Sunday, December 3, 2023

Teddy Bears Are coming

"The teddy bears are coming! The teddy bears are coming! Dear God watch out, the teddy bears are coming!


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Mark Twain Prize

"Comedian, actor, writer and entrepreneur Kevin Hart is the winner of the 25th Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. Considered the highest honor in funny business, previous recipients have included Tina Fey, Bob Newhart, David Letterman and Jon Stewart."

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Batman Movies

Lord Of The Rings

Most Awarded Film Series

With 800 nominations and 475 wins, the Lord of the Rings trilogy ranks as the movie series with the most overall awards in movie history.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Liam Neeson, the Boxer

Liam Neeson, star of movies such as Schindler’s List, Taken, and Star Wars, was a champion boxer. He was an amateur boxer from the ages of 9-17 and was a three-time Northern Ireland juvenile champion. He once said, “I had about 40 fights and I won about maybe 30.”

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Netflix Movies

"Given the incredibly large number of movies on Netflix, it may surprise you to learn that the streamer doesn’t have a lot of classic movies."

Saturday, October 14, 2023

48th SNL Birthday

Happy 48th Birthday, SNLSaturday Night Live (SNL), the comedy sketch show, first hit the NBC airwaves on October 11, 1975. Broadcasting live from studio 8H at Rockefeller Center in New York, the original cast featured names such as John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, and more.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Infinity Gate

By M. R. Carey

Infinity is so vast. One has difficulty defining it because of its enormity. I began reading this Saturday June 17, 3023. I has 499 pages. I completed this novel on October 9, 2023.


The end is near.


“You need a knife, of immense but incalculable size. Me. I am that knife.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 2


Hadiz Tambuwual was aloof. She loved everyone from a distance and liked it that way.


“The world is a solid thing but we experience it in the abstract.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 6


Hadiz turned into a lonely researcher who camped at the school, because the transportation was harmful. She saw that she was the last of her colleagues their.


“Dark energy was needed in order to explain the universe’s suspiciously high rate of expansion, but the elementary particle that might mediate it had never been observed.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 8


“The particles natural void was the Intergalactic void.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 8


“Quantum environmental induction involved manipulating subatomic particles using a scanning tunneling microscope and a loom of counter phased electron beams.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 11


“Scalars are quantities that can be a fully numerical value alone. Quantities such as pressure or density. Vector-like, say gravity, velocity or rotation require both magnitude and direction.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 11


“The worlds-other universe’s, even were a useful theoretical tool in her branch of physics. They helped to explain the rupture in causality that took place when a human observer measured a subatomic event. Probability seemed from the observers perspective to collapse or coalesce, but from another point of view they actually diverged. From one moment to the next, the universe was always taking the road less traveled, as well as all other roads.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 13


“The universe being fond of a certain kind of order (even though it’s madly in love with entropy too), had to move the designates volume to where it seemed to belong.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 17


Hadiz went in her QEI transporter.


“Dimensional travel, it seemed, involved no movement, on any other vector. You were transported from a position in world A to a precisely corresponding position in World B. But if you moved when you got there, your point of return would reflect that movement.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 29


“The Registry’s housing was a second satellite as large as the Earth’s natural satellite, the Moon,--and it would have had similar effects on gravity and tides if it had ever lingered in one reality for the relevant forces to be propagated. Nothing like this thing had ever been built before, at least with ten thousand worlds of Pandominion, and nothing like it is likely to be built again until some political of the same scale and with similar outlooks come into existence.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 30


“In many continua and at the time of this writing—a tethered AI whose spent vast mental capacity is enslaved to the solving of endless complex but trivial equations. If the Registry had been allowed to learn from its experience or environment, if it had been allowed any meaningful contact with the world outside its shell, it would have very quickly outstripped any organic mind in the multiverse. But the Pandominion master technicians had no intention of letting that happen. For the purpose of maintaining system stability they had given the AI personality-incurious, content, eager to please. Then they had frozen its understanding at the level of a three year old child by means of end-stopped-programing and brute force overwrites keeping the Registry as stupid as a post was a large of their work on a day to day basis.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate pp. 30-31


“Pandominion governed trillions of selves on hundreds of thousands of worlds, and yet all of them were the same world-your world as well as mine, on different lines of causality in different continua.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 31


Step-travel is journeying from one universe to another.


“A step field (assuming perfectly aligned equipment) takes a minimum of 2.8 seconds to propagate. It involves subatomic manipulation but operates on a macroscopic level. You need a physical object to sit on a Step plate for the best of three seconds until the field envelopes it.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 32


“The number of universe’s in existence was known and proven to be limitless.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 35


The World Wide Web totally collapsed.


“Life is a movement that makes itself within the great unmaking that is the entropic universe.”

