Forgiveness is a very important attribute in life. In "The Forgiveness Formula: How to Let Go of Your Pain and Move On with Life," Kathleen Griffin outlines forgiveness in an exceptional way. Kathleen is an author and an award winning BBC broadcasster. She runs forgiveness workshops as well as lectures on forgiveness for those who want to be free of traumatic events.
The "Forgiveness Formula," shows how you can forgive anything that has been done to you. It gives the outline of how you can make this improvement in your life and always have it in your life.
Withholding forgiveness fills you with anger and injustice. Telling people helps. If you don't know how to express the issues, you will have a difficult time solving them. This is because forgiveness is not straightforward, as it always changes with every situation.
Sometimes we need to withhold forgiveness until we are ready to let the issue go. Forgiveness must be an individual choice. It always has to be honored. If one forgives than all should be done, no lingering negative emotions. One should always try to forgive and not leave soars open in the heart.
Forgiveness is your choice, no one can make it for you. With holding it is valid for as long as it serves you. Those who advocate forgiveness have usually experienced much pain in their lives. Forgive when you are ready to let go. No one can make that choice for you.
How far does anger extend? That questions leads to the way that you forgive the hardships within your life. This leads to a shelter which forms from our beliefs or freedoms from the episodes within your life. This shelter which could be made is far greater and stronger than any man made shelter could be. Now it is important to deal with your past, however do not get trapped in it. Withholding forfiveness will not only bring you misary but also your will be trapped which is a far greater crime than anything that another human can do.
By dealing with your issues and most of all releasing them in the great abyss of the ocean of life you are transforming yourself into the great being you are meant to become. This is an exciting possibility, that you will be oustandingly the person you were meant to be by breaking free of the chains of the past by dealing with them as well, so they have no power over you. If you do not forgive it, it shall be like having a constant barrier. However this barrier will increase in strength exponentially if you have not dealt with the situational circumstance that the missunderstanding has caused. You have to deal with this to break free of the prisons that you set for your future.
When you forgive the whole world ends up changing for us. Your life seems brighter to live. You learn lessons from life and take it as serious as you can.
There is always someone in your life that could always use forgiveness. It is such an invaluable resource. Understanding is all that life entails.
It is so important to all life. When you truly forgive, you will never forget, but your life will be so much more exiting.
How far does anger extend? That question leads to the way that you forgive the hardships within your life. This leads to a possible prison which forms from our beliefs or freedoms from the episofe within your life. This prison which could be made is a far greater and stronger prison than any man made prison could ever be. Now it is important to deal with your past, but not be trapped in it.
Withholding forgiveness will not only bring misery but also your innocence will be trapped. This is a far greater crime then any other human can do for you.
By dealing with your issues and most of all releasing them as part of the great abyss of the ocean of life you are transforming yourself into the great being that you are always. This is so excitingly possible, that you will be outstandingly the person you were meant to be by breaking free of the chains of the past by dealing with them so they have no power over you. If you do not forgive it shall be like having a constant barrier. However this barrier will increase in strength exponentially if you have not dealt with the situational circumstance that the misunderstanding has caused. You have to deal with this to break free of the prisons that you set as well as for your own future which will thus inherent your problems.
When you forgive, the whole world ends up changing for you. Your views become brighter, your choices become easier and rewards are greater when they are received. Your mood is more subdued. You are more inclined to find humar in your life. Your life seems brighter.
You are the only one who has control over every situation in your life. You change how you see the world. Values cause it to improve. Forgiveness cannot work until you are ready.
There is always someone in your life that could always use forgiveness. It is such an invaluable resourse. Understanding it is all that life entails.
It is so important to all life. When you truly forgive you will never forget, but your life will be so much more exciting.
Sitting on top of the mountain may be very lonely. But if you practice understanding you attract others.
Forgiveness always starts with you. It always draws life together no matter what. If you can learn to forgive yourself you are half way to forgiving everyone in your life. Time doesn't hold a candle to forgiveness. It can heal all wounds.
You cannot forgive until you are ready and willing. Your journey of forgiveness is yours alone, it takes the time it takes. Withholding forgiveness fills you with anger and injustice.
You cannot forgive umtil you are ready and willing. Your forgiveness journey is yours alone, it takes the time it takes. Withholding forgiveness fills you with anger. Forgiveness is not a usual option for it seems to deny justice, but the reverse is true. You believe you retain power, however this actually keeps you stuck within that part of your history. The way to change this narritive is to deal with the issue. It may or may not go as quickly as you want back to the ways things use to be. Forgiveness involves letting go.
Are you ready to stop telling your story in your old way?
Are you ready to be open to a new way of telling that story?
What is your fork in the road?
It depends on the person, I guess, how free their mind is or how comfortable they feel. Acceptance is a key as well. Love equals all these things and more. They all are abundantly similar, but together they are stronger than anything.
How often do you think of the person who has done wrong to you? Maybe once a year. Do not let them consume your thoughts.
Forgiveness maps are a fluid way of dealing with issues. It helps us in dramatic ways. We get a new stance on life when we practice what is on your map; however it is difficult to make full additions as well as full separations from it. It adopts new ideals to make us feel comfortable in our lives.
It changes throughout each adventure life throws your in your path, by adapting a new criteria and withholding traditional values as well. Changing the script is vital to grow. However care needs to be taken, otherwise vast consequences can occur.
The main reason for all this change is so you are not uncomfortable. It happens when a crises hits. Whatever has happened, you can change it tp your liking.
We all have many way for not dealing with issues. In the end the more burying we do causes the issue to increase in strength. The crises gets so it will just explode, think of it as building and the generator is backed up, someone not knowing just innocently plugs something and causes the building to explode.
Why do we pay attention to issues when and only when tragedy occurs, not when and how they are caused? We all are to precautionary, preparing for some disaster to strike, not seeing the one that has not already stuck which is the living of the dead.
When anyone tries to express something out of the ordinary they are usually punished with deverity. We are supposed to be the most advanved lifeforms, but we sure have to start behaving like it.
What happened the moment you got angry?
Was there a particular person involved?
Did it remind you of anything?
Have you felt angry about this before?
Is this a situation that keeps happening in different ways with different people?