Kristen Beyer
This novel has 561 pages. I started reading it Monday October 9, 2023. I finished this book on February 7, 2024.
Chakotay was waiting for Janeway at Ponte-desi-Scalzi, a restaurant in France. Mark her X, came and told him she was dead.
B'Lanna believed her daughter, Mireal was in danger. Mireal was said to be the Kuvah'magh or Klingon Savior. However Janeway recommended Tom to be the First Officer on Voyager.
B'Lanna, Mireal and Tom to Tom's parents on Earth. Tom asked B'Lanna and she accepted.
Project Full Circle was put together to track what Voyager had been through in the Delta Quadrant. Tom was going to see Captain Afsarah Eden about Project Full Circle. They were looking into what future gave to the crew and modifications 7 of 9 had made.
B'lanna was asking Logi for permission to leave the planet for Tom's celebration for his new posting on Voyager as first officer but was denied. She was apalled by this. Logi was a spokesperson for the emperor who said that this was a place of worship, and should not be treated as a hotel to come and go as you pleased. B'Lanna heard a scream from Mireal and sprang into action with her Batleth in hand. She killed one of the intruders. They got Mireal. Logi was assisting B'Lanna in retrieving her from her captures.
Katheryn had a Vulcan assistant, Decan. Harry broke up with Libby. The girl he kept throughout Voyagers journey in the Delta Quadrant. B'Lanna was a decendant of Amar, the wife of Kahless. Tom just introduced Chakotay to Voyagers new councilor, Cambridge.
"Command is a wonderful challenge, except when it isn’t."
Kathryn Janeway
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 89
"For all of it's elegance, Hal'korim's crude mapping system is ripe with potential for minute variations that would undoubtedly alter the location indicated by the obelisk. T'Krek seems certain that he has found what he was seeking, but without further analysis I'm not ready to bet my life my life or Mireal's on his calculations."
B'Lanna Torres Paris
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 103
Voyager is going to assist the Klingons in the search for Tom's wife and daughter because Tom knew how to negotiate, by threatening the Chancellor to a duel.
Seven had an Aunt Irene on Earth. They met for Sunday brunches, and lazy afternoon strolls.
"Most bat'leths were forged from baakonite. The swords Hal'krom had created were largely comprised of this metal, but also contained trace elements of another substance, which the tricorder could not identify. In all likelihood it was some rare metal that Hal'kron had worked into her weapons but that, a thousand years later, might be much harder to come by. B'Lanna knew nothing of the craft of sword making, butva cursory comparison of her blade with the more modern bat'leth that Logt had obtained for her showed clearly that ancient bat'leths were significantly more robust than those in common use faded. The analysis suggested that the ancient blades had been formed by a foldng technique that reduced impurities, thereby strengthening the swords and allowing them to maintain their sharpness long past the time when most others went dull."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer pp. 119-120
B'Lanna and Mirael were miraculously returned to Tom. Seven was so committed to find Mireal that she was going to forego regeneration until she was found.
Tom and B'Lanna were arguing and counilor Cambridge came in. He told them to sit down and they did.
Logt had abducted B'Lanna, for she was discovered to be a part of an ancient Klingon sect. They escaped on the Delta Flyer.
Tuvok went to an alein telepath who was able to put him in nightmarish memories of the past. He saw Kes. He quickly blocked her out of his mind. She got angry with him. He mind-melded with her.
When Torres awoke on Logt ship, she heard her daughter, Mireal cry. Mireal was brought to her. She had learned how to woke and talk, which Torres was proud of, but at the same time disheartened that she hadn't witnessed them. Logt had jusr offered Torres to join her and Mirael and she accepted. An odd thing she noticed was that there were no Klingon males on the ship. She wondered where they were?
Janeway, Seven, and the rest of the away team made it past a deadly beast, which resembled a bear, by showing no fear and remaing calm and going passed. Chakotay just sent an away team down to assist Janeway's team fight against the Klingons, and to help them return safely to Voyager. Logt and the away team from Voyager are in search for Mireal.
"Fate doesn't give a damn about our intentions."
Kathryn Janeway
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 247
"Powers rise and fall. Leaders come and go. History makes a mockery of our best laid plans. In the end, you are left only with with these things you have shared with one another. The bond you created when you decided to marry is sacred and not to be taken lightly. If you nuture it, it will sustain it through the darkness. But if you treat it carelessly, if you allow the series of your life together to become a battlefield, it will never survive."
Owen Paris
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 264
"Death might have been hard for those who died, but at its worst be as hard as what had remained for the living."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 269
"When a great person dies, for years the light they leave behind lies on the path of men."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 307
Chakotay told Phobe Janeway's sister, not to worry he will make sure he made the Borg pay for what they did to Kathryn.
