in the heat of passion and kill her.
The movie shows that vampires all have different talent, more so then Interview with a Vampire. So there is a battle forming between the Doctors family and Edward, and three evil common vampires, who say they are worried about the Doctors family, enough to go to war. There is probably a little jealousy there which is the underlying motive and fear as well.

Edward then decides to leave Bella, but of course Bella follows because she’s in love and knows Edwards in love with her as well.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Next Ongoing

“Welcome to our genetic World. Fast, furious and out of control. This is not the world of the future—it’s the world right now.”
Next is a fantastic book to end Michael Crichton reign with the pen and a great way to hang up his writing gloves. I will surely miss his penmanship style as well as his directing style. He has written such masterpieces as Jurassic Park and The Lost World which were made into movies with Disclosure and Eaters of The Dead as well as Andromeda Strain. Most if not all of the stories he’s written has made it into movies.

NEXT, the last book he wrote, with such an appropriate title, was about the Genetic World, and what is happening and also what will happen if we are not careful and cautious. In almost all of his books, they were in some way having to do with a laboratory or scientific center which is probably because he was a medical student in his youth.

The book, as most of his books started off with some quotations from famous scientist. One quote that has started this story masterfully is

“The more the universe seems comprehensible the more it also seems pointless.”
To me this means, the more we pay attention to the little details, the interest that the larger picture has for us dwindles. This describes all life in a way, the more you fidget with the little things the pointlessness of reality takes hold, for instance, in a puzzle, when you work on a particular section you can’t really see the whole picture, until you are finished with the whole layout and all. However sometimes you cannot figure the whole picture if you have not done the most in creating the details to the best of your knowledge.

The story starts out with the discovery of the novelty gene, D4DR, which is in charge of thrill seeking behaviors. It also makes reference to some of the chimp man experiments that were conducted under Stalin and Hitler. Then the story continues to a scientific conference called Make it happen Now! Where it turns mysterious, in the fact that we are involved in a family squabble dealing with a father’s death and we are asked to find the culprits using DNA and Placebo test.

It then switches to the interaction of a chimp boy at a school and how he gets terrorized by the students. The chimp boy was being home schooled which was all fine, but he went to school one day, and ended up biting another boy or being accused of that. His surrogate mother was called and he was removed. That however doesn’t solve the issue of terror of the chimp boy.

When introducing two new species to each other it is very difficult. The tensions increase when one thing is new and the other is in the natural environment of its existence. So you cannot really force familiar relations you have to let them occur spontaneously. if and when they occur spontaneously they have a greater probability of success. After all aren’t familiar relations a spontaneous response to begin with. How can you constrict as well as organize an already spontaneous response

Monday, May 4, 2009

For the love of God II

An aged man calls a porn line and asks to have sex with God. He is transported to heaven and finds God to be a huge, overweight lesbian.

X men: The Last Stand

First Gene kills Logan with her telekinetic powers by asking him to remove his glasses telling him he can control the power of his eyes. She kills him using his own energy. Then off to DC where the government has found a cure for the mutant gene. They are trying to round up X-men both good and bad and kill the mutant in them. It’s a famous serious for portraying the misunderstanding of authority for new ideas.

In response to this Magneto organizes an army with the help of Phoenix/Gene to fight the humans. Then the professor goes to see Magneto and almost dies. Logan and the Blue Bear kill Magneto. Logan then fights Magneto, but many people die in the fire.
Logan kills Phoenix, but only after Gene begs for her life but he kills her to release Gene from Phoenixes Grip.

Hank McCoy or the Blue Teddy is back at the UN. The world is now safe for the mutents one again. People are respecting others, but for how long?

The last scene is Magneto playing chess with himself. What he used to do with his life long friend Xavier.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sharkboy and Lavagirl

This is a well put together movie. It has a message we could all find useful.

It takes place in the world of imagination. It is about dreams and reality. We need both, however in certain quantities.

Dreams control reality. No matter if dreams are dashed, the belief still exists. This belief changes our views on reality. These view are then able to spread as well as infiltrate many.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Oh Happy Day was a comedy that happened to be gay. It was about a company pitching a drug that made people happy, lying to their body to produce pheromones. There was a struggling gay couple; one person in that couple was out to everyone and one that wasn’t. They broke up right before the drug premiered, so on the night of the premiere as the promoter advertised it he ended stripping his clothing, thus everyone stripped. The people showed honesty and decency as they were all nude. The couple ended up to get back together.

