This story is the second in the series of A Wrinkle in Time. It is by Madeleine L'Engle. I began it October 22, 2019. I completed it on November 14, 2019. This story had 102 pages.
There were dragons in the garden.
Charles Wallace could read his sister even more than he could read his mother.
Charles Wallace told his kindergarten class about mitochondria and farandolea and how they formed a psycho kinetic bond millions of years ago, and he got yelled at by his teacher for showing off.
Meg went to see Mr. Jenkins, who was the elementary school teacher about Charles Wallace. Meg said to Mr. Jenkins if their wasn't a law about sending your children to school Charles Wallace would probably be home schooled.
"Why do people always mistrust people that are different? Am I really that different?"
A Wind in the Door P. 217
"A life form which can't adapt doesn't last very long."
A Wind in the Door P. 227
Charles Wallace had a dragon feather and was showing his family when they were talking about what was practical and impractical. Mr. and Mrs. Murry have instruments that emit "a cosmic scream" in the galaxy. This sound is too high a frequency for the human ear to register.
"E=mc², Einstein's law has never been disproved. But it's coming into question."
A Wind in the Door P. 233
Mrs. Murry was reading Charles Wallace an article called "The Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of Small Molecules by theoretical chemist Peter Libmann and Meg thought that this why Charles Wallace couldn't get along in school. Meg went out if the dragons were real.
Louise the snake saved Meg from a false Mr. Jenkins. Calvin saved Meg from her hallucination. A group of dragons is called a Drive.
Charles Wallace came to Meg as well and they saw the drive of dragons. They all met this dragon. It was huge. It had a wing span of ten feet. They met a man who claimed to be a teacher. He said the beast won't hurt you. The teacher introduced them to Proginoskes, the dragon. It communicated telepathically. The cheribrum thought that humans painted them to resemble baby pigs.
"Age for a cherubim is immaterial. It's only for time bound creatures that age exists. I am, in cherubim terms, still a child, and that is all you need to know."
A Wind in the Door P. 253
The teacher went by the name Blajeny.
"The teacher is write. It's a question of learning to adapt, and nobody can do that for me, I'll learn, eventually, how to be conspicuous. I assure you I haven't mentioned mitochondria and farandolea lately."
A Wind in the Door P. 254
They were all being called to help.
"My children, my school building is the entire cosmos. Before your time with me is over, I may have to take you to great distances and to very strange places."
A Wind in the Door P. 257
"A cherubim is not higher order than earthlings, just different."
A Wind in the Door P. 257
Their snake Loise is a teacher as well that is why she is so fond of Sandy and Denny. One day they will be teachers as well.
"Wait until tomorrow to find out what tomorrow holds."
A Wind in the Door P. 261
"Too many of my colleagues have forgotten that they are supposed to practice the art of healing. If I don't have the gift of healing in my hands than all my expensive training isn't worth much."
Dr. Louise Colubra
A Wind in the Door P. 263
"It's a lot simpler to adapt to low gravity, or no atmosphere, or even sandstorms then it is to hostile inhabitants."
A Wind in the Door P. 265
"People are always hostile to anyone whose different."
A Wind in the Door P. 266
Meg hurried out in the morning to make sure Proginoskes was real.
The Mr. Jenkins Meg saw vanish in thin air was an Echthroi.
"I'm real and most Earthlings can see very little reality."
A Wind in the Door P. 266
"Meg stood besides him, looking at the brilliance of the stars. Then came a sound, a sound which was above sound, a violent, silent electrical report which made her press her hands in pain against her ears. Across the sky, where the sky were clustered as thickly as in the Milky Way, a crack shivered, slivered became a line of nothingness."
A Wind in the Door P. 277
"Unreason has crept up on us so insidiously that we've hardly been aware of it."
A Wind in the Door P. 279
"There are still stars which move in ordered and beautiful rhythm. There are still people people in this world who keep promises. Even little one, like you cooking your stew over your bunsen burner. You may be in the middle of an experiment, but you still remember to feed your family. That's enough to keep my heart optimistic, no matter how pessimistic my mind. And you and I have good enough minds to know how very limited and finite they really are. The naked intellect is an extraordinary inaccurate instrument."
