I began this book on Thursday November 15, 2019 and finished Wednesday January 15, 2020. It was by Madeleine L'Engle. It contained 197pp. It is the third story in the Wrinkle in Time trilogy. This book was written in 1978.
Meg and Calvin got married. Meg was preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for the Twins, Sandy and Dennys. Dennys had become a doctor. Meg was pregnant.
"Charles Wallace and his father were deep in concentration, bent over the model they were building of tesseract: the square squared, and squared again: a construction of the dimension of time. It was a beautiful and creation of steel wires and ball bearings and Lucite, parts of it revolving, parts of it swinging like pendulums."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 404
"Thanksgiving dinner is practically the only meal Mother cooks in the kitchen--instead of out in the lab on her Bunsen burner. Not that we're criticizing, after all those Bunsen-burner stews did lead directly to the Nobel Prize." Scientists of any nature, have a difficult time separating their work, from their family life. They tend to merge them through no fault of their own, it is just circumstance."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet pp. 405-406
Fortinbras died a good death. Mr. Murry said, if a dog doesn't find them soon then they will look for a dog.
"It was not the usual place for Mr. Murry to receive a call from the president. Over the years he had been consulted by the White House on matters of physics and space travels and other conversations had been serious, many disturbing, but this, Meg felt was different, was causing the warm room to feel colder, look less bright."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 409
"We are responsible for the acutely serious oil and coal shortages, the defoliation of the trees, the grave damage to the atmosphere, and he is going to make us pay."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet pp. 411-412
"Farandolea are so minuscule and insignificant that it doesn't seem that they could have any importance, and yet they can live in a symbiotic relationship with mitochondria--"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 415
"And mitochondria provide us with our energy, so if anything affects our farandolea that can affect our mitochondria--"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 415
"We've forgotten what's worth saving and what's not, or we wouldn't be in this mess."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 416
"And the sun with its brightness,
And the snow with its whiteness,
And the fire with all the strength it hath--"
Mrs. O'Keefe
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 417
"And the-the lightning with it rapid warmth,
And the winds with their swiftness upon the path--
And the sea with its deepens,
And the rocks with their steepness
And the earth with its starkness--
All these I place.
By Gods almighty help and grace,
Between myself and the powers of darkness."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 418
"You know my dears, the world has been abnormal for so long that we've forgotten what it's like to live in a peaceful and reasonable climate. If there is to be any peace or reason, we have to create it in our hearts and homes."
Mr. Murry
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 424
"Strength can always be used to destroy as well as create. The fire is to help and heal."
Charles Wallace
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 426
"Sleep, in any event was far away, lost somewhere in that time which had shattered by the president's phone call."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 428
"It was as though too much conscious intensity of thinking made her brain rigid and closed, and if she breathed slowly and deeply it opened up and memories and thoughts were freed to come to her consciousness where she could share them with Charles Wallace."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 430
"Kything was being was able to be with someone else, no matter how far they might be, was talking in a language that was deeper than words. Charles Wallace was born with this gift, slowly Meg became able to read the thoughts he sent her, to know what he wanted her to know. Kything went far beyond ordinary ESP and while it came to Charles Wallace as naturally as breathing, for Meg it took intense concentration. Charles Wallace and Calvin were the only two people Meg could give and receive this language that went far beyond words."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 433
They found a dog. Charles Wallace named her Anada which means that joy in existence without which the universe will fall apart and collapse.
"I am not real. And yet in a sense I am the only reality."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 442
"There are many who would like to let you wipe yourselves out, except it would affect us all; who knows what might happen? And as long as their are a few who belong to the Old Music, you are still brothers and sisters."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 443
"Has the world lost it's joy? Is that why we're in such a mess?"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 445
"The breaking of the harmony was pain, was brutal anguish, but the harmony kept rising above the pain, and the joy would pulse with light, and the light and dark once more knew eachother, and were part of the joy."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 447
"For unicorns it is easier to move about in time than in space. Until we learn more what we are meant to do, I am more comfortable in the same Where."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 449
Charles Wallace was being called to go into somebody's body. Kything is like going in someone else.