The movie showed me that we need to be very honest to have everything right. In order to maintain or decency and honesty we have to follow our emotion and feelings as well. This is portrayed in the movie by getting undressed. However in society where you cannot always strip because the consequences are to high, or we think, we have to believe in ourselves enough to fell that honesty, and thus portraying power we shall find we’re unstoppable.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Patch Adams

All of life is a magnificent journey to the unknown and through the unknown as well. One of the dilemmas we face in this existence is that everything is tied up in the love of money and power. So wherever you’re going to start—medical schools, or elementary schools, or kindergartens, or whatever—you’re going to need a rebellion toward teaching which will be compassion and generosity. However it’s possible that it is all in your mind and how you perceive the world.
All crises are storms within your mind, however the help is found where you least expect it and given from those who you least expect. Do not fear help is near and almost here. People are so afraid to be as individuals so they pretend to be normal, they fear being abnormal. This is caused by the fear of ridicule and punishment. The greatest effect of this fear is the constant struggle with human potential but it is as well a strength, as all of the fears tend to be.

Never be afraid to ask a question, which is the basic way to overcome this fear. Expansion of knowledge is one of our greatest and most honorable assets. Never be afraid to ask, the only dread is created when you miss the opportunity to ask. This is how you really live a full a prosperous life where the answer is not always in the black and white that which we expect. For if you focus on the problem you can have a more difficult chance of finding the solution you must look beyond it, and you will see the solution easily. Do not be afraid to see what no one else sees, to break out of your societal conformity and your laziness. There is no fear except the fear we make up in our minds.

One way of dealing with these problems is to help others deal with their own. Do human beings deserve trust? I think so. I believe this because we are making great strides to help others as well as ourselves. In learning what others have dealt with, you learn about yourself immensely. Humanity is getting more and more trustworthy as the race ages by offering freedom and hope to others.
People help others by using their ingenuity such as altering the parameters of the program and therefore changing the response. Therefore, we can treat the patient as well as the disease. We will learn a great deal more by doing this. People will open up to you, share their ideas and feel valued in the community they are in. This is a hard lesson to learn. But you know the more difficult the lesson, the more rewarding the outcome.

Humor has immense power. It can help deal with pain. It can become a way of life, if it is given the room to flourish. After all, isn’t loving the ultimate goal of life? All the wars fought could be brought to the fundamental nature of love. There is more to life then power and control. We have to remind ourselves that our potentials are limitless. If we do not show compassion to each other, who will?
We are sometimes envious of the things we can’t have, for we think they are so free with no problems of their own. True appearances may be deceiving, but it’s better to give new opportunities a chance then to be unlimited to the circumstances.
You could envy a caterpillar, for its transformation into a butterfly because the butterfly seems untouched by the misdeeds of the caterpillar, but think of this. How long do you think before the caterpillar’s misdeeds catch up to the butterfly? Will the butterfly be able to fight those misdeeds? Probably it would have a better chance of fighting the misdeeds as its former self the caterpillar. So do not envy someone too much because they probably have the same amount of problems as you, if not more. There envious quality, that you deem so, may or may not help them at all.
Everyone is whatever you make them out to be. It’s the same with everyplace and everything, which is because you are inventing your reality every second of every day. You better not rush before you can teach all the things you most hold dear, because that is what makes you so great and the world such a wonderful place to call home.

Why is everyone so afraid of the transitional term of death? It is just a word. Come on. The only power a word has is the power bestowed on it by you. You are the inventor behind the curtain who is managing your life, you just have to come to that realization, once you do you shall feel problem free, no problem can weigh you down. You have love and it has you. Together nothing can stop us not even death or fear or hatred. We fought them before and won.

We all want to help everyone in the best way we can. We want to feel that we are need in this world. No one can tell you, you are needed or you helped them so much, but yourself. So don’t worry about looking crazy, for you already are, we all are, we just haven’t realized it as of yet; just say to yourself “I have helped myself and I feel good about it” as well as “I am needed by me in this world.” Repeat those things to yourself every time you feel down and you won’t feel down anymore.
You can’t control anyone but yourself. Until we realize this and recognize it all the time we will have trouble creating and improving the life around you. You have to remember that you carry your very own personal flame, that when united with others can start a real forest fire. All of life is coming home; it’s hard to tell you what I felt like then, how small you could feel what coming home needs to be. Life is the storm. Unlikely places sometimes lead to the best’s paths in life.
Humor is the best defense in life. There is this distinction between living entities. Anyone could maintain chaos. The question is if they could maintain decency. Chaos has to be defined unfortunately. That’s what makes life so great and horrible at the same time.