A Wind in the Door P. 281
Kythe is a cherubim with clairvoyant abilities.Charles Wallace test scores were exceptionally well that the school was considering getting him a special tutor.
"You might say that mental telepathy is the very beginning of learning to kythe. But the cherubic language is entirely kything--with you, with stars, with galaxies, with the salt in the ocean, the leaves of all the trees."
A Wind in the Door P. 290
"Your brain stores all the sensory impressions it receives, but your conscious mind doesn't have the key to the storehouse. All I want you to do is to open yourself up to me so that I can open the door to your minds storehouse."
A Wind in the Door P. 290
"We don't know everything at once. We just do one thing at a time as it is given to us to do."
A Wind in the Door P. 293
Love is what makes a person know who they are.
"None of us like to see himself as he appears to others. I understand your point of view better than I did before. You were quite right to come to me about your little brother. He is indeed special and I have come to the conclusion that I have made a mistake not realizing this and treating this accordingly."
A Wind in the Door P. 300 Mr. Jenkins
Louise the Larger helped identify the real Mr. Jenkins
"Success lies in the happiness of peer groups."
A Wind in the Door P. 305
"She saw with a flash of intuition that her kything was like a small child trying to pick out the melody on the piano with one finger, as against the harmony of a full orchestra like the cherubic language."
A Wind in the Door P. 308
"Love isn't how you feel. It's what you do. I've never had a feeling in my life. As a matter of fact, it matters only with Earth people."
A Wind in the Door P. 310 Proginoskes
Mr. Jenkins after being named saw Proginoskes and fainted
"You do not have to if you don't want to. You have simply been forced with several things outside your current spheres of experience. That does not mean they-we-do not exist."
A Wind in the Door P. 313
"Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are way to limited. Use your intuition. Think of the size of your galaxy. Now think of your sun. It's a star and it's a great deal smaller than the entire galaxy, isn't it?"
A Wind in the Door P. 320
"Nobody should be exactly like anybody else? Is anybody?"
A Wind in the Door P. 322
"It is the nature of love to create. It is the nature of hate to destroy."
A Wind in the Door P. 323
There was a new creature in there class a mouse, who was just born yesterday. Sporos was his name.
"Do you mean on Earth, host you never communicate with eachother and with other planets? You mean your planet revolves all isolated in space? Aren't you terribly lonely? Isn't he?"
A Wind in the Door P. 331
"There are evil forces at work in the world. They are throughout the universe."
A Wind in the Door P. 332
"It is not always the great or the important that the balance of the universe depends."
A Wind in the Door P. 333
They're going to Yadah, Sporo's place of birth.
"We have to live together--in harmony-- or we will not live at all."
A Wind in the Door P. 337
"This was a dance, a dance ordered and graceful, and yet given an impression of complete and utter freedom, of ineffable joy. As the dance progressed, the movement accelerated, and the pattern became cleaner, closer wind and fire moving together, as the wind and fire united."
A Wind in the Door P. 340
"Time isn't any more important than size. All that is required of you to be here in the Now, in the moment which has been given to us."
A Wind in the Door P. 341
Meg used math as a way to stay grounded in her work. Kything is easier when you know your authentic self.
"A grown fura is far less limited than a human being is by time and place, because a furae can be with others at any time in any place; distance doesn't separate them."
A Wind in the Door P. 344
"Meg felt a swirling of kything all around her; as though the words and images were drops of water which go and make up the ocean, drops of water which are not separate from the other as human beings are separate. Within the flowing of the deep tides images flashed by; many little creatures like Siporos, scampering about carefree, merry, great kelp-fern-trees, the Deepened Ones, about which they flitted and fluttered."
A Wind in the Door P. 347
"One who is Xed cannot think. The pain still burned like ice, but Meg could think through it. She still was."
A Wind in the Door P. 349
"I am a cherubim. All I need to know is that all the galaxies, all the stars all creatures, cherubic, human, farandoloni, all, all, are Known by name."
A Wind in the Door P. 358
Kything was so rich that silence speaks more powerful than words.
Calvin cleaned a house and took a tea set as payment.