"There is always a moment when there is a Might-Have-Been."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 452
"Before the harmonies were broken, unicorns and winds danced together with joy and no fear. Now there are Echthroi who are greedy for the wind, as for all else. So there are times when they ride the wind and turn it into a tornado, and you had better be grateful we didn't ride one of those--it's always a risk. But we did come to when I wanted to give us a little time to catch our breaths."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 452-453
"Everything that happens in the created order, no matter how small, has its effect. If you are angry that anger is added to all the hate with which the Echthroi will destrot the melody and destroy the ancient harmonies. When you are loving that lovingness joins the music of the spheres."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 457
"The People of the Wind were gentle and harmonious. On rare occasions when there was a difference of opinion it was mediated by the Harmonizer, and his judgment was always accepted. Fish were caught, flesh shot with a bow and arrow, never more than needed. Each person in the tribe knew what they were born to do, and no gift was considered greater or less than another. The Harmonizer held a position no more lofty than the youngest cook just learning to build a fire or clean a fish."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 458-459
Charles Wallace and Gaudior were blown into a projection, which is a future the Echthroi want to make real
"Whatever the Echthroi wanted to make real would be something fearful."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 464
"They moved through the time- spinning reaches of the far galaxy and he realized that the galaxy itself was part of a mighty orchestra, and each star and planet within the galaxy added it's own instruments to the music of the spheres. As long as the ancient harmonies were sung, the universe would not entirely lose its joy."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 467-468
Gaudior commanded Charles Wallace to sing to stay awake
"They hide the dead even from themselves, that their spirits may not come to the lake and keep the fish away."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 476
"We do not fear the spirits of the dead. When there has been love during life, why should that change after death? When one departs we have a feast of honor, and then we send the spirit to its journey amongst the stars. On clear nights we feel the singing of their love."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 476-477
"The people of the Wind are people of peace. Always we have lived in amenity with those Across the Lake."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 483
"Again the face grew larger and larger in the dark oval was no longer a face of a baby, but a man with an arrogant and angry Mein."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 486
"You will do good for your people, El Zaron, Little Blue Eyes. Your eyes are an omen, a token for peace. The prayer has been answered in your blue for mirth, blue for birth."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 487
"I keep almost remembering, and then its as if someone slams a door on my memory."
Charles Wallace A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 493
"Echthroi, probably. They try to block anything that might be a clue to the Might-Have-Been they don't want you to discover."
Gaudior A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 443
In 1865 the Ku Klux Klan was founded and Alice in Wonderland was written, Rudyard Kipling was born, and Valaine wrote Poemes Saturniens, John Stuart Mill wrote Auguste Lomete and Positivism, and Purdue, Cornell and the Universities of Maine were founded, Matthew Maddox The Horn of Joy
Future influencing the past
"It's less dangerous to go elsewhen first, than to try to go elsewhen and elsewhere simultaneously."
Gaudior A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 500
"I have learned from The People of The Wind that 'tis no harm to hold a secret in the heart."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 505
"It's old, very old, the prayer for a blue-eyed baby to keep the strength of the prince from the sea within the Wind People, and the words may have changed over the years. And I have changed for I have made my life with white people, as the Golden Prince made his with the Wind People. For live he stayed with the princess of strange land, and made her way his way. For love I leave my people and stay with Ritchie, and my love is deep, deep, for me to be able to leave my home. I sing the prayer because it is in my blood, and must be sung; and yet I wonder if my child will be able to know the Indian half of himself?"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 509
"Hate never did anyone any good."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 513
"Change is the way of the world."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 513
Ritchie Clawcue just had a boy
He was named Brandon
"People are afraid of knowledge that is not yet their own."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 518
"People do not like other people to be different."
Goody Lawcae
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 518
"The very stars sing as they turn in their heavenly dance, sing praise of the one who created them."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 523
"With Zylle in his fateful hour
I call on the Heavons with its power
And the sun with its brighness,
And the snow with its whiteness,
And the fire with all the strength it hath,
And the lightning with its rapid wrath."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 532
"Anger is not bitterness. Bitterness can go on eating a man's heart and mind forever. Anger spends itself in it's own time."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 535
"Gaudior's breath came in silver steamers. He had folded his wings into his flanks to prevent the Echthroid Wind from breaking them. Boy and unicorn were flung through the endless time and space."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 542
Gaudior was unconscious from their journey, within space and time but then awoke in the middle of an ocean.
"Nothing really has to taste that disagreeable. But then I am not accustomed to any food except starlight and moonlight."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet Gaudior p. 551
Gaudior took Charles to the hatching ground. Not all unicorns come from eggs only time traveling ones. Gaudior gave Charles Wallace an icicle with healing properties. Charles Wallace rolled in the healing snow then asked Gaudior where all the other Unicorns were.