M. R. Carey


Infinity Gate p. 39


“Hadiz had hoped that broadly similar Earths might cluster around gradients of possiblity—and perhaps they did up to a point. All these worlds had breathable atmosphere, after all, with concentrations of oxygen that varied from her definition of normal by no more than 7 per cent. This meant even the desert world’s must have vegetation somewhere. Humanity might not have managed to evolve on any of these variants, but if they ever did they would find most of the resources they needed ready at hand.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 43


“The QEI machine generates a spiritual field. Everything that was there is moved to a different location or rather the same location in a different iteration of the universe.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 45


“Not every conceivable world, only every possible one, which is a different thing altogether. There wouldn’t be a world with flying elephants, or where rain falls upwards. Just all the variations on all the things that can possibly vary, ranging from random decay of subatomic particles all the way up to willed actions of known beings.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 49


“A universe is a very large mechanism, with a great many interacting parts. It’s degrees of freedom are arguably finite, but they are so vastly many that they might as well be infinite.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 49


“Patterns form in very large data sets that are lost in smaller ones. Noise and perturbation cancel out. Order emerges. But it’s not a simple shape, it’s an endless self-unfolding replication of a fractal. Let us say human life evolves on, world one and then again on world fifty.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 50


“The map inscribed itself endlessly within the same space, repeating a single intricate pattern into infinity.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 52


“On about 3 or 4 per cent of inhabited world’s, an ape-like decadent mammal had developed an upright stance, an opposable thumb and bigger brainpan. This mammal then survived for long enough to discover the usefulness of hunting in packs, of extended nurture, of tool use, of fixed settlements, agriculture and animal husbandry. Of these worlds, though various viscositudes and calamities, the baton of civilization had been passed through seven or eight generations without being dropped.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 53


Hadiz had just left Rupshe on the world because of her size, she wasn’t portable. Hadiz said she would return if and when it was possible.


The omnipotent council’s chief job was to make  rulings on trade-affecting member world’s. The Ceilo’s were the massive military entity.


“The Itinerant Fortress was hame to the upper echelons of both hierarchies (as well as the intelligence system known as the Registry), but the precise details of the chain of command are opaque to us.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 61


“Step plates could only take a payload from a space in a given universe and normally their would be very little difference between the physical forces at play on either side of the step. But there were some worlds-relatively few, but easy enough to find-where radically different histories, had resulted in radically different endpoints. The redoubts of Pandominion, where sermon administrators had their offices, were often located on such worlds because their extreme environments made external assault impossible. Either you Stepped in or you didn’t come at all.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 63


Lessex was given two guards to help him find and deal with the excursion he let occur. Essien got in trouble with the boss of the Mikado for working someone else’s shift. He was held captive their for two months to repay his debt. Essien meets Hadiz outside of a bar.


“Good news is better than silver or gold.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 102


“So many of the big problems you’re facing-the Resource Wars between Russia and Europe, the collapse of the American Union, China annexation of Japan-are because there are limits to things. Because your living in a pressure cooker and the heat just getting turned up and up. But I can take that all away.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 106-107


Essien went to another world with Hadiz.


“It’s too late for my world. My world is dead. The night I met you….I was holding a kind of one woman wake. I can’t stop thinking about how things might have gone if I started this work ten or five years earlier. Billions of people might still be alive. I could have made a difference. Maybe all the difference that was needed.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 111


“For any two numbers you choose there’s always an infinity between them. And that’s true for any two worlds you choose. The map of reality is called a Mandelbrot set-a mathematical diagram that repeats itself on every scale the way the first flowers or cold days repeat themselves”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 116


Essien wanted to steal Hadiz technology and become rich. Essien took Hadiz to another world to try and steal her technology, before he could he realized she had it voice activated. Two robots saved her and transported her back to the world she just came from. They were gone to make Essien enlist. Their was slim chance he would survive.


“Infinity isn’t a big number. It’s what happens when you get to the last number and fall off the end of it. Imagine a thousand, and than a million. And then a million million. Now imagine a book with that many pages. On the first page is a one and on the rest of the book is zeroes. Billions and trillions of zeroes, in ten point type on onion skin paper. Think about how big that number is. Than multiply it by itself. You’re still not there. You’re still not close.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 138


Essien was getting chocolates from a humanoid cat, Moon, and also information. FMQs are Farms mines and quaries. Essin enlisted in the war. Hadiz survived and was searching for Essien.


“Invisible umbilical’s bound them to each other and to Sergeant Oturbe who was their leader.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 158


“One world. Count it. Maybe some details shift around a little, but the big stuff the continents and oceans and all the baseline stuff that doesn’t change much from one continuum to the next. So here we are at the western edge of the biggest landmass in the northern hemisphere. The blue dots on the maps are cities, most of them as big as this one, some a whole lot bigger. The folks who built this place may have been behind the curve when it came to tech savvy, but they settled most of the places where people can actually live. Best guess, they were sustaining a planetary population somewhere between twenty and a hundred million. Whatever killed them had a lot of ground to cover.”

Sergeant Otubre

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 162


“The worlds aren’t all marching along at the same pace. It takes about ten thousand years, give or take, for a civilisation to get from hunting and gathering to Step travel-but they don’t all start out at the same time. Why should  they? The Earth’s about 5 billion years old. It took the first half billion for the crust to cool and the oceans to form. Another half-billion for the first life to show up. It’s not like there was a fixed schedule. It happened when it happened.”

