Sunday, June 2, 2019

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau

I began reading this book on Monday April 29, 2019 and finished it on Mothers Day May 12, 2019. It had 57 pages. It was from a collection called Wooden Books.

"Homesickness proves home is where the heart is." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 4 This is so true. You see it all the time alluded to in movies and shows as well as stories you read.

"People seek affiliations with other  living systems." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 8 They most certainly do. If not we won't have communities or even civilization.

"A love for nature therefore can enrich and inform a person's love for itself." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 8 Yes totally, if you love everything around you you are unstoppable.

"In humans, emotions are experienced with the help of the limbic system, where sensory impressions are processed by the hippocampus and amygladia, and are interpreted as either painful or pleasurable, safe or dangerous, before forming into long-term memories in the cognitive neocortex. These help us to learn about the world, to socialize, and to survive. All mammals have some sort of limbic system, so complex emotional and group behavior in the animal world is widely observed, and bonds between humans and animals, whether for survial or companionship, are commonplave. Wolves, for example, allied with humans, later to become household friends." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 10 This is so interesting. We learn and respond to the world around us.

"Aristotle describes friendship as wanting what is good for your friends and helping them get it." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 12 That is so true. A good friend is someone who will always help you no matter what.

"Courtship rituals are prominant throughout the animal world and humans are no exception. Whether at a nightclub or wedding, dancing holds importance in the annuls of love. Close body synchrony allows two partners to show off their intellectual and physical vitality via the symmetry and balence of their movements. Rhythmically moving together also attunes dancers to eachother and cultivates shared intentions. Reseach by contemporary neurobiologist Dr. Anirvdah Patel suggests that only creatures that can move to a beat are one that can mimic sounds: some birds, doliphins, whales, and people." Love: The Song of The Universe p. 18 Dancing as one shows that you and your partner are one for that moment or forever.

"Romantic love is seen as a reflection of eternal, spiritual love."  Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p.18 Love, in essence, is the highest vibrational energy their is, and therefore it is unstoppable.

"In the Chinese Legend of The Butterfly Lovers two young children Zhu Tingtai and Liang Shambo meet at school. Since girls, at this time, are not allowed to be educated, Zhu disguises herself as a boy. She falls in love with Liang, with Liang regards Zhu, her true identity hidden like a brother. It takes many months before Zhu reveals the truth, and then the two swear undying love." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 20

"The wedding processional known as "Here comes the Bride" is the bridal chorus from Wagners 1850 opera Lohengrin. Less well-known is the fact that in the story it is followed by the murder of several guests in the wedding." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 22 Surprisingly or not this was ommited.

Valentine's day cards came from slips of paper that were randomly selected by men to see what woman they will be companions for in a year, which often led to marriage. The day after Valentine's Day is Lupercus Day, who is the equivalent to the Greek God Pan.

"When the soul is pure in its commitment to love, everything aligns to ensure its success." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 26

"Saliva contains over one thousand proteins containing markers of physical health and genetic makeup." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 28

"The lips have more nerves for their area than any other part of the body, followed by the tongue and fingers." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 28

"Philosophy, both ancient and modern, speculate that the underlying current of romantic love is a yearning for a sense of completion." Dr. Aaron Ben Zeev identifies three features of incompleteness: wanting the relationship upgraded (or resumed); believing that it is lacking something; and believing that completeness is possible if both parties become "whole.""
Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 30

"When in love, some people become more sensitized to other people's emotional states (while others become less so). The personal intamacy enjoyed by lovers can give them a fresh perspective on the world. Empathy is assisted by specialized cortical nerve cells, mirror neurons, which help with the processing of other peoples feelings and intentions (e.g. the apparent involuntary contagion of smiles and yawns, or the ability to sense when someone is looking at you from afar.)"
Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 32

"In Dante's Devine Comedy, Francesca is married to Paolo's unpleasant brother Gianciotto. One day Francesca and Paollo are in a field reading a book about Lancelot and Guinevere, when they discovered they are deeply in love. Their subsequent adultary is discovered and both are killed by Gianciotto. Destined to be together in the second ring of hell (lust) for all eterity, Dante asks them how something so beautiful and pure as love could bring this fate. Francesca replies "Their is no greater pain than to remember, in our past grief, past happiness."
Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 32

"Long time lovers often come to resemble eachother over time. This is sometimes explained via shared lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise, or behavioral mimicry, where positive reinforcement patterns such as laughing and smiling together cause special lines around the face (Duchenne smiles) to form. Again we see the action of mirror neurons and empathy both vital to love." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 32

"Love changes everything." Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 34

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." Robert Frost Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 34

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Khalil Gibran Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 34

"Being loved by soneone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lau Tzu Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 34

""Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none," says the Countess of Rousillon in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well. But trusting someone with your heart is a risk so serious for an individual that many have great difficulty in taking it. As W.B. Yeats warned, "Tread softly because you tread on  my dreams.""