Deanna Troi told Tuvok of Kathryn's death and when she was about to leave his house felt his anger about her death and said if there was anything she could do to let her know. She was off to tell Reginald Barclay.
"If one wanted to make the Gods laugh, all one had to do was make a plan."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 359
Chakotay just destroyed an Orion Vessel that destroyed Deep Space Five and murdered more than 20 people. Tom and Chakotay got into a disagreement because he could of saved those people. Counselor Cambridge came into his ready room and said he was still angry with Janeway.
Dr. Katz suggested to Chakotay that they fool the Borg into believing their cubes were useless and they would destroy them.
Owen Paris was dead. Tom told Dr. Katz before their briefing. Katz died in the battle against the Borg. Many others lost their lives as well.
"Running away from problems is nothing but a temporary solution."
Tom Paris
ST VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 423
"Embrace the happiness that is before you, for it is such simple joys that the rest of us will have to begin to rebuild."
Julia Paris
ST VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 424
The Doctor is going for a position as both Emergency Medical Hologram as well as Emergency Command Hologram of a ship. Naomi Wildman has been accepted in Starfleet Academy. She will be studying with Icheb.
"The ancient Lumni people have a spot just over that hill for the sacrificed dead. As long as your not interested in living anymore, it would be easy enough to lie down and join them."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 444
Tom gave Chakotay his combadge, because Chakotay was in the woods dealing with Janeway's death, and when he wanted to return to the Federation he could.
Eight other vessels were being equipped with Slipstream Drives to voyage through the Delta Quadrant with Voyager. Eden got the Doctor on the mission. Eden asked Seven to join, however she refused. B'Lanna and Mireal's shuttle was destroyed.
"Even when you didn’t want the spirits, they never truly left you. Some would say that in the darkest times, the spirits existed to carry you through them."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 478
"Akoochima. God's of my father. I am far from my home. I walk in darkness alone and frightened. I ask you to find me in the darkess. I ask you to explain yourselves."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 479
"You are alone. You've been alone for longer than you care to believe. You abandoned yourself, Chakotay. You hid behind pretty words like duty, honor, and love; and then you cloaked yourself in ugly ones: pain, anger and regret. But they mean nothing. They do not define you. Only you can do that. Only you can claim your own life. Why do you hesitate? Why do you fear?"
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kridten Beyer p. 480
Chakotay was talking to Counnsiler Cambridge how StarFleet never trusted Voyager and her crew since they got back from the Delta Quadrant. Eden was put in command of Voyager.
"We never really lose the path, even when we are floundering in the darkness. We are always where we are supposed to be at any given time and possess every resource that we need."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 504
Harry reached out to John Torres, B'Lanna father, about her death.
"You have all been selected amoung StarFleets finest to take part in an unprecedented exploratory effort. The USS Voyager, a ship which has served with distinction for almost ten years, has now been tasked with leading the most advanced fleet StarFleet has ever assembled on a vital expedition to the far reaches of known space."
Admiral Williem Bastille
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 508
"The experience and expertise of those of you who have already visited the Delta Quadrant will be invaluable to our efforts. We go in peace, but we are prepared to face those who might be hostile to our presence. The Federation has no intention of expanding beyod the worlds we already encompass. We will, of course, extend the hand of friendship to any who wish to form alliances with us. Most importantly we go to seek out new life and new civilizations. We do not expect to encounter or antagonize another race as oppose to the principles of the Federation as the Borg, if they pose a potential threat to the Federation our efforts will be to enable StarFleet to prepare and meet any such threat."
Admiral Williem Bastille
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 510
Chakotay had visited Seven. She looked dishevelved from living with her dying relative Irene.
Harry went to see Libby.
"Everything has changed. Whatever illusions we use to have about our happy peaceful little part of the galexy are just gone. It feels like no place is ever going to be safe again."
Harry Kim
ST VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 525
"You couldn't control or change anything that's happened. None of us could. We just do the best we can at any given time, make the best choices and learn to live with the rest."
ST VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 527
Libby ended the relationship with Harry because of work. She helped Voyager with the Borg, as Peregrine.
"Just worry about the things you can do something about. The rest will take care of itself."
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 532
Chakotay talked to Eden before Voyager left. He asked her to take care of the crew. Eden was an alien from the Gamma Quadrant. She was brought up by two uncles, who introduced her to StarFleet. Eden may not be returning with Voyager.
"When it comes to mischief her future (Mireal's) is bright."
B'Lanna Torres
ST: VOY: Full Circle, Kristen Beyer p. 550
B'Lanna and Mireal were going back on Voyager with Tom. Chakotay wouldn't be returning to StarFleet.
I loved reading this book. It created a world of mysteries that I could only imagine the outcomes to. That is what reading is. To partake in someone's world and to immerse yourself with all you have.