Thursday, November 22, 2018

Life of Pi

Hardships unite but they sometimes can divide. After watching the movie and reading the book I'm left to wonder why? What is the purpose of it all? I have more questions than ever. But I think those will never be answered or the more questions that are answered at least three more replace them, much like the mythological hydra monster, in Greek lore. 

I began this book April 5, 2018 and completed it on June 5 2018. The novel has 319 pages. I watched the movie August 13, 2018. 

"If we citizens do not support our artists, than we sacrifice our creation on the alter of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams." Life of Pi This quote moved me so much, because if we do not cherish our artist we end up not being any better than animals. If we don't have a reason to live, than what's the point of life. 

"The reasons death sticks so closely to life isn't biological necessity--it's envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous possessive love that grabs at what it can. But life leaps over oblivion lightly, losing only a thing or two of no importance, and gloom is a passing shadow of a cloud." Life of Pi Death is jealous of life. It is through this jealousy that envious takes hold. This enviousness is the cause of great drama. This drama leads to the evils in life; such as war, poverty and even disease. When you have a disease you have so much pent up tension that your body does not know what to do with it. 

"There is no more happenstance, no more "freedom", involved in the whereabouts of a lizard or a bear or a deer than in the location of a knight on a chessboard." Life of Pi If this were the case, than I guess free will is out of the picture. Without free will, or freedom; everything is machine like." Repetition is important in the training of not only animals but humans." Life of Pi To train anything you need to repeat it in everything there is. Even when you are fully trained you can always learn more to advance your skill."
The most dangerous animal of all to the keepers and visitors of the zoo are the elephants. More people are killed by them then by any other animal." Life of Pi People are killed by people more, but in zoos I could see their point since elephants their freedom so badly, that they are made to perform and they are not free. But is anyone? 

"All living things contain a measure of madness that moves them into strange, sometimes inexplicable ways." Life of Pi This is true, however it has to be maintained in order to balance the light and dark forces that inhabit the cosmos. 

"The individual soul touches upon the world like a well reaches for the water table." Life of Pi Each soul adds such depths and so much beauty to the universe it surrounds that it makes an everlasting impression on the lives that it has touched in such profound ways. 

"Every element lived in harmonious nature with its neighbor." Life of Pi Its through this harmony that we see what the spirits have in store for us. 

"Religion is about our dignity, not our deprivation." Life of Pi That is what it is always about. Love is the answer to all questions. 

 "The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart. Meanwhile the lot of widows and homeless is very hard, and it is to their defence, not God's, that the self-righteous should rush." Life of Pi "Technology helps and spreads good ideas--these are two laws of nature. If you don't let technology help you, you condemn yourself to dinosaur-hood."Life of Pi True, although sometimes the best is without technological advancements. So like everything else it's a double edged sword. 

 "The Earth is a creation of God and the same all over." Life of Pi God is love and light. Whatever he created is the same, so be gracious and courteous to others and treat all with respect. 

 "People move in hope of a better life." Life of Pi It doesn't always work out that way though. 

 "Zoomorphism is where an animal takes a human being or another animal to be one of its own." Life of Pi 

 "CITES, The Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species had just come into effect and the window of trading captured animals had slam shut." Life of Pi

"You must take life the it comes at you and make the best of it." Life of Pi Pi got up feeling tension, tried to wake his brother, but couldn't. The ship sank in a violent storm. Pi was thrown in a life raft, but alone in the middle of the night. The sailors threw him on the liferaft to be eaten by the hyenas, but the hyenas protected him from the tiger, Richard Parker. Daylight came and he couldn't find any other survivors. Hyenas eat anything even cannibalize.The hyena was eating the zebras injured leg. "When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible selfish hunger for survival." Life of Pi Pi then saw a sea turtle and told it to get help. "To lose a brother is to lose someone, whom you can share the experience of growing old, who is supposed to bring you a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews, creatures to the people of your life and give it new branches. To lose your father is to lose the one whose guidance and help you seek, who supports you like a tree trunk supports its branches. To lose your mother, well, that is like losing the Sun above you." Life of Pi The hyena just killed the orangutan--Orange Juice. "It seems orange--such a nice Hindu colour is the colour of survival because the whole inside of the boat and the tarpaulin and life jackets and the life buoy and the ours and most every other significant object was orange. Even the plastic, beadless whistles were orange." Life of Pi Pi found food and water supplies on the boat. "Overcoming death is terrible enough but worse yet is oncoming death with time to spare, time which all the happiness that was yours becomes clear to you." Life of Pi Richard Parker ate the hyena. A rat appeared on the life boat, went on Pi's head, Pi through it in Richard Parkers mouth. Pi made a raft of life jackets to escape Richard Parker. "If there's one thing more dangerous than a healthy animal, it is an injured animal." Life of Pi. "Only fear defeats life." Life of Pi. "Doubt meets disbelief and disbelief tries to push it out." Life of Pi Pi imagined he and the tiger were circus performers as a way to keep time going. "Pressing the eyes of fish will paralyze them."Life of Pi. Pi survived 227 days at sea, learned to fish, attacked by flying fish, managed to stay alive from a Bengal Tiger "Time is an illusion that only makes us pant." Life of Pi. Vomit makes excellent territorial markers. "Tigers, indeed all animals, do not favor violence as settling scores." Life of Pi Animals crave peaceful interactions as do we all. "Faith in God is an opening up, a letting go, a deep trust, a free act of love--but sometimes it is so hard to love." Life of Pi Love is difficult at times but it is always worth it. "Despair was a heavy bleakness that let no light in or out." Life of Pi Pi found an island, was scouting it during the day and returned to the ship at night "Can there be any greater happiness than salvation." Life of Pi Meerkat were bringing ashore dead fish. "The training of tigers is no easy feat. They are considerably less flexible in their mental make-up than other animals that are commonly trained in circuses and zoos--sea lions and chimpanzees, for example." Life of Pi Training is difficult for all, even humans, but in our attempts to train we teach ourselves as well. Pi left Richard Parker on the boat. The meerkats all went up in the trees Pi found a tree which he though had fruit but each had a different human tooth inside at the core of the leaves surrounding the fruit Pi came to Mexico. Richard Parker left him without even a glance back. Pi was fed and cared for and adopted by a Canadian family. "Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe?" Life of Pi Believe in the wondrous and you got something. You have to have faith. "The world isn't just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no? Doesn't that make life a story?" Life of Pi Life is a culmination of our experiences. We constantly add to this and make it better. Pi was making a more believable story up. It was a shame that he had to, because what a fantastic feat he was just through and to dim it down by having to make it more believable. He, his mom, a sailor, and a cook from the ship were on the lifeboat. The sailor broke his leg while jumping on the raft. The cook removed the leg and used it for bate. The cook cooked the rest of the sailor.
#piccadillyinc Yeremiah Hardt