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 36

"One of the most important aspects of any relationship is trust, an unwritten contract which bestows safety, reliability, and acceptance. Trust evolves over time, proven by words and deeds. Developmental psychologist Erik Erikson [1902-1994] identified trust as the first psychosocial stage of development, which is re-examined in successive stages throughout a lifetime. The English word for trust origiates around the 12th century and is related to the Nordic traust (help), Old English treowe (faithful), Dutch troost (comfort), and German trost (consolation), as well as the English true."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 36

"Among the most essential elements of love are empathy, altruism, and compassion. Each represents a cycle of giving and recieving, sustaining through a transformative act of selflessness."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 36

"People in love often find themselves so overcome with passion and desire that they show symptoms resembling sickness, addiction or paranoid obsession."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 38

"While beauty and aesthetics are largely a subjective affair classical  ideals have tended to favor balence and proportion."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 40

"Many Latin-based languages refer to the sun as male and the moon as female, while Germanic languages have them reversed. In Slavic languages, e.g. Russian the sun is neuter and the moon is fenale when full and male when crescent. In Hebrew they take either gender."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 42

"In the Blackfoot Indian story The Star Bride, the mortal Feather Woman falls in love with Morning Star, son of the Sun and Moon. They give birth to Starboy, who is brought back to Earth with a scar that only the Sun can remove. He falls in love with a woman, but she will not marry him with the scar, thus the purpose of the Sun Dance. The astrological symbols representing Mars and Venus are used today as the symbols for male and female."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 42

"Why do so many love stories contain the theme of death? There are two purposes. The obvious one is to reveal the lover's dedication and willingness to sake their potential welfare on the sake of their beloved, even to die. The other according to thinkers like mytholist Joseph Cambell [1904-1987], is a metaphor where the sacrifice is being made is one of ego. The necessary slaying of the dragon, is the slaying of ones own shadow, insecurity of separate ego which percieves the change presaged by love as a kind of death."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 44

"The traditional on  bebended knee" marriage proposal is a custom in which surrender, honor, and person being proposed to is exalted, as they have the power to determine the future of the relationship with the utterance of one single word. In contrast the proposer offers his or her whole self without shame from position of (sometimes unnaccustumed) vulnerability."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 40

"A circle represents the enclosing of a sacred space. The wearing of a ring to the betrothed started at least in Ancient Rome. A man gave his beloved a ring of iron known as  Annulas Pronobus(noble ring), to announce not only his pledge to her, but her unavailability to others."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 46

"The Greeks believed that the fourth "ring" finger contained the longest vein in the body, extending straight to the heart, although the choice of finger and hand varies across history and culture."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 46

"Once glued together, weather by custom or law, two people become one. Long periods of time, as well as sharing life's ups and downs deepen and strengthen the bonds."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 48

"In Plato's Symposium [c. 380 BC],  Aristophanes, suggesting why lovers feel whole when together, speculate that humans united with two heads, four hands, and four feet, and came in three sexes; male, female, and androgynous/hermaphroditic. However they were an arrogant species and Zues as usual lost his patience and split their bodies in half. Ever since they have been running around seeking their other halves. Symbols of unity of oppisites such as the Chinese Yin-Yang are present across many traditions and cultures."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 48

"Jung described the ideal pairing of male and female, or their counterparts anima and animus, as a syzygy. This condition allows for the complete individuzation and realization of each member of the pair. As with a perfectly balanced contrapuntal music composition, independance and intradependance exist in equal measure.

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 48

"The ancient Hindu Kamu Sutra [c. 300 BC] list various types of sexual arts including kissing, marking with teeth and nails, embracing, touching, rubbing, piercing, pressing, striking, moaning and coitus. Of the latter there are 40 basic positions, with variations limited only by imagination and age, some with poetic names like "the ripe mango plum," "climbing the tree," and "caress of the bud." For those who still have energy, it also advises the study of singing, music, and dance. The 11th century Ratirahasya, or Kaku Shastra (Secrets of Love) is likewise full of practical guidance and adds a study of feminine beauty, erogenous zones, aphrodisiacs and ideal days for arousal, but instructs that these sacred arts are only to be enjoyed within marriage."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 50

"Ancient taboos about incest and premarital sex are common the world over. In the case of the latter, before the invention of contraception, the costs were different for each partner as a young mother is tied to her child in a way in which the father is not. This often observed difference between the sexes is neatly summed up in line from the 1991 film City Slickers: "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.""

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 50

"Perhaps the greatest gifts from happy unions can be children. These little darlings give parents the opportunity to see the world through new eyes, and learn more about themselves and about the joys and struggles their own parents faced. Love and devotion combines into a potent mix of daily sacrifice."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 52

"The call to love is to love not only others, but also ourselves and all things. Not an easy task, so many give up. The tragedy of love is not in the separation of lovers but in the separation of people from love."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 54

"Ancient cultures and belief systems describe numerous ways of perceiving, sensing and expressing the most potent energies. In outline instinct are the  foundation, emotions are the inflections and thoughts are the interpretations of inexorable propensity of love."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 54

"Love really might make the world go round. The new era of quantum mechanics how everything at a quantum level is truly connected as our ancestors once knew. Add love to the mix, and it follows that the universe may be suffused with this life giving force. Thus love propagates itself, radiates across time and space, and like any timeless meledy sings to us all."

Love: The Song of The Universe Jason Martineau p. 56