Living entities are all entitled to their opinions. Chaos is sometimes the best way the deal with life. You can do anything; you just have to put effort in life. You can fix the problem of the world with ingenuity and effort. Do not hate life, just accept that tragedy to and move on as to not miss any of life's riches. Life is totally chaos. Tragedy makes chaos stronger.
Resolve makes chaos so great. Competition makes us grow. Books can make you live half of life, experience lets you finish life mission. Logic is one of the best creations of life. Inspiration takes on many forms. Help is always in need for existence.

We have to accept that we’re not in control, and then it’s truly granted. Rule and regulations are too powerful, for their own good. Rules are a ton of trouble, usually more than their worth. Why do we want to have a file on life, make it all neat and orderly. Life is an array of possibilities; It should be respected as that. Not as an orderly filing system. Why make order if it increases war. Wouldn’t it be more relevant if we use the obstacles that we crease in life to excel not to fight over the labels we put on our life. Life can always be improved upon in however one deems necessary. It is hard to build that flame of inspiration inside of you hidden it needs air like everything else to grow. So please won’t you share you flame with others including me? People trust impolitely. Nothing can truly remove the trust out of something. To get peace we have to start with ourselves and it will spread. Why do we reject fun and choose professionalism? Behaving humanly can do wonders toward encouraging your growth Enthusiasm is priceless. You always run from problems in your life which is because you see the truth is involved. Humor is better at dealing with your problems. Idiotic ways are very surprising.

Why is chaos so not trustable? Chaos can help you out of your darkest moments. Your dreams could really help in your chaotic life. Seriousness is a no-win situation, an endless realm of undesirable moments. Why we choose to live in this realm is beyond me? You can solve most of your problems with fun, use serious study and facts sparingly. You are in control of them. Don’t be so blinded by the facts so as not to realize the fun. Inspiration is really unique. We all get inspired by different things. We create wonderful life from these inspirations. Not even order and structure can defeat the inspiration. It is one of the unstoppable powers within the universe.

Why does this life have to be serious business? We are all heading to the transitional point; our jobs are to improve the life now, because we have no chance of delaying the last transition. Never consider you cannot believe the chaotic mind, you will be sorely mistaken, because you believe in you mind which is chaotic, nothing is wrong with that. You can dismiss chaos; however it always comes back with courage and unstoppable strength. It can destroy all or create such harmonic qualities that you will be surprised.

Chaos is so strong because love powers it. Doctors can’t help you in anyway but medical and organizational. Regular people can help you in so many other ways if you only ask. Life is so miraculous because of the people within your life. The only real tragedy in life is death, in dying without living a good life. It isn’t a tragedy per-say however it is very sorrowful. Your greatest gift could just leave before you get the help you desperately need. Fear is a necessary part of life as well. It makes us also improve. Seriousness can exist with humor; humor is its potential in order to be beneficial throughout the great journey and adventure of life. Having fun is what makes life bearable; however it cannot always protect us from tragedy. Love is the ultimate goal the eyes are the eyes mirror of your mood in your life. Being hurt is a part of life, what’s important is to move on. Structure always needs to be challenged for it to improve. Improvement is necessary in a fruitful life. Passions can expand your life in unexpected ways.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Artificial Intelligence

Humanity does not take responsibility for its own action. The movie AI: Artificial Intelligence shows just that. This movie represents a struggle between different races; in this case mechanical beings verse human beings.

This struggle is common in every era. It happens when a minority approaches the numerical value of the majority, and the majority is afraid of the power loss that shall possibly incur, so it annihilates the minority while it can, often suffering severe loss of life themselves.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Matrix Reloaded

I first saw this with Daniel when we were dating; it was our first movie we saw together. We both didn’t really like it, but as with most things with me, it takes time for me to gain appreciation for them, I didn’t like it because it was too far from the first move and Dan I just found out didn’t like it because he never saw the first. However I just realized that most movies show only the parts of the story which have the most action. The Matrix Reloaded still has the cast plus some. It is a continuation of the story, however I believe if they went into a brief history of what happened between the original and this one , many more people would like it.