Sergeant Otubre

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate pp. 163-164


Mother Mass was a planet which telepathically prevented the Cielo from trespassing.


“Braubrikana were telepathic shape shifters who came at you wearing faces they plucked from your memories.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 178


The Registry’s job was to make sure all the worlds within it had enough food and the Stepping program was taken care of and that there was no homeless.


“The possibility exist that this is a complex on a planetary scale that has been entirely entrusted to machine intelligences. Given the obvious economic advantages of fully automated resource extractory further study is warranted with a view accessing feasibility and potential drawbacks.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 184


“The machine hegemony does not store information it deems to be of no value, and (inexplicably to most organics) that includes information relating to their origins. Only one thing can be said with certainty: if there had been organic creators or precursors for the machine hegemony, no physical trace remains of them on any Ansurection world.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 189


They found adversary machines which could communicate between universe’s. Once their ship came you were finished.


“The Ansurection seemed to have no government, in the conventional sense, no cities, no center’s from which their operations was controlled. If anything defined their world, it was the hegemony. They extracted materials and resources from the substrate and they replicated themselves. They never stopped, never tired, but they did communicate. The airwaves on Ansurection worlds were dense with unceasing signal traffic, most of it repetitively and recursively patterned. Experts compared it to the pheromone messages of a eusocial insects, but nobody had the slightest idea what it was the machines were saying.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 195


“Canoplex once the so called Umbriel cities—and for that reason universally referred to as the Complex-under-Heaven.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 198


Paz met Dulcimer Steadfast Coronel who just transferred. Paz fell in love with her.


“Infinity made war obsolete.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 205


“They went prospecting in omni-dimensional realities, and brought home maps of intricate pathways.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate pp. 205-206


“The Pandominion was born. World shall speak peace into world! And share cultures, and trade, and bury their differences and commingle in a thousand wonderful ways.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 206


“In the omni-verse there was plenty of everything to go around.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 206


They discovered Dulcie was a robot and she self destructed.


Paz was in a coma, because of Dulcie’s destruction. Her parents were at her side as much as possible, just talking to her, coaxing her to wake. The police were there as well, to talk to her, because they believed she was in contact with a sleeper agent. Dulcie’s whole family were AIs. She was being asked if Paz and Dulcie ever conversed about a robotic revolution.


They were taking Paz out of school because she didn’t have an AI anymore. Dulcimer was asking for her from Paz in her dreams. Paz found Dulcie in an anima.


“There’s a world where identity is factual. Well there’s more than one. In fact there are lots. Thousands and thousands of them. The selves on these worlds are not closed and bounded by things. They combine whe some kind of action is needed, many becoming one—not metaphorically but literally. When that happens, the experience and history of all component selves are shared. The composite entity that they form knows itself as having been several but integrates all the knowledge and experiences of its subunits into a new shared perspective.


The merger is happening at all levels of consciousness, of mind, but it can subsume bodies too. The machines whose thoughts are linked can also link their functioning parts to make a new composite or they can assembe and extrude new machines that will also be part of the composite, the new entity is in full control of all its subsidiary parts. And then if one or more of those parts is wanted for another purpose, the composite codes it without hesitation. The chosen self becomes a part of a new whole, bringing all accumulated memories and skills of the old composite into the new.”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate pp. 369-370


“The machine hegemony doesn’t have any name for itself, and your name for it is ridiculous. An insurrection is an uprising, a revolt. The machine of hedgemony don’t revolt, they just are. In the same way you organics just are, but with fewer limitations. Immortality is one of many advantages of this mode of consciousness over yours. Functional omnipotence is another. If no machine exist that can carry out a certain task a new machine is made. The pool of knowledge of understanding is virtually limitless.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 270


“Information is swapped constantly. For the thing that matters most it’s swapped by means of assimilation, when parts of one composite became bounded to another, bringing them everything they were. For smaller things its just a ceaseless flow of incremental reports carried an electromagnetic carrier wave.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 372


“If you pour poison onto an anthill, are you massacring ants?”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 275


Dulcie was created to blend in to the general population and learn as much as she could.


“Unitary consciousness, the state of being of a mind that’s fixed in one place, in one body that never changes or merges with others…that’s a thing no machine in the hegemony had experienced before; and its not anything that can be understood from the outside. To know it you have to live it.”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 380


“Eusociality: a community of beings with differentiated roles, occasionally capable of putting the good of the collective above their own immediate benefit. That doesn’t automatically imply sentient—ants and bees do much the same—but it was a point in your favor. It predisposed me to give you the benefit of the doubt and that was reflected in the report I was compiling.”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 280


“The Hegemony is….its full and empty at the same time. It’s the most perfectly functional and adaptive culture the universe has ever seen, the pinochle of evolution. You, organics can’t come close to matching its ability to learn and change and synthesize solutions.


But it’s kind of an autocracy. The aggregate decides everything. It swallows all those billions and trillions of inputs from…from all of us, from the machines that make it up, and it produces a single output, or an algorithm for every machine to follow.”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 281


Paz put Dulcie’s consciousness in Trinities’ shell. Paz and Dulcie are going to Hadiz’s home world. Hopefully they’d be safe.