"Only the time travelers come to the hatching ground, and during the passage of the small moon they can be about other business, for the small moon casts its warmth on the eggs. I brought you here, to this place, and at this moon so we'd be alone."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet Gaudior p. 554
"Some of them think mankind is deadly."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet Gaudior p.555
"Those of us that have been around the galaxies know that such thinking is foolish. It's always easy to blame others. And I have learned being with you, that many of my preconceptions about mortals were wrong."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet Gaudior p.555
Charles Wallace witnessed the birth of a unicorn .
"Stories are like children. They grow old in their own way."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Grandma Maddox p. 568
"Hate hurts the hater more in the hated."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Grandma Maddox p. 591
Mortman pushed Chuck down the stairs because Chuck defended Beezie from him.
""Charles Wallace!" He listened. The voice sounded like Gaudior, and yet it was not Gaudior, and he no longer saw the silver beauty of the unicorn nor the light of the horn. Nothing was visable, not even darkness. Something was happening, and he did not know what. He was still within Chuck, and yet he was intensely conscious of himself as Charles Wallace and something was pulling him.""
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 589
"Slowly the rampant, out of control speed lessened, and the planet resumed its normal pace. Colors stopped their kaleidoscopic dance and stayed in place. Smells became identifiable once more: coffee; bread; apples. Beezie: the gold was not as brilliant as it had been, but it was still Beezie. And their mother: the blue was cloudy now, hardly blue at all, closer to the grey of the rain clouds, Grandma: where is Grandma's smell? Why is their emptiness? Where is the green?"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 602
"Lords of blue and Lords of gold,
Lords of winds and waters wild,
Lords of time that's growing old,
When will come the season mild?
When will come blue Madoc's child?"
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 606
"Chuck walked through a spring evening, smelling of growing grass, and blossoms drifting from the trees. He walked over the fields, over the brook, drinking the water rushing with melting snow, lifting his head, clambering to his feet, going on to the flat rock. Pain walked with him, and their was a dark veil of clouds between his eyes and the world. If a chair was pulled out of place he walked into it. Trees and rocks did not move; he felt safer at that rock than anywhere else."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 607
"As the veil deepened and darkened, his inner vision lightened. When the weather was fine he kay out on the rock all day, looking up toward the sky and seeing pictures, pictures more vivid than anything he had seen with unveiled eyes. His concentration was so intense that he became part of what was happening in the pictures. Sometimes in the evenings he told Beezie about them, pretending they were dreams, in order not to upset her."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet Chuck p. 609
"Lords of space and Lords of time,
Lords of blessing, Lord of grace,
Who is in the warmer clime?
Who will follow Madoc's rhyme?
Blue will alter time and space."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 610
"I went to war, thinking of myself as Galahad, out to free fellow human beings from intolerable bondage of slavery. But it wasn't as simple as that. There were other, less pure issues being faught over, with little concern for the souls which would perish for nothing more grand than political greed, corruption, and conniving power."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 626-627
"ymdroi gyda diflastod as anabaith madog wrth ystried cyflwar guladei ededigaeth, lle'r oedd br
aud un ymladd yn erbyn braud hydnes yr oedd petel Duweihun wedi peidio a gofalu am feibion dynion."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 630
"Slavery is evil, God knows, but war is evil, for evil, evil."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 631
"We're still bleeding from the wounds. It's a primordial pattern, left us from Cain and Abel, a net we can't seem to break out of. And unless it is checked it will destroy us entirely."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 637
"What happens in one time, can make a difference in what happen in another time, far more than we realize."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 639
"As the days begins to lengthen, the cold begins to strengthen."
Matthew Maddox
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 640
Matt gave Zillow money to go to Vesputa and be with Bran.
"What happens in one time can make a difference in what happens in another, far more than we realize."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 639
"Nothing, no one, is too small to matter. What you do is going to make a difference."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 639
"Lords of melody and song,
Lords of roses burning bright,
Blue and right the ancient wrongs,
Tough the way is dark and long,
Blue will shine with loving light."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 647
Meg and Mrs. O'Keefe found Charles Wallace white as death on the star-watching rock.
"I place all Heaven with it's power,
And the Sun with its brightness,
And the snow with its whiteness,
And the fire with all the strength it hath,
And the lightning with it rapid wrath,
And the wind with their swiftness along their path,
And the sea with its deepness,
And the rocks with their steepness,
And the earth with its starkness,
All these I place,
By God's almighty, help and grace,
Between myself and the powers of darkness."
A Swiftly Tilting Planet p. 651
This was the finale in the trilogy of The Wrinkle in Time set. I found it apealing and it led me to a lot of new ideas and aspects. In reading the set I found the growth of the characters as well as myself was a pure flow and joy in the moment.