Fly away, fly away with Peter Pan. This childhood tale is a century old being first published in 1906, written by JM Barre and copywritten in 2003.
Wendy knew she would get older when she was two and her mother told her. She got a rose thorn pricked in her finger and because of this ran to her mother, who said she wishes Wendy would stay like this forever.
Nana was their dog put in charge of the children: Wendy, Michael and John. Nana even took them to school and waited for them in the basement with all the other nurses. Nana was so good at taking care of the children that she knew when their cough was a sign of sickness and when it was not. She took John to soccer and carried an umbrella in her mouth in case of rain. She didn't like Mrs. Darlings friends, which was interesting because she usually liked everyone. She also never liked anyone to visit the nursery.
George, the childrens father, was not sure about what effects Nana had on his city career, but other then that he loved her. Liza was the only other maid that the Darlings had. Their mother also knew Peter Pan from her youth. She saw Peter when she fell asleep in the nursery, she screamed when she woke up and saw Peter Pan. She then thought he was killed from the jump out the window. She saw a shooting star when she was looking for him. Nana got hold of his shadow. Mr. Darling was angry at Nana cause he bumped into her when he was getting ready for the function that night. He was putting Nana in the yard, and she barked the bark that she sensed danger.
The next night Tinkerbell and Peter came into the Darlings bedroom to look for Peters shadow. Tink found his shadow, and Peter not thinking locked her up in the chest. Then he tried sticking it on with soap and couldn't. So he cried and awoke Wendy. She sewed the shadow on and Peter did a little dance and crowed. He knew faires and admitted it which surprised Wendy and she also admired him for that as well. Tinker bell didn't like Wendy at all because she thought Wendy was trying to steal Peter from her.
Nana was very alarmed and brought Liza, the housekeeper, up to the children's room and the children as well as Peter Pan hid behind the curtains. Liza was so angry with Nana, she chained her up in the yard. Nana managed to escape and got Mister and Misses Darling. However the parents got there just as soon as the children left their nursery.
The group was flying for a few days. They got their food from birds mouths. Peter slept in the air floating. There was talk about leaving Peter, however Wendy talked them out of it. Peter would leave them, have an adventure and then return. Tinkerbell fell asleep on Peters shoulder.
Everything was quiet when Peter was not in Neverland. The Indians hunted the Pirates and the Pirates hunted the Lost Boys and the Lost Boys hunted the Indians but all at the same rate so nobody managed to catch anyone or be killed. In the absence of Peter the Lost Boys could speak of their mothers and recollect who they were and the impressions their mothers made on them. After their breif recollection they heard the pirates sing which went like this,
"Yo ho, Yo ho, the pirates life,
The flag o' skull and bones,
A merry hour, a hempen rope,
And hey for Davy Jones." Hook found a chimney of the Lost Boys under a mushroom and was going to make a cake and poison it and then lay it for the Lost Boys, since they had no mother they would eat it. Wendy appeared and Tink said Peter said to shoot her, so the lost boys shot her in the chest.
The Lost Boys were told by Tink to shoot Wendy down, so they did. Then they discovered Wendy was a lady, so they all were sorry. The button, that Peter gave her as a kiss saved her life. Peter wasn't happy with Tink because of this, so he banished her for a week. They all built a house around her to create cover for her. In the boys house there was a tree which they chopped in the morning and by lunch it was used as a table. Wendy had string in her room, which she used as a clothesline to hang the clothes she had washed.
The boys were put to bed at 6:30. They were cued to roll over at a certain time. Tink had curtains around her cage for privacy. She also had a washstand and mirror. She varied the bedspread according to the fruit in season.
Wendy gave tests to the kids, mainly to remember their parents. In these tests she asked: what color their mothers hair was, who was taller your mother or father, etc.
One day as they were resting pirates came and Peter woke them. So they dove in the lagoon instead of running away. They found the pirates captured Tiger Lily and were going to throw her near the rocky shore to kill her. She was cought coming aboard the Jolly Roger, the pirates ship, with a knife in her mouth with the intention of killing Captain Hook. Peter threw his voice to imitate Captain Hook, to let Tiger Lily go. The real Hook was angry because he never gave that order. Peter answered in Hooks voice and called him a codfish. This was really bothersome to Hook.
Peter left camp to get the time, and the only way he could was to find the aligator who swallowed Hooks hand and a clock and listen for a chime to go off. Wendy was sewing the boys pants back for they had holes. When Peter returned she asked what sort of relationship they had, to which he answered she was his mother. She was disappointed by this.
Peter saved Tiger Lily, so the Indians and Lost Boys were friends, however Wendy didn't trust the Indians.
Wendy told a story about her mother, that she kept the nursery window open. Peter said his parents didn't and his parents had another son to replace him. Michael and John wanted to go home. Wendy promised that they will go in the morning. Peter thought every time he breathed an adult died. The pirates attacked after Wendy's story. Peters cockiness was what angered Hook the most.
Smee found the Indians Tom-tom which was hit when the Induans won a battle, and hit it to con the Lost Boys out of hiding, however the pirate's attacked. All of the Lost Boys, and Wendy were captured. Hook asked for two cabin boys but only Tootles volenteered. Wendy's last words to the boys were that she wished the boys would die like English gentlemen. They all were saved by what they thought was a ticking from the crocodile but was actually Peter with a clock.
Starky was being forced to fight the Lost Boys because he started an unsuccessful mutiny. After the Lost Boys won against Hook, some of the Lost Boys wanted the Jolly Roger to become an honest ship while others wanted to keep it a pirate ship.
Wendy and her brothers brought the six Lost Boys back with them. Peter never stayed, but promised Wendy to return for her every spring for spring cleaning.
Mrs. Darling didn't have a problem with letting the boys stay with them. Mr. Darling was concerned about finances. As soon as the Lost Boys went to school, they missed never land. Their flying power soon left them, which meant they no longer believed.
When Peter left and returned to Never Land he forgot everything. He came for Wendy only one year and forgot a year and then came back the other year. That was the last time. Wendy grew up and got married. Mr. Darling sold the house to Wendy and she had a daughter named Jane. He took Jane to Neverland. Jane grew up and had a daughter named Margaret. This went on longer then the book lasted.
Peter Pan took flight in so many ways. It was a good story. It was like the movie in some respects, but had some additions and some deductions. I loved the book. I would give it an A.