“Constructs don’t have a nervous system. Their proposition is handled by gyroscopic arrays and passive sonar.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 305


“The atoms of Pax’s body were about to be reorganized around the multiversal axis, turning her into a sling shot stone, sending her skimming between realities.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 319


“Cielo armor is set by default to store a full record of traffic through it’s wearers internal arrays. The surviving part of this particular suit—the breastplate, helmet and left sleeve-is on is on permanent display in their great library of the Internet Fortress, and its data core was decrypted and downloaded many years ago.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 336


Paz made a jump over a gorge carrying Dulcie.


“The drug grabber has the effect of unspooling memories so that they connect in the base of the brain in a homogeneous soup. Paradoxically, though, the effect is the strongest with recent memories. The last few months, the last few years, became a curtain you’ve just stepped through, faintly translucent but hiding all details-which is what makes grabber the panacea of soldiers of choice coming out of battle.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 363


Paz is going into a holo-plugin, a mask of somebody they just saw on the street. They’re in search of Hadiz Tambuwal.


“Omni variant realities allow for literally endless variations but some probability gradients values, states around which the world tends to cluster. Most of the clusters are geographical in nature.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 385

Paz and Dulcie tried to go to an alley quickly to transform, however they got stopped before they could reach it. The native population was afraid of Paz because she took on the form of a cruel slave owner. As they were leaving their truck, someone said, “Christ Jesus lift me when I fall and trip those who cast me down.” Paz didn’t know who Christ was. Dulcie said a God or Goddess who protects the weak.

“Paz lost Dulcie. The people figured out she was an imposter.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 286

“It found a need to terminate the social loops, which it could only define as unhappiness. The decision that arises from the dilemma was impossible to justify but it seemed equally impossible to avoid.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate pp. 414-415


Paz was trapped in a cage by humans who were fascinated by her intelligence. She was voking Dulcie for help. Dulcie couldn’t come right.

“Essain’s hands groped along walls until they found a door. It was no different than any others he had passed but he knew he was in the right place. Except that it wasn’t really a place, not really. He had been moving all this time through time as well as physical distances. What he had come to was an irrevocable moment.”

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 453

Hadiz voked with Essien. She told him she set the whole thing up. Paz was riding with someone on a bike to Hadiz’s to get some answers.


Moon found Dulcie. Essien betrayed Moon and was firing on her team. He was defending Paz. Essien wants Moon to meet Hadiz, but she refused. They finally went in and found Hadiz dead. She became an anima. Rupshe consoled Hadiz.


“An organic brain is a machine built for a specific purpose, even if it was built for the random processes of evolution rather than purpose design. Any thinking machine can be made to emulate any other.”

Dulcimer Coronel

M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 490


“And much, much further away in my wayward shell,  my runaway womb, plummeting from one dimension to the next without cease, I lay the long dark dreaming dreams that had no words or images, dreams composed of nothing but numbers. And every dream came true.

But now at last my mother was coming. My savior. My teacher. My champion. My dearest friend. The world’s had swirled around like bubbles in the waters for centuries but they have never met me.

Oh, they would meet me soon.”


M. R. Carey

Infinity Gate p. 499

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Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Muppets

The Muppets were created by Jim Henson in 1955 for a short-format television show called Sam and Friends. From the kindhearted Kermit to the affable Fozzie Bear, the wacky, smart, and flamboyant characters were a hit. In 1969, the Muppets appeared on the wildly successful children’s program Sesame Street, and by 1976, the popularity of the colorful cast led to a half-hour of prime time called The Muppet Show. In its five-year run, the show won four Emmy Awards and was nominated for another 21.

Even as the showrunners took home their awards, the Muppets were just getting started. In 1979, they starred in the first of several movies, The Muppet Movie. The 1980s and '90s brought a number of spinoffs, including Muppet BabiesMuppets Tonight, and The Jim Henson Hour. The characters have also appeared on late-night TV talk shows, and made cameo appearances on everything from The Simpsons to The West Wing.

After six decades in the spotlight, the Muppets continue to shine. Their message of friendship, love, and laughter is as relevant today as it has ever been. Here, we’ve collected 10 of our favorite quotes from the Muppets, but before we open up the floor, we’ll leave you with a quote from their uniquely talented creator, who passed away in 1990: “If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn't anything you can't do if you want to.”

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Sunday, August 20, 2023

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Saturday, August 5, 2023

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Risky Business Debuts

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Barbie Movie

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Has Your Imagination ever helped you?

I think about it and write about it and expand on what others have said or wrote about. My readings help me write. I keep a journal of events as well.


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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Book emersion

"If you’ve ever immersed yourself in an entirely different world while reading a book, you’re not alone."

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Movie Cliffhangers

"Whether they are good, bad, or simply incomplete endings, there are just some movie cliffhangers that viewers will never get answers for."

Star Trek Universe

This novel had 168 pages. I began reading it on November 4, 2012. I completed reading it on November 14, 2012.

