Monday, July 27, 2009

Varsity Blues

A coach that pushes his team to the peak of their performance actually could have pushed one player to a unforeseen tragedy. This could have been prevented if some of the pressure was taken off. A tragedy that winds up costing the coach, a whole lot more than a few games, but possibly his career, defiantly the respect of some if not all of his town.

The injury of the star quarter back causes the structure of the team, let alone the whole town to go haywire. Of course leading sexual drama involved as most sporting movies, between the head quarter backs replacement and the head cheerleader who was with the previous quarterback. This shows the struggle between shallowness and deep human attributes within societal structures.

Drugs play a role in all aspects of life. It is extremely difficult to stay in total control of yourself under the societal pressure that we all our under.

When a teacher is seen working as a dance in an X rated bar, this raises the little payment of teachers in some school where education is not valued as much as sporting events. Unfortunately this still exists in some towns; in most towns something is favored above education by the community, not only the school.

We all have to recognize that we all despise order but reject it in our own
ways. We cab not control everything we believe that we can control, because you can't control the whole causes, effect and life in more ways then you know. This is totally fearful but totally exciting also.

Organization may lead to victory; however you have to accept disorganization sometimes does as well. They both have an equal chance in life. We have to believe this because we are organized and do not believe anything until it's proven wrong and unfortunately one side has to surrender. Chance is c
Be kind, no one’s watching.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Freedom Writers

In Queens NY, there is many diverse cultures. A teacher, Erin, wanted to teach High School English to a class of ill mannered misfits who rebelled against all structure for they feared trusting anyone. They were in a place that they always had to fight to make their way because no one else would. They could not count on anyone but themselves.

This teacher, Erin was so magnanimous; she received their trust and guided them through their life by having them create journals of their lives. She was so enthralled, that she was inspired to teach more and change other things as well. Through getting two other jobs to buy her students books, the teacher managed to make a difference for the students.

The students read The Diary of Anne Frank, which inspired a real debate comparing the present day to the end of WWII. This led them to having a dinner which she paid for with her own money with holocaust survivors.

Her students wanted to meet the person who wrote this great book. They asked her if she would make the appropriate connections. They even raised the money through putting together a carnival.

After meeting and speaking with the author, Erin decided to have her students type their journals on computers which she acquired. They did this, making their journal public now.

The movie showed me that all you need is the will to survive to get through any barriers life puts in front of you. This story is excellent because it was authentic as well as truthful in its message.