Neo and Trinity got married, which the first one led up to. This movie takes place in Zion more. Neo is talking with the Oracle more and she plays a bigger more important role.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This movie was excellent. It was a fast passed action thriller that had Matrix special effects. It was about this regular guy who hated his job, hated his best friend because he was making love to his girl friend, hated pretty much everything in his life.

He got recruited by The League of Shadows, which was also in Batman, on the false information that his father was killed. He ended up killing his father and was pissed immensely. The movie ended with the whole group committing suicide, except for the leader and the main character. The leader made one final attempt to kill himbut the guy killed the leader by putting a decoy in his work.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


This is one of my favorite movies. It may be because I feel the same way about corperate America. It is too structured for me. Thank god I don't have to go to an office everyday, I really pity those that have to. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the people in corporate America I dislike their decisions and the way it infringes on their freedoms to do more pleasurable things with their time, let alone their lives. Being stuck behind a desk is no way to spend any of our limited time here on this beautiful planet earth.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Eddie was a great movie. Whoopi Goldberg again did a remarkable job in the role of Eddie; it was an extremely tough part I am sure. She always plays those tough characters you can’t help but love. It is a shame that she is not acting in movies any more.

Anyways, the movie was about the New York Knicks, and this new coach Eddie.

The Knicks were on a losing streak, so they hired Eddie. She kicked them into shape. She learned about the players and helped them with their problems which eventually turned the team around, because when you learn more about something it is more likely to improve, then when you don’t know a thing about it. She helped the team overcome their losing streak and even prevented the sale of the team.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today we saw Walle with Eric Petusky. It was a very good movie. It was about this robot whose job it was to clean earth after all the human junked it up till it was sustainable for life again. Meanwhile all the humans were traveling on a ship around space. They were in the ship for about 300 years.

Walle found a living plant so they could return. Except the ship was fully automated and told not to return. So there was a real struggle to get it to return. Walle was almost destroyed in the process but he survived—of course, since it was Disney. But he found love, which brings up another point, that robots will eventually be able to feel emotions and experience love as well as all others.

It touched on a whole lot of themes relevant from today’s world.
One of the major themes was the aspect of pollution and litter. It showed if we aren’t careful the planet may become a landfill. It had trash all over and Walle‘s job was to organize it and look for signs of life.

That led into the theme of greed. It showed it by the effect of the stuff humanity threw away they really didn’t need or want. Also the fact of corporate greed was apparent in the fact of the ship being so luxurious. This was ironic because even when the captain wanted to go back to earth because it was able to sustain life, he had to fight with the computer, because it was programmed not to go back.
That was what led to the obesity theme. The people on board didn’t have to lift a finger for sustenance. Everything was served to them from a silver platter, on call when they wanted. This created major obesity amongst the passengers and even the captain, not to mention laziness. They had robots even make sure they stayed in their seats. They felt like prisoners.

The theme of love was also apparent. Not only with Walle and his friend, but the fact that humans fought to get back to earth to build their home again. They risked their lives and all. They did so by going to earth when they didn’t know if it was safe.

Also it touched on how the news media is blowing things way out of proportion and magnifying the world obesity situation which leads to hunger as well. Think about it, a company that had the acronym DNN and it was the enemy. It programmed the ship to stay out in space and hold everyone hostage if Earth became habitable again. DNN looks like CNN to me. So I think everyone shouldn’t live around the depressing news so much and have some fun and get exercise. Who knows maybe you’ll like it? Be as care free as children, there isn't any law that states adults have to work for so long and then they can rest.


We just saw Shutter. We got it from Superfresh. It was a suspenseful thriller, starring the cutie from Free Willy, Joshua Jackson. In this movie he was a photographer at a Magazine.
Two of his friends raped this Japanese girl because she was obsessed with him, and wouldn’t leave him alone. These two friends died 10 year later. They committed suicide because the ghost of that girl was driving them crazy.
In many of the pictures Joshua was taking you could see spirits. They were leading them to the rape of that girl.

Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road starred Leonardo DiCapreo along with Kate Winslet starring in it, similar to Titanic. This time Kate died instead of Leonardo because of tension in the marriage between them, because of an accidental self given abortion.

One Missed Call

It was a combination of Scream and Final Destination. It was about a cell phone that called people and they heard their death and then they died. A father who killed himself because his wife and daughter were driving him crazy was the start of the crazy phone calls.

Men in Black II

I saw this while Dan was out on a date. It was a good movie. It had the two agents from the first, agent K and Agent J; they had to save the world again. Will Smith was agent J and Tommy L Jones was agent K. Agent K’s memory which was erased at the end of the first movie was working at a Postal Office. He was working with aliens unbeknownst to him. He loved space for some idea also.

He had to recover his memories again. He recovered them when agent J was in real trouble and almost dead. J girl friend was the person who saved the world because K made a similar mistake 20 years earlier and was in love with a girl that started a galactic war.

Golden Compass

Today we saw, The Golden Compass. It was a real good movie. It was about alternate realities. It was about a mischievous girl, who ended up saving the world. It had a talking Polar Bear who was a warrior, but was working at a restaurant, because he lost his armor. The girl told him where it was and he fought for the polar bear throne and won. Then he helped the girl defeat her advisory.

Ghost Town

We just saw the Movie Ghost Town. Daniel and I both liked it. It was about a dentist who died for about 8 minutes during an operation, because he wanted to be put under. After he got back to life he could see the dead.

At first he didn’t like seeing the dead, but they kept coming and coming. His work-mate then called him a prick. That changed him and he started helping the spirits that were stuck. He helped them by helping the loved ones of the ghost let the spirits go. And he also found true love. So everyone won.

The Eye

Today we saw the Eye On Demand. It was a psychological thriller. It was with Jessica Alba. She played a character that got an eye transplant. The eyes she got belonged to someone who had which-like abilities and premonitions of evil occurrences. This made her be terrorized by visions of horrible occurrences of the past.

The Color of Friendship

I just watched the “Color of Friendship.” It was fantastic.
It was about a student exchange program exchange of a white girl from South Africa to a black family in the US.

Before the exchange took place the white girl had this black woman who took care of her and the house. They were talking about this bird. The bird naturally lived in a community of others, different colored birds, however the same species. They lived in harmony together.

It started with the two families getting ready to make the exchange. The girl from South Africa was the daughter of a cop. The girl in America was the daughter of a lawyer. The exchange took place and the girl from South Africa came to stay in the US with the family. The American family was black.

When the American family got their new exchange daughter, conflicts arose, and the exchanged daughter locked herself in the room that was provided for her. She even called her family and was about to ask to be brought home, but did not because her father said before she left that he was expecting her to come back within a week. She was not gone to give him the pleasure of being right so she stayed.
Then when she went to school with the daughter she was sent to the line to get her new schedule. When she was on her way there, a boy bumped into her and she dropped her books and all she was carrying. So her sister came and defended her, and relieved the tension.

Next was when the embassy guards came and almost deported her because a black person was just beat up by some cops in South Africa. She was almost deported if not for her American father coming in and saying to asking them if they were sure they wanted to do this and increase the tension in South Africa as well as here. Of course they did not want to increase the tension so they let the daughter come back home.

That was the end of her stay in America. She had a good time. The first thing she did when she got home was to let her pet bird free, because she knew what an important gift freedom was.

102 Dalmatians

I just saw 102 Dalmatians on TV. It was a humorous, sensitive, realistic movie. It starred Glenn Close as the first movie. But had the next generation of puppies and dogs, from the first movie, and even a parrot who thought it was a dog.

Cruella Deville, who was supposedly cured from her evil tendencies, and was volunteering at a animal shelter called “Second Chances.” Well this was all good for the time until she saw the Dalmatians again. It’s funny because her hair became crazy when she went psycho for the puppies. She went crazy again but again the puppies outsmarted her and she wound up in jail. This time with no hope of escape.

10000 BC

I just watched 10,000 BC. It was an action/ adventure that took place in Mesopotamia and Egypt .It was about the legend of the Blue Eyes. A girl was born with Blue Eyes; she was abducted by Egyptians with many of her people. Some of the others went after her and fought her captures, the Egyptians. She was freed with all her people. But before she left, she was killed, but then restored to life, because of her love and her life and what she would accomplish.