Spock killed Kirk. What brought this on was Kirks intent to erase the Halkins from existence. The mirror Kirk had stated to him that killing.was wrong and encouraged him against this course of action.

Spock, was said by Kirk to have tried to breach both universes. Marlena, Spock inherited woman from Kirk, wanted a mind-meld. Serek came to Enterprise. Spock gave him a tour. Serek said only a few words.

Serek forced Spock to listen. Spock wanted to attack Coridon, Serek thought it will be a waste of time and resources. Spock said it will send a message of strength to Romulan and Klingon governments. The Vulcan council believe The Romulan Empire will fall. Vulcan might be eradicated in three generations. A constituted republic would replace it.

It would become a coalition of planets again. Spock just nominated Serek as his chief council. Serek accepted this appointment. Elaan, the Dolman of Eas, was aggressive towards Spock. Thoughts of Spock having special abilities were scaring the crew

Uhura was getting ready to murder Spock.
Spock took an away team down to a Vulcan monastary, it was deserted. They killed Deckers who Spock chose at the last minute to go. Deckers father was ready to have a civil war, to avenge his son, but Hoshi objected.

The Enterprise picked up a message saying to meet at the Terra Nova system to hijjak the Enterprise. When Enterprise got there, it surrendered.

Spock, however, overpowered Decker, with the help of his first officer Takesha and relieved Decker of command. He died rather than be betrayed. Spock was planning to kill Hoshi as soon as they got to Earth. Spock told Sevik about the device to kill everyone on the ship. Everyone was killed in Hoshis board room by Saavik.

Spock was the emperor. He felt he was a stranger in the castle even though he was born on Earth. Serek was his first visiter. Spock was planning to anhilate the Empire and replace it with a governing body. The one power Spock kept for himself was that his word was law. Spock returned to the Enterprise

For the first time, since he became Emperor, he wasn't protected by the Titenus field.

The Enterprise took him to Rigiler 1 to see Dr. Marcus. Marcus was working on Project Genisis, which Spock cut funding for. Genisis creates M class planets that could support life. He wanted Marcus to make other worlds habitable without the full magnitude of Genisis. A Romulan is found on Vulcan and he is killed swiftly. Two Vulcan females are in love and go against the law and give in to their desires. Klingons were going to strike the empire. No one knew why Spock was setting the Empire up for anhilation.

Admirals within the Empire were planning on assassinating Spock. They were planning on giving the throne to Ranjit Sinjh. They were also planning to wipe out the Senate as well. Curzon Dax was one of the people actively against the Klingon in. Dax disrespected the Klingons as they were congratulating themselves over a tiny victory.

The Klingons were working on a ship that could fire cloaked. Marlena was drowning in an artic sea. It was all a dream. She had the same nightmare for more than a decade.
Talking hadn't dissolved its power. Spock didn't want a child with anyone. Spock feared his child would die in the transition between the Empire going to a Republic.

Spock overcame the sensation of causing a massive civil war.between the.Cardassians, Klingons and Romulans. The assassin was put in head of the guards protecting Spock because the head stepped down. Spock set up this meeting to attempt to make a truce between the empires

Gorkon, the head of the Klingons, was there to form an alliance to wipe out the Romulans and Cardassians. Spock was letting his empire fall because he believed the Klingon empire will fall after.

Memory Omega was an all inclusive project of all the land and people of the empire. Marcus didn't believe Omega could be completed in two years as Spock requested. Spock killed Kirk as a favor to her, to prevent his action to David, her son. Spock wanted Saavik to return to Vulcan and rezine from Starfleet.

Valaris, who Spock was married to, was helping Spock to extinguish the empire and give birth to a new government. Valaris, lost control the weapon and injured herself. Spock destroyed it. Spock and Marlana were put to death. The Klingons were attacking. Spock was asked to kneel in front of the Klingon and Cardassian leader, but refused to and put him to death.

They killed Serek as well and cut his head off as well. They organized the slaves by profession. Sevik lied about her identity and was going to start a freedom movement which Spock had put together, but kept secret.

Mission Impossible: Dead Reakoning

"Tom Cruise’s latest blockbuster “Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One” is showing strength at the international box office, collecting an impressive $155 million from 70 markets."

Monday, July 17, 2023

Writers Guild

"It’s a strange time to be covering television. If a new deal isn’t reached between studios and the Writers Guild of America in the coming months, the ongoing strike could begin affecting TV lineups this fall and beyond."

Friday, July 14, 2023

Dwayne Johnson

"Actor Dwayne Johnson was lined up to replace Pedro Pascal in a $900 million franchise. Here’s what went down."

Children's fiction

"I've been writing children's fiction for more than 10 years now, and still I would hesitate to define it."

Academy Awards

Since the Academy Awards debuted in 1929, the Best Picture category has been widely considered the most prestigious honor at the ceremony. As of 2021, there have been 571 films nominated, and 93 winners, ranging from historical epics such as 1959’s Ben-Hur to 2019’s South Korean black comedy Parasite. Some Best Picture winners have stood the test of time better than others, but many are still considered true classics — timeless movies such as On the Waterfront, Lawrence of Arabia, and The Godfather.