"Most major scientific discoveries have been made by crackpots--or at least; people who were thought to be crackpots."
A Wind in the Door P. 263
"Distance doesn't seem to be any more important than size, or time. As for caring--well that's outside the realm of possible fact."
A Wind in the Door P. 364
"The first of the bean plants, the one in the O'Keefe's kitchen was puny and too pale a green. The second plant in the window the one given regular care but no special time or attention grew normally. The third plant Calvin loved, grew strong and green and unusually large and healthy."
A Wind in the Door P. 365
"When Sporos Deepens it means that he comes of age. I mean he grows up. The temptation for farandolea or for man is to stay an immature pleasure-seeker. When we seek our own pleasure as the ultimate good we place ourselves as the center of the universe, but nothing created is the center."
A Wind in the Door P. 366-367
They met a farae, these creatures who were deepened, sang the song of the angelic universe, their song orders the rhythm of creation.
"I have heard that the number of cells in the brain and the number of stars in the in the universe is said to be exactly equal."
Mr. Jenkins
A Wind in the Door P. 370
"Then, through the raging of the dance came a strong, pure strain of melody, quiet certain noble. The circle and scampered about aimlessly; then, led by Sporos they raced to another fara and began circling it."
A Wind in the Door P. 371
"As you know your Earth is ill, by fish dying in rivers, birds dying in the forests, people dying in choked cities. You know by war and hate and chaos. Senex knows his mitochondrion is ill when the farandolea will not Deepen and many farae are dying. Listen. Kythe."
A Wind in the Door P. 372
"The Echthroi are always behind wars."
A Wind in the Door P. 374
"Don't you understand that we're all part of one another, and the Echthroi are trying to splinter us, in just the same way that they are trying to destroy all creation?"
A Wind in the Door P. 375
"Don't you understand are your saviors? When everything is nothing there will be no more wars, no illness, no death. There will be no more poverty, no more pain, no more slums, no more starvation. "
Mirror Mr. Jenkins
A Wind in the Door P. 376
"Nature abhors a vacuum."
A Wind in the Door P. 377
"It is only when you are fully rooted that we are able to move."
A Wind in the Door P. 379
"It is true small offspring. Now that I am rooted no longer limited by motion. Now I may move anywhere in the universe. I sing with the stars, I dance with the galaxies. I share in the joy--and in the grief. We farae must have our part in the rhythm of the mitochondria, or we cannot be. If we cannot be than we are not."
A Wind in the Door P. 379
"Reality is meaningless. Nothing is the center. Come. Join the others in your race. Only a few more farae to surround and you will have Yaddah for your own."
Dark Mr. Jenkins
A Wind in the Door P. 380
Meg gave some of her life energy to save a farae and helped it deepen, the real Mr. Jenkins helped her regain her composure
"Nonsense. Of course the Echthroi. I took the Echthroi into Mr. Jenkins and they are right. It is not the Echthroi who are empty, it was I. They have filled me with the pleasure of the abyss of nothingness. Come let me X you, come to me, come..."
Dark Mr. Jenkins
A Wind in the Door P. 385
"I name you, Echthroi. I name you Meg. I name you Calvin. I name you Proginoskes.
I fill you with Naming.
Be butterfly and behemoth, be galaxy and grasshopper,
star and sparrow,
you matter,
you are,
Be catapiller and comet,
be porcupine and planet,
sea sand and solar system,
sing with us,
dance with us,
rejoice with us,
for the glory of creation,
sea gulls and saraphim,
angle worms and angle hosts,
chrysanthemums and cherubim
(O cherubim)
Sing for the glory
of the living and the loving
the flaming of creation
sing with us
dance with us
be with us
They were not her words only.
They were the words of Senex,
of the Deepening Sporos,
of all the singing farae,
the laughter of the greening farandolea,
Yadah itself,
all the mitochondria,
all the human hosts,
the earth,
the sun,
the dance of the stars whose birthing she has seen,
the galaxies,
the cherubim and seraphim,
wind and fire,
the words of the Glory."
A Wind in the Door Pp. 391-392
Mr. Jenkins was going to upgrade the elementary school to keep an eye on children such as Charles Wallace.