Sunday, March 8, 2009

Patch Adams

All of life is a magnificent journey to the unknown and through the unknown as well. One of the dilemmas we face in this existence is that everything is tied up in the love of money and power. So wherever you’re going to start—medical schools, or elementary schools, or kindergartens, or whatever—you’re going to need a rebellion toward teaching which will be compassion and generosity. However it’s possible that it is all in your mind and how you perceive the world.
All crises are storms within your mind, however the help is found where you least expect it and given from those who you least expect. Do not fear help is near and almost here. People are so afraid to be as individuals so they pretend to be normal, they fear being abnormal. This is caused by the fear of ridicule and punishment. The greatest effect of this fear is the constant struggle with human potential but it is as well a strength, as all of the fears tend to be.

Never be afraid to ask a question, which is the basic way to overcome this fear. Expansion of knowledge is one of our greatest and most honorable assets. Never be afraid to ask, the only dread is created when you miss the opportunity to ask. This is how you really live a full a prosperous life where the answer is not always in the black and white that which we expect. For if you focus on the problem you can have a more difficult chance of finding the solution you must look beyond it, and you will see the solution easily. Do not be afraid to see what no one else sees, to break out of your societal conformity and your laziness. There is no fear except the fear we make up in our minds.

One way of dealing with these problems is to help others deal with their own. Do human beings deserve trust? I think so. I believe this because we are making great strides to help others as well as ourselves. In learning what others have dealt with, you learn about yourself immensely. Humanity is getting more and more trustworthy as the race ages by offering freedom and hope to others.
People help others by using their ingenuity such as altering the parameters of the program and therefore changing the response. Therefore, we can treat the patient as well as the disease. We will learn a great deal more by doing this. People will open up to you, share their ideas and feel valued in the community they are in. This is a hard lesson to learn. But you know the more difficult the lesson, the more rewarding the outcome.

Humor has immense power. It can help deal with pain. It can become a way of life, if it is given the room to flourish. After all, isn’t loving the ultimate goal of life? All the wars fought could be brought to the fundamental nature of love. There is more to life then power and control. We have to remind ourselves that our potentials are limitless. If we do not show compassion to each other, who will?
We are sometimes envious of the things we can’t have, for we think they are so free with no problems of their own. True appearances may be deceiving, but it’s better to give new opportunities a chance then to be unlimited to the circumstances.
You could envy a caterpillar, for its transformation into a butterfly because the butterfly seems untouched by the misdeeds of the caterpillar, but think of this. How long do you think before the caterpillar’s misdeeds catch up to the butterfly? Will the butterfly be able to fight those misdeeds? Probably it would have a better chance of fighting the misdeeds as its former self the caterpillar. So do not envy someone too much because they probably have the same amount of problems as you, if not more. There envious quality, that you deem so, may or may not help them at all.
Everyone is whatever you make them out to be. It’s the same with everyplace and everything, which is because you are inventing your reality every second of every day. You better not rush before you can teach all the things you most hold dear, because that is what makes you so great and the world such a wonderful place to call home.

Why is everyone so afraid of the transitional term of death? It is just a word. Come on. The only power a word has is the power bestowed on it by you. You are the inventor behind the curtain who is managing your life, you just have to come to that realization, once you do you shall feel problem free, no problem can weigh you down. You have love and it has you. Together nothing can stop us not even death or fear or hatred. We fought them before and won.

We all want to help everyone in the best way we can. We want to feel that we are need in this world. No one can tell you, you are needed or you helped them so much, but yourself. So don’t worry about looking crazy, for you already are, we all are, we just haven’t realized it as of yet; just say to yourself “I have helped myself and I feel good about it” as well as “I am needed by me in this world.” Repeat those things to yourself every time you feel down and you won’t feel down anymore.
You can’t control anyone but yourself. Until we realize this and recognize it all the time we will have trouble creating and improving the life around you. You have to remember that you carry your very own personal flame, that when united with others can start a real forest fire. All of life is coming home; it’s hard to tell you what I felt like then, how small you could feel what coming home needs to be. Life is the storm. Unlikely places sometimes lead to the best’s paths in life.
Humor is the best defense in life. There is this distinction between living entities. Anyone could maintain chaos. The question is if they could maintain decency. Chaos has to be defined unfortunately. That’s what makes life so great and horrible at the same time.

Living entities are all entitled to their opinions. Chaos is sometimes the best way the deal with life. You can do anything; you just have to put effort in life. You can fix the problem of the world with ingenuity and effort. Do not hate life, just accept that tragedy to and move on as to not miss any of life's riches. Life is totally chaos. Tragedy makes chaos stronger.
Resolve makes chaos so great. Competition makes us grow. Books can make you live half of life, experience lets you finish life mission. Logic is one of the best creations of life. Inspiration takes on many forms. Help is always in need for existence.

We have to accept that we’re not in control, and then it’s truly granted. Rule and regulations are too powerful, for their own good. Rules are a ton of trouble, usually more than their worth. Why do we want to have a file on life, make it all neat and orderly. Life is an array of possibilities; It should be respected as that. Not as an orderly filing system. Why make order if it increases war. Wouldn’t it be more relevant if we use the obstacles that we crease in life to excel not to fight over the labels we put on our life. Life can always be improved upon in however one deems necessary. It is hard to build that flame of inspiration inside of you hidden it needs air like everything else to grow. So please won’t you share you flame with others including me? People trust impolitely. Nothing can truly remove the trust out of something. To get peace we have to start with ourselves and it will spread. Why do we reject fun and choose professionalism? Behaving humanly can do wonders toward encouraging your growth Enthusiasm is priceless. You always run from problems in your life which is because you see the truth is involved. Humor is better at dealing with your problems. Idiotic ways are very surprising.

Why is chaos so not trustable? Chaos can help you out of your darkest moments. Your dreams could really help in your chaotic life. Seriousness is a no-win situation, an endless realm of undesirable moments. Why we choose to live in this realm is beyond me? You can solve most of your problems with fun, use serious study and facts sparingly. You are in control of them. Don’t be so blinded by the facts so as not to realize the fun. Inspiration is really unique. We all get inspired by different things. We create wonderful life from these inspirations. Not even order and structure can defeat the inspiration. It is one of the unstoppable powers within the universe.

Why does this life have to be serious business? We are all heading to the transitional point; our jobs are to improve the life now, because we have no chance of delaying the last transition. Never consider you cannot believe the chaotic mind, you will be sorely mistaken, because you believe in you mind which is chaotic, nothing is wrong with that. You can dismiss chaos; however it always comes back with courage and unstoppable strength. It can destroy all or create such harmonic qualities that you will be surprised.

Chaos is so strong because love powers it. Doctors can’t help you in anyway but medical and organizational. Regular people can help you in so many other ways if you only ask. Life is so miraculous because of the people within your life. The only real tragedy in life is death, in dying without living a good life. It isn’t a tragedy per-say however it is very sorrowful. Your greatest gift could just leave before you get the help you desperately need. Fear is a necessary part of life as well. It makes us also improve. Seriousness can exist with humor; humor is its potential in order to be beneficial throughout the great journey and adventure of life. Having fun is what makes life bearable; however it cannot always protect us from tragedy. Love is the ultimate goal the eyes are the eyes mirror of your mood in your life. Being hurt is a part of life, what’s important is to move on. Structure always needs to be challenged for it to improve. Improvement is necessary in a fruitful life. Passions can expand your life in unexpected ways.