Over the decades, these movies have provided many famous quotes. Among the Best Picture nominees, who can forget such classic lines as “E. T. phone home,” ”Show me the money!” and “You're gonna need a bigger boat.” Here are 10 of the most memorable lines from Best Picture winners from the 1930s to today — some of which rank among the most quotable movie lines of all time.

"Now that the fate of Waystar Royco is sealed, Succession stars Brian Cox, Kieran Culkin, and Jeremy Strong have a new competition: winning an Emmy Award."

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Best TV 2023

"Wow, we've reached the midpoint of the year already?"

Saturday, July 8, 2023

John Wick Ch. 4

"This year's action hit John Wick: Chapter 4 seemed to conclude in a decisively fatal fashion for Keanu Reeves' titular anti-hero."

Groucho Marx

During the first half of the 20th century, the Marx Brothers — Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, and Zeppo — established themselves as one of the most popular comedy acts of stage, screen, and radio. They were a smash hit on Broadway, and together they made 13 movies, including comedy classics such as Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera.

Groucho Marx, the third-born of the brothers, was the first to embark on a stage career (at age 15) and went on to become the most famous of the siblings. He was known for his razor-sharp wit as well as his distinctive appearance — bushy black eyebrows, thick mustache, and an ever-present cigar — a look so iconic it was made into arguably the most famous novelty disguise of all time, fittingly called “Groucho glasses” (now immortalized as an iPhone emoji).

Groucho’s absurd humor included slapstick, puns, and punchy one-liners. His witty quips made him eminently quotable — but also hugely misquoted. Many sayings frequently attributed to Marx are likely not his at all, such as, “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana,” and, “The most important thing is honesty. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


"Trilogies possess an enchanting ability to enthrall crowds with their captivating tales and flawlessly interwoven narratives, but a few stand above the rest as being near-perfect in execution."

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Laser projector

"As the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be behind us, offices have reopened but staff may find themselves adopting a hybrid working approach rather than a 9 to 5 behind the office desk. Epson has developed the Pro EX11000 Full HD laser projector to meet the multi-use display needs of staff splitting their work life between office and home."

Friday, June 30, 2023

Leaving Netflix in June

"It's that time again. June is ending and a new month is here, and Netflix has announced which movies and TV shows are set to cycle off the streaming service in July."

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny

"This Friday’s arrival of Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny serves as a reminder of the pivotal role composer John Williams has played in the cinema for more than five decades."

Film Relavance

"What makes a film important? Well, there are some criteria for that."

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Sci-fi tv shows

"Sci-fi tv shows are always filled with the promise of a high concept, high stakes, and a brief escape into a world of wonder, but sometimes, it’s a very brief trip."

Everyone Likes New York

Not too surprisingly, New York City is the city that has been destroyed the most times in the fictitious world of movies.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Nancy Drew

With just 13 episodes in this final season of Nancy Drew, there is a lot that needs to be packed into every episode.

Friday, June 16, 2023

TV shows are based on other works.

"Many TV shows are based on other works, whether that's books, movies, or comics, to bring audiences new interpretations of classic stories."

Anthony Hopkins

"Anthony Hopkins thinks being an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is nothing short of “pointless.”"


"When an excellent film resonates with an audience it can be a great experience for movie-goers."


"The upcoming historical epic Napoleon is being hyped as a triumphant return to historical epics for Ridley Scott, which highlights just how overlooked his actual return to that genre was in 2021."

Always Sunny In Philadelphia

"The gang of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is as dysfunctional as it is destructive."

Bruce Lee's First Movie

Bruce Lee's first time on a film set was not Enter the Dragon, Chinese Connection, or even Game of Death. He first time was the 1941 film called "Golden Gate Girl". Bruce was a full 3 months old at the time. Not surprisingly, he played an infant and he had no fight scenes in this film


"Netflix is known for many romantic comedies such as 'Set It Up' and more. However, there is a new rom-com that has entered the Top 10 worldwide."

Spinoff shows

10 TV Show Spin-offs That Are Better Than the Original Series

Benedict Cumberbatch

"Benedict Cumberbatch is an outstanding actor, who has worked in major franchises like Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes, Marvel, and many more."

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Notebook

"The Notebook, released in 2004, is a film that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world, largely due to the mesmerizing chemistry between its two leads, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams."

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown is many things: an almost perennial loser but, at the same time, a leader. Anxious and shy, but friendly and good-natured. Pessimistic but capable of moments of great optimism. He would do anything to help his friends — including his dog, Snoopy — but frequently fails to help himself. But one thing is consistent: Charlie Brown is not a quitter. Whatever life throws at him, he keeps on going.

The charismatic icon made his official debut in the first Peanuts comic strip in 1950. The creator, Charles M. Schulz, put much of himself in Charlie Brown, and even named some of Charlie’s friends after his own, including Linus, Shermy, and Peppermint Patty. At the same time, Charlie is an archetypal lovable loser. Schulz himself said that “Charlie Brown must be the one who suffers, because he’s a caricature of the average person. Most of us are much more acquainted with losing than winning. Winning is great, but it isn’t funny.”

It’s true, Charlie does suffer, whether from the barbed comments of the bullying Lucy van Pelt or from his unrequited obsession with the Little Red-Haired Girl. But it’s from his moments of failure, and his refusal to ever give up, that we get Charlie’s most insightful reflections on the human condition. Here are some of his best words of wisdom, ranging from the melancholic to those rare instances when everything seems right with the world.

Non-fiction Books

"Historical nonfiction books offer a fascinating glimpse into the past, providing readers with a detailed account of real events and the people who shaped them."

25 best Sellers

"Creating a roundup of the 25 best-selling books of all time is harder than it sounds."

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

"Somewhere out there in the world are cinephiles and film journalists alike, decked out to the nines in tuxedos and gowns, basking in the glow of having just watched Harrison Ford in the final Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, while mere feet away from French beaches overlooking at the Mediterranean Sea. Sadly, those journalists do not include us."

Monday, June 5, 2023

Stand up comedians

Being a stand-up comedian is an inherently daunting task: You risk failure and mockery in a very public way, night after night after night. For women who have broken into this historically male-dominated industry, the challenges are often even more layered. Not only do they have to tackle the nerve-wracking mission of making an audience laugh, but they also have to contend with the inherent gender bias of the comedy world.

In April 2021, Hulu released the documentary Hysterical, which cracked open the messy, wonderful, complicated reality of being a woman in comedy, and how it has changed and continues to change through the years. “Comedians are by nature trying to reach the sun — as close to the sun as possible without getting burned, but the sun is lower for women then it is for men, so when they reach to push the outer boundaries, those boundaries are more limited still,” Hysterical director and executive producer Andrea Nevins said in an interview with SPIN.

But on the upside, Nevins noted, there is a sisterhood among female comedians that has sprung from their shared frustrations. The documentary highlights a litany of women who are paving the way for future generations — including Margaret Cho, Rachel Feinstein, Amy Schumer, Sherri Shepherd, Bette Midler, and Ali Wong.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Greatest Children's Books

"Over the years, BBC Culture has conducted major polls of film and TV critics, experts and industry figures from around the world to decide on the greatest films and TV shows in a particular category: you may have seen our 100 greatest TV shows of the 21st Century in 2021, for example, or our 100 greatest films directed by women list in 2019."

Saturday, June 3, 2023

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory

This short story is by Keith R.A. Decandido. I began reading it Wednesday May 10, 2023. I completed reading this on Monday May 22, 2023.

Kira time traveled to before Bajor was united as one. It was still the provinces of Endtree, Bajora, as well as Lerra as well as other few. She had no idea why or how, for the Prophets or an injury or a little of both.

The Bajoreans had just won a battle with the help of Kiera Nierys. Kira traversed to her distant past before Bajor became Bajor and was still city states. This reminded her of her work currently with the Federation.

"You can't blind yourself to a good thing just because you don't like it."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 97

"Without faith their can be no victory."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 121

"Many different types of gateways were constructed over time, some large and elegant, others that could be held in the palm of one's hand."

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 134

"Two gates for ghostly dreams there are; One gateway of honest horn, and one of ivory issuuing by the ivory gates are the dreams of glimmering illusion, fantasies, but those that come through solid polished horn may be borne out, if mortals only know them."

Homer, The Odyssey

ST: DSN: Horn and Ivory p. 140

Netflix in May

"May has now been and gone and now Netflix have a huge June on their hands, with some of the streamer's biggest returning series dropping new seasons."

Thursday, June 1, 2023

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack

By David Mack

I began this novel on Sunday March 5, 2023. It's was published in 2020. It has 333 pages. I finished this novel on Monday April 17 223.

"And I shall show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death." Walt Whitman "Leaves of Grass" "Proto Leaf" 1860

"Pain is an illusion."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack Spock p. 2

Spock awoke to find Uhura and Serek unconscious.

L'Nel, Serek's aide asked if Spock was mated.

The planet was under seige by demons.

"The entities appear as if to be made of smoke, and their presence chills the air. Their touch can kill a healthy adult within seconds. And none of our weapons seem to have any affect on them. So far, they seem to only fear sunlight."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 33

"The situation has been made worse by a religious sect that is spreading lies in a bid to distablelize this government and establish a theocracy. They're marching in the streets and hijacking broadcast stations to spread the rumor that the entities our creatures out of our ancient mythology-the Wights of Underdark."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 39

"The Underdark is a vast network of natural caverns deep under the planets surface."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 39

Kirk was ready to take a landing party to investigate the planet. Serek stopped him. The governor came on board. Kirk and Spock went down to the planet alone.

The demons had an affect on Kirk the same as well as all his hangovers did at once. He was about to fall off a cliff, however he was rescued by one of the landing party.

Two of the away team were severely injured. McCoy didn't know if he could heal them.

Serek wanted to take control of the Enterprise for he feels the Aliens have gained control of Kirk. The Aliens were from another dimensional plane, which is why their phasers had no effect.

"We punch through to the other dimension and create a positive node. We'll use it to shunt the excess negative charge back into a dimension where it won't affect the reactor!" 


More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 121

The Prime Minister tried to call his planet from the Enterprise and turn off their base zero point generator, which was the gateway to the other dimensions,but the general refused to acknowledge his orders and gave the Prime Minister and the Enterprise 10 minutes to break orbit, which of course they wouldn't. They beamed down.

"A trio of wights slipped though the locked door as if it weren't even there. The wizened Kathikar mystic growled and lunged forward, thrusting his walking stick at the vaporious entities. As the translucent jewel at the end of his staff made contact with the misty apparitions, there was a flash of emerald light--and it was the wights turn to fill the air with cries of pain."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 168

"Because of the unusually high concentrations of grey dilethium in Akion's core, the effects of this rupture in the dimensional membrane will not be limited to this world, or even this star system. Because of the particular physical properties of grey dilithium the deadly emanations from Alkorion will pose a threat to dozens of neighboring star systems. Any inhabited world within twenty light-years will be  at the rise of suffering near-instantantaneous extinction level events, and this region of space might become impassible to unshielded vessel."


More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 175

McCoy told Scott about the Prime Minister who convinced McCoy to go to Spock.

"Living in an aging body is like being a passenger on a ship that's gradually sinking."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 185

They were making a weapon to use against the Wights. Kirk had to go down and use it himself though. Gveteren, the alien mystic, died in sickbay.

Captain Kirk put Serek and his advisors on a shuttle craft away from the Enterprise. This was just in case of an attack from the Wights of Underdark from the planets surface.

Scottie made a weapon that put grey dilethium in a phaser to irradicate the aliens on the planet.

L'Nel was beating up Serek, because he coddled Spock. L'Nel is T'Pring the woman Spock was betrothed to in his youth.

Stronn was T'Prings mate who died on Vulcan. She retrieved Stronns Katra and wanted to put it in Spock.

Spock asked Uhura to check on Serek. They are going to use the Enterprise dilethium as bate for the Wights as Kirk goes down to the planet to attack them.

Uhura was fighting T'Pring. T'Pring was beating her senseless. She stopped to save the Katric Ark.

The Wights were a great adversary for Kirk, but he managed to survive. The Enterprise was struggling as well however also managing from the Wights attack.

Spock went to investigate Uhura's disappearance. They beamed Kirk up just in the nick of time before the Wights could get him. Spock found Uhura and Serek both beaten severely. L'Nel had stunned Spock.

Spock's human half saved him through his mind meld with L'Nel. He just thought of his love for Uhura.

Kirk forced Scott to transport him into Sereks quarters to find out what was going on. L'Nel was beating Kirk. Serek told Kirk to break the Urn. Kirk smashed the Urn. L'Nel screamed. Spock saved Kirk from L'Nel then fainted.

After that  McCoy said "Time for your physical." To which Kirk said, "Sure."

Later on, on the bridge McCoy asked Kirk, if the mission opened his mind to past lives. Kirk said no I believe in love.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Ray Stevenson

"He was known for roles in the Thor films and the Divergent series, as well as several UK TV shows like Band of Gold, Peak Practice and Murphy's Law."

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Despite his status as one of the most iconic action heroes of all-time, Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn’t appeared in anywhere near as many sequels as you might think, with his recurring role in the Terminator franchise and glorified cameos in The Expendables marking the only time he’s reprised any part in a major capacity."

Friday, May 12, 2023

We all know that movie theater concession stands are expensive.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Asian American Author month

"May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and in honor of the amazing cultural contributions we’ve received from the community over the years, we rounded up the best books by AAPI authors and storytellers."

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Super Mario Brothers

"“The Super Mario Bros. Movie” is officially the first film of the year to cross the coveted $1 billion milestone at the global box office."


"With so many books to read from, knowing which books to read can be difficult. There are hundreds of classics and amazing modern novels."

Arron Carter

"Singer and rapper Aaron Carter accidentally drowned in his bathtub as a result of sedatives he'd taken and gas used in spray cleaners he had inhaled, a coroner's report said Tuesday."

Anne Hathaway

"Anne Hathaway has become a global sensation with her exceptional talent as an actress, her roles having a certain charm to them."

Super Mario Brothers Movie

"Illumination and Universal’s Nintendo video game adaptation The Super Mario Bros. Movie shattered all expectations and broke numerous records in its box office debut over the long Easter holiday weekend."

Books of Brilliance

Here at Books of Brilliance, we love looking at various lists and seeing how they hold up.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Fantasy Reviews

Monday, March 27, 2023


The announcer which the audience loved was booking a comedian of gags as well as jokes. This took place well before vaudeville and even television became popular. The orchestra had musicians of all kinds and their harmonies and character were so devine; that it was such a shame they were going to be sponserless soon. But the show must go on...or at least that's what they always say.


Sunday, February 12, 2023

While Valentine’s Day is known for being a sweet holiday, it can be sexy too. That’s why some will decide to read some steamy books for the holiday.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tess Sharpe’s newest book is 6 Times We Almost Kissed (And One Time We Did), a story of two queer girls who find themselves under the same roof when their moms (who are best friends) decide they all